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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EPSILON » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:36 pm

phoenix wrote:
boomerang wrote:Phoeinix Cypriot sovereignty is well respected by Greeks but NOT by Turks.

Because of military power otherwise all Cypriots would declared themselves clearly and laudly that they are Greeks!!!!
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Postby phoenix » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:48 pm

EPSILON wrote:
phoenix wrote:
boomerang wrote:Phoeinix Cypriot sovereignty is well respected by Greeks but NOT by Turks.

Because of military power otherwise all Cypriots would declared themselves clearly and laudly that they are Greeks!!!!

You have the above quotes wrong!
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Postby alexISS » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:51 pm

Boomerang, you may believe whatever you want, I don't care. The fact is that your theories have nothing to do with reality, I'm sure you do not live in Cyprus. Spend a few years there or at least go visit a Greek speaking Cypriot forum and see what people think and what they declare their national identity to be.

I may watch Hollywood films and eat pop-corn, but I do not consider myself an American. Cypriots DO consider themselves Greek. The ones who don't are free to be whatever they want but, since you expect from others to respect your Cypriotism, you must also respect their Greekness.
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Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:17 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Epsilon,

The settlers and the invasion army, as well as the future relationship with Turkey is very much in the fore of all Cypriots' thinking about the future. We also know that these problems cannot be solved by anyone other than Cypriots themselves. It is no longer possible to rely on Greece. Not becaue Greece is not to be trusted, but because being independent means solving problems on your own.

I never ask any Cypriot to rely on Greece . but saying that problem will solve by Cypriots alone means that we are living on theories- Turkish invasion forces do not belong to Cypriots but will play a huge role in any solution of cooperation and co-control of the Island.

The meaning of not loose our Ethicity and bacame equal with shelters against the Turkish invasion forces is to prevent special rights basis our Ethnicity and his has nothing to do with union with Greece and other sophisticated theories.

You are wrong the crime perpretated was on Cyprus...and unless we are counted on the whole as Cypriots we will lose out big time...we will lose our sovereignity...

The quicker we get rid of these guarantor power crap, and stand on our 2 feet the quicker we might actually get somewhere...Insisting we are tied to Greece and tcs tied to Turkey we will never get any respect or heard by anyone...We have no sovereignity...we are not a sovereign nation...but bitches to the motherlands...

I don't know about you epsilon, but I really hate being someones bitch...
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Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:34 pm

alexISS wrote:Boomerang, you may believe whatever you want, I don't care. The fact is that your theories have nothing to do with reality, I'm sure you do not live in Cyprus. Spend a few years there or at least go visit a Greek speaking Cypriot forum and see what people think and what they declare their national identity to be.

I may watch Hollywood films and eat pop-corn, but I do not consider myself an American. Cypriots DO consider themselves Greek. The ones who don't are free to be whatever they want but, since you expect from others to respect your Cypriotism, you must also respect their Greekness.

1...Correct I do not live in Cyprus...But never the less as they say you can take the boy out of Cyprus but you cannot take Cyprus out of the boy...Now there is something you gonna have trouble understanding, regardless how many times or even if you migrate to Cyprus you wouldn't understand...To put in a different context, you understand as much as the settlers do in the Nth and they been living there for 30 odd years...I don't need anyforum to tell me my identity, are you for real?...Thats for insecure people, and really since you are not in a position to understand it, I am gonna gracefully, ena baro pason, bow out of this debate as I am in an advantageous position...

2...But that was your whole argument Alex :lol: ...Mate Greeks look after their Greekness, Turks look after theit Turkishness and Cyrpiots look after their Cypriotness...

Now have you ever lived in a multicultural society? do you know what a multicultural society is?

The sooner we embrace this multiculturism, the sooner we will take our standing as equals with the rest of the world, as Cypriots...But unfortunately now we are just bitches to Greece and Turkey...but we have Greekness and Turkishness...thank god for that...

PS...In Greece the say psomaki, in Cyprus we say you know the difference?
Last edited by boomerang on Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby boomerang » Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:38 pm

phoenix wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
phoenix wrote:
boomerang wrote:Phoeinix Cypriot sovereignty is well respected by Greeks but NOT by Turks.

Because of military power otherwise all Cypriots would declared themselves clearly and laudly that they are Greeks!!!!

You have the above quotes wrong!

and that suprises you :lol:

No sure of the Cypriot word... egenithike sandalomenos? :lol:
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Postby Natty » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:08 am

alexISS wrote:Boomerang, can you be more specific? Whose fault was the coup if not the junta's? Mine? My family's? The Greek junta was an instrument of the Americans, a fact for which Bill Clinton himself apologized when he visited Greece a few years ago.

boomerang wrote:Were we suppose to suffer until you had a change of government in Greece?...

Would YOU actually suffer if the junta had successfully annexed Cyprus to Greece? Don't forget, EOKA B was quite popular in Cyprus at the time. So, to rephrase, had the Junta succeeded, it would be YOU who would not want to undo it, not the next democratic Greek government.

boomerang wrote:2...Silly question you might want to refrase this one...Its beside the point it initiate in Greece...You exported your problem to us...who supported what is irrelevant...

I think it's you who needs to rephrase, what are you saying?!?

Hi AlexiSS, I was just wandering what the general feeling in Greece was/is towards Cyprus?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:15 am

Natty wrote:Hi AlexiSS, I was just wandering what the general feeling in Greece was/is towards Cyprus?

Can't be as bad as mine towards them...
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Postby zan » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Natty wrote:Hi AlexiSS, I was just wandering what the general feeling in Greece was/is towards Cyprus?

Can't be as bad as mine towards them...

Tpap has good relations though doesn't he??? 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:07 pm

"The quicker we get rid of these guarantor power crap, and stand on our 2 feet the quicker we might actually get somewhere...Insisting we are tied to Greece and tcs tied to Turkey we will never get any respect or heard by anyone...We have no sovereignity...we are not a sovereign nation...but bitches to the motherlands... "

Well said Boomerang!!!

All works on philosophy, psychology, history, generally everywhere you look the definition of maturity is independence from parents and standing on your own feet and fending for yourself. GCs are on their way, we now wait to see what the TCs will achieve towards that end.

Zan- the Greek press is busy criticising (sometimes in a vile way) Pap. I have not read a positive comment about him in months. Relations with the government are a "little strained" and last time the two foreign ministers met (Lillikas and Mrs Bakoyannis) they had a blazing row. The problem is not simply the old Cyprob, its roots are in the EU, because the EU with Cyprus now as a member can see a new group of Greeks who are organised, capable, efficient and who can apply EU programs with not fuss. It makes Greece look bad and that pisses them off something fierce.
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