... pubid=1988
its in greek but ill give you a synopsis:
its says that the US govt. does not request the ROC to except the Annan PLAN as is in a new says that the state department has notified all interested parties meaning athens,ankara and nicosia and the UN(T/C NOT EVEN MENTIONED)about its new position on the matter.
washignton states that by doing this it has removed one of the main obstocales stopping the ROC of submitting the changes it wants to the plan.the americans are expecting now from T-Pap a "road map"on a way that the g/c will vote yes threw changes to the plan.a western source has stated that "the US govt is not asking T-PAP to except the plan as is.the source claims that they never told him take it or leave it concerning A5,WE are only asking him to give us a road map that will lead to unification of the island".
the same source has verified that Kofi Annan has agreed to the three conditions of t-pap:
1)NO referee-aka filling in the blanks
2)no tight time frames for solution
3)the solution should be agreed upon by both sides before put to referandum
UN ENVOY Sir Prestangant has HAS CONVEYED Kofi Annan agreement to conditions tO THE ROC threw there permanent UN rep.Andreas Maurogiannis with only one condition that the negotions dont last years.