Get Real! wrote:EasyE wrote:Get Real! wrote:EasyE wrote:Get Real! wrote:EasyE wrote:Ok this has gone on a little now. There doesn't seem to be a good old fanshioned heated discussion anymore. I suggest a new topic.
Will it be faNshioned in the likeness of this one?

A good old fa
nshioned discussion is alot better GR, you know that.... Lets talk about Cypriot women and how to pull one

If sex is the objective I wouldn't waste any time with Cypriot women because most are too immature when it comes to relationships. A wise hitter will just go to beach areas during summer and meet female tourists looking for a good time. Easy as pie!
Immature?..please explain
Most are extremely insecure about their appearance to the point of having a compulsive disorder even, so they're primarily interested in soaking up attention to feed their forever-starving egos... pathetic really! They have nothing interesting to say or do other than wonder all day if they outshined the other girls or not!

With all due respect GR! . . .
What a lot of blinkered short sighted Cypriot male nonsense!
Why do Cypriot men think the "foreign" girls are best . . . I know from my many cousins that are always looking for "fresh meat" with the tourists. At least they have the decency to respect Cypriot girls for not being shallow, and hence worthy of the more permanent relationships.
GR! . . . If you knew the problems young girls have in the UK with their image obsessions and desires to become "size zero", that they visit the toilet after every meal . . . then you would not be so hard on Cypriot girls that have to compete with foreign girls that on holiday, and hence have all their best clothes with them, have spent a fortune on doing themselves up for their holiday and have time to present themselves in the best possible light, whilst the Cypriot girls are going about their busy lives and jobs.
. . . and then these "stunning", "relationship wise" foreign girls return to their council houses and factory jobs . . . and grow old ungracefully, and prematurely, because of their unhealthy lifestyles (and bad genes) thinking "they can scrub up well" should the need be.