metecyp wrote: "....even though the RoC is legally the only government of Cyprus, it does not represent TCs.
A slow process of "small" agreeable arrangements will get to a solution quicker than sticking by the disagreeable areas.
metecyp wrote: "....even though the RoC is legally the only government of Cyprus, it does not represent TCs.
BigDutch wrote:A slow process of "small" agreeable arrangements will get to a solution quicker than sticking by the disagreeable areas
Talat and Turkey are against the unification then ?
My belief is that direct-trade will cement the partition. The RoC don't want this - does the "TRNC" ?
Why does the "status" matter at this stage ? You are trading and working together as communities, another stepping stone with a view to unification of one country under one flag. Is this not the aim ?
The world (bar one country) already see RoC as only state in Cyprus, and that the areas are occupied by a foreign force. What will Tassos "show" the world exactly ?
Talat and Turkey are against the unification then ?
Piratis wrote:They can simply get all they ask for in trade, by accepting that their "TRNC" is illegal, and that the only legal thing in Cyprus is RoC
metecyp wrote: So maybe you should start getting used to the idea that the next solution will be a bicommunal bizonal federation and not the RoC.
insan wrote:It does matter at every stage. TCs communal struggle to survive as a "politically equal" community in Cyprus is not how you interprete it; struggle for partition.
insan wrote:We all know that it is only a defacto recognition as a result of defacto situation in Cyprus.
insan wrote:Talat and Turkey are against the "reunification" Hellenic ruling elite dream of: A Greek Cypriot state with a TC minority and without guarantorship of Turkey.
The problem is that some of the request/suggestions will cement the partition, whilst others will bring the communities closer on a day to day basis.
brother wrote:Whatever we say we can not be sure if any measures will be the reason for coming together or partition but as they say nothing ventured nothing gained.
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