Thats where you are wrong. From the time you purchase something using your credit card you are automatically insuranced from the credit card company. If you used paypal as well you are insured through them as well. So you can contact both paypal and the credit card company for assistance. Not to mension the actual seller. You can also purchase a second insurance cover online from ensrow if you were scared of the purchase. I guess negative feedback is the least of their worries.
Since Cyprus has no hardly any consumer law there is not much you can do. How would you suggest you deal with as*hole companies.
Maybe what you say is true if the item is not delivered or if it is Dead on arrival.
There is a law that requires 2 years guarantee with everything.
Sega wrote:I am v.happy too. Yianna, do you feel as safe as purchasing online than you do from a real-life store?
Sega wrote:Maybe what you say is true if the item is not delivered or if it is Dead on arrival.
That's everybodies main worry. If you purchase a bad keyboard make then it happens to brake whos fault is it?
You really do know how to handle them.There is a law that requires 2 years guarantee with everything.
So what does this mean exactly? Anything I buy have 2 years guarantee? Are you sure? Can I implement this law if need be?
Sotos wrote:Sega wrote:Maybe what you say is true if the item is not delivered or if it is Dead on arrival.
That's everybodies main worry. If you purchase a bad keyboard make then it happens to brake whos fault is it?
You really do know how to handle them.There is a law that requires 2 years guarantee with everything.
So what does this mean exactly? Anything I buy have 2 years guarantee? Are you sure? Can I implement this law if need be?
I never had to use the 2 year guarantee law so I am not sure how easy it will be. But the law is there so you have the right to use it.
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