phoenix wrote:alexISS wrote:*sigh*...thank you, phoenix
. . . also I can't resist smiling when I see your Groucho Marx avatar
Next year I'll switch to Harpo
boomerang wrote:Too many Cypriots think that in order to remove the Turks . . we have to suck-up to the TCs, to placate them, by showing them we hate Greece and Greeks. This is immature.
Who mentioned anything about hate?
The point, and this is my point, I am a Cypriot, and that means by long term association closer to a way of life that includes tcs. I can't really associate with anything Greek...I mean its hard to explain it...I visited Greece once and felt like a stranger...Their outlook to life it's different to mine...But never hate them...My aim on this forum is to protect tour way of life and nothing more...and try and preserve a little bit for myself...
And just for the record they were the instigators of our demise...lets be fair on this one...we can say yeah it wasn't an elected government but its like saying the turks never killed the Armenians it was the Ottomans...
I am not saying this out of spite or out of malice, or they owes anything, but Nikitas is right, there is nothing for nothing and never was...Anything we get from someone, believe me we pay for it dearly...Its all about networking...
alexISS wrote:phoenix wrote:alexISS wrote:*sigh*...thank you, phoenix
. . . also I can't resist smiling when I see your Groucho Marx avatar
Next year I'll switch to Harpo
phoenix wrote:alexISS wrote:phoenix wrote:alexISS wrote:*sigh*...thank you, phoenix
. . . also I can't resist smiling when I see your Groucho Marx avatar
Next year I'll switch to Harpo
. . . . I hope that does not mean you'll lose your voice on the forum!
boomerang wrote:Phoeinix all I can say then is that you really were very unlucky to not experience the true way of life...Ask some elders...
My situation is I lived close to the TC area in limassol and we interacted everyday...I learned to count and swear ...I mean we had interaction at a very early age...and this in the mid sixties...There was no malice...My perception is that we needed a generation of being together and it would have worked our...unfortunately we got screw up...and lets not get into who...
A few years is one hell of a time Phoenix...Look at our selves for example...40 odd years and we are assimilated...
alexISS wrote:Well I've spent some time in Cyprus and, apart from the driving, I saw no differences. I could understand what people were saying to each other. I was listening to the same music I was listening back home. The food was also the same. I saw no Turks or TCs around, but even if I had I doubt I could understand what they would be saying any worse than the GCs
Nikitas wrote:Epsilon,
The settlers and the invasion army, as well as the future relationship with Turkey is very much in the fore of all Cypriots' thinking about the future. We also know that these problems cannot be solved by anyone other than Cypriots themselves. It is no longer possible to rely on Greece. Not becaue Greece is not to be trusted, but because being independent means solving problems on your own.
Nikitas wrote:My friend, if it wasnt for Yannos Kranidiotis we would not get into the EU no matter what Greece wanted. It was a one man effort from the start. Greece did help, but without Kranidiotis we would not get very far, go back to the press reports through the 90s and later and see who worked on the accession. It also helped that Cyprus could complete each dossier fully and in time.
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