DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:the eu will do exactly what uk and usa tell them to do-fact. no-one will put themselves out for us! the british will never leave which is why they never should have been here in the first place, we should have had russia in their place and then turkey wouldnt have been able to do fuck all, there wouldnt be 1 turkish or english troop on the island now -fact- so what would have been better a russian base or as many english for as long as they want , plus half the island full of turks! you think about it! i know what i would rather have! the russians even tried recently with the s300 missile thing, and what did we do? we fucked them over again and sold out to the anglo-americans- therefore we get what we deserve! you will get nowhere with talks and if you believe that you are deluded! you have to fight for everything in life and cypriots have proved time and time again they are not willing to stand up for themselves they are more interested in selling themselves and eachother! money is the most important thing to most greek cypriots, and politically, they keep making the same mistakesphoenix wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:but dont you see that we will achieve nothing anymore! do you really believe that the eu are gonna do anything? will they fuck, all they are gonna do is put turkey in the eu and then its game over! and do you really believe that the english bases are just gonna get up and leave? cos if so you are deluded! russia should have been given a base, thats it no english and no turks! they wouldnt dare!
We are the EU . . . the EU are are not outsiders. If we don't want Turkey in the EU (and there are certainly more countries that agree with us than disagree), there is no fear she will be allowed entry. So take that factor out of your horrific equation.
I don't expect the British Bases to go unless we make enough fuss . . . perhaps they should be used more as a bargaining tool to stop Britain supporting Turkey so much.
As for giving Russia a base, why so free and easy with giving things away? Selling is easy . . . buying back is the hard part.
. . . no reason for rolling eyes . . .
Dinos . . . I am a pacifist, and I do not want to see any more Cypriots being killed . . . I see that as a personal mission. I would need 100% guarantee that aggressive action would restore a whole Cyprus governed by the RoC before I would endorse any plan.
I am nobody, just an ordinary person . . . except for the burning desire to remove Turks (settlers and troops) from Cyprus . . . and a wish to attain justice for all the Cypriot blood they have wasted, whilst they continue to profit from their atrocities.
I detest the Turks that divide my island so much, it would be the only time this pacifist would join in any efforts to forcefully remove their presence from Cyprus.
So that's one more atrocity that I do not forgive them for . . . they can turn pacifists physically aggressive, such is the extent of the evil they perpetrate. I am sad that I have to feel this way.