boomerang wrote:zan wrote:boomerang wrote:zan, I am sorry to say, but somewhere along you got lost in space...and this, failing to see that the dynamics have changed since the RoC join the EU...
Even "turkey=fascist state" recognises this...they went from problem solved in 74 to asking for a other words you got sold out buddy...
But its ok...I know and understand the meaning of getting sold out...we have been through it ourselves...
Don't agree with me?...take a look what the ATCA boys are saying......not a nice feeling...
There is only one Cyprus and it only caters for the Cyrpiots...unless of cource you wanna be a bitch to the motherlands...there is no free lunch Zan
It is not my fault that you fall for every line that you are fed Boomers and now you are trying to sell me one......Turkey has always asked for a solution...It is Tpap and the likes that have always insisted on unreasonable demands that one has not come about. The fact that you swallow each and every bit of propaganda that Turkey, Greece and who ever puts out is your downfall and not mine. The twists and turns are simple to interpret if you use hindsight and try to look clever. The fact remains that a solution has to be the right one or we will walk...Turkey has not changed one bit on that. We will not let her. This is a two way thing mate. With all this in mind you are still telling little stories to scare the children and not offering the fair deal that will sort it all out. We are not going to be second class citizens in our own country Boomers so you had better get used to it. We are talking as one now and we know what we want and what we do not.
I was going to bed...
But let us look at the timeline...we went from more Cyprus problem
2...We will annex if the Roc joins the EU
3...we want a solution...
You can swallow all you want zan...but can you dispute the above?...I do not thnk so..."turkey=fascist state" has indeed changed her stance a few times...
Tomorrow you will do as to what you are told...
And on top of that you are sitting on ethnically cleansed land and you want to negotiate...and then you wonder and complain as to why recognition hasn't and won't come your way...the mind boggles...something in the water perhaps?
Mate you have been sold out...explain to me as to why "turkey=fascist state" accepted the fact there is an RoC whle she accepted her yes vote?
Maybe it was the martians...
End of the day "tukey=fascist state" will tell you what to do coz she is footing the bill...even the boys at ATCA are screaming the heads off...atleast they are being realistic when they say you have been sold out...
"turkey=fascist state" has EU aspirations and there is nothing you can do about it...why join a club if you do not have faith/believe in it in the first place?
PS..."turkey=fascist state" has changed her mind and its trying to get you the best deal...thats it...
Kikapu is right in saying the reason you outnembered in the north is becauseone day you will not have a say in the future...with all these "turks=fascist people" around...then what? gonna fight your bros?
I have no idea who is left at the ATCA site Boomers but Wasn't you who said that they had no idea what they were doing and now you are quoting them.......More scary stories hey!!!

As I said...You can swallow what ever it is that makes you feel good but I think you will find that threats and throwing ones toys out of the pram are all in the name of the game and not always as they seem...I thought you said you were in business??? I think it was the "RoC" that said they were going to vote YES to the Annan Plan...What happened there skippy????

Sorry mate but I have exorcised a few ghosts since I started with the Cyprob and it seems that I am not that scared of the dark any more.
OH! I gotta tell you......
I was having this recurring dream that I will not go fully into but i will tell you that the ending was always the same with me waking up in a cold sweat and shaking with fear and not knowing why.....
Well I was telling this dream to my mum for the first time the other night ( I don't like to tell my mum these sort of things because she worries more than she should but the time was right so I did) and she worked it out for me....
I always used to wake at the point when my brother took me to the top of a third or forth story building and asking me to look into an old chest......As he opened the chest I would wake in fear....
My mum told me that we used to climb those stairs in 63/64 if we thought the Greeks were coming and up there we kept a sling shot and some stones and a stove to heat some oil up so we could throw it over the attacking Greeks. She said that although I was only three and played while all this was going on she could see that I was fully alert and sort of knew...She even caught me crying in the corner to myself once and said that she realised that I kept it all in.
I wonder how many other small children were effected in that way and are now still having bad dreams they cannot explain.....I would like to talk to some of them and maybe help.....