Niki wrote:phoenix wrote:Niki wrote:phoenix wrote:Niki wrote:phoenix wrote:Niki wrote:phoenix wrote:Miltiades . . . it has less to do with them being Pakistani and more to do with the brainwashing tactics of the religious fascists who indoctrinate children into believing they have to obey rituals and belief systems to have a meaningful life.
The root cause of evil is . . . . RELIGION.
Bravo Phoenix - spot on!!!
That is the male children, females are worthless!
Niki dear . . . be VERY careful

. . . Do you realise you have accidentally stepped into a dangerous thread that is bubbling and seething with pent up frustrations ready to explode into a kaleidoscope of personal insults and all those other things Admin warn everyone against indulging in?
Sounds like a Scorsese movie!
Are you, the queen of pi**ing people off, really telling me to be careful about upsetting people?

I am a lamb of truth and tolerance

I like that, it does suit you.

Yep, no matter the guise . . . the message is the same . . . whether delivered in dulcet tones or harsh overtures . . .
Here's another moral dilemma: is it fairer to appear nasty telling the truth, than nice, telling lies?

Very philosophical - but why do you have to be nasty to tell what you think is the truth? Your version of the truth may be different to another person's version and often is, it is an opinion only.
I enquired "is it fairer to
APPEAR nasty by telling the truth" . . .
Being "nasty" is not a prerequisite to being truthful. It may be how it is perceived by the receiver only.
Collateral damage
Opinions can be useful whether true or not . . . . but the most interesting "truths" are the fundamental truths that cannot be proven wrong . . . to date!