skycop wrote: If it wer'nt for us you lot of Peasants would be speaking Turkish...
skycop wrote:Oh... what an abusive bunch you are!
Prick! really!
Problem is this kind of attitude is what keeps you people going, you are from an arrogant race and dare have a pop at the British... If it wer'nt for us you lot of Peasants would be speaking Turkish...
Correct my spelling all you want... It means I dont have too! you sad muppet!
Armchair thriller' you really dont have a clue!
I'm not supprised Greece see's Cyprus as a dumping ground for all the Eastern Europeans.... Thats what you deserve... Go to greece and ask them what there relationship is with Cyprus! I've done it so, Your love affair with Greece is very much one sided.
Humilliated... Not me mate! Dissapointed maybe!
But... you should be!
alexISS wrote:skycop wrote:Oh... what an abusive bunch you are!
Prick! really!
Problem is this kind of attitude is what keeps you people going, you are from an arrogant race and dare have a pop at the British... If it wer'nt for us you lot of Peasants would be speaking Turkish...
Correct my spelling all you want... It means I dont have too! you sad muppet!
Armchair thriller' you really dont have a clue!
I'm not supprised Greece see's Cyprus as a dumping ground for all the Eastern Europeans.... Thats what you deserve... Go to greece and ask them what there relationship is with Cyprus! I've done it so, Your love affair with Greece is very much one sided.
Humilliated... Not me mate! Dissapointed maybe!
But... you should be!
Idiot... If it wasn't for the Greeks YOU and the rest of Europe would be speaking Turkish. Who do you think kept the Ottomans away from Europe when your nation was emerging? In fact, you wouldn't even have an alphabet if the Greeks hadn't given it to you, idiot
skycop wrote:Oh... what an abusive bunch you are!
Prick! really! yes! anglo prick thats what you are!
Problem is this kind of attitude is what keeps you people going, you are from an arrogant race and dare have a pop at the British... If it wer'nt for us you lot of Peasants would be speaking Turkish...bollocks if it werent for the english the island wouldnt be devided! its not like cyprus is the first or the last country you lot have destroyed is it? I WOULD SAY THE ARROGANT RACE ARE THE BRITS WHO STILL THINK THEY HAVE AN EMPIREAND THINK THEY HAVE THE DEVINE RIGHT TO WIN FOOTBALL TOURNAMENTS JUST BY TURNING UP
Correct my spelling all you want... It means I dont have too! you sad muppet! by the way in this context TO with 1 o will suffice! uneducated thick english c**t!
Armchair thriller' you really dont have a clue!
I'm not supprised Greece see's Cyprus as a dumping ground for all the Eastern Europeans.... Thats what you deserve... Go to greece and ask them what there relationship is with Cyprus! I've done it so, Your love affair with Greece is very much one sided. dont worry about us knobhead watch your own back! the english are despised the world over, i wonder why
But... you should be!
skycop wrote:I think that the problem was most definatly the Manager... Dropping Beckham!.. Whilst im not a Becham fan I can appriciate that the boy has skills... He is not the player he used to be for sure but he can spin a game. Lennon, Right Phillips and Walcott... Three young boys that play footie at the highest level with tremendous pace.. and that seems to be the name of the game at the moment... These boys could be the key to the future but are not getting any chance at international level.. with the exception of Wright Phillips who gets a game and clearly has got great potential. Andy Johnson when picked worked very hard for England, Vasell at international level seemed to put a few away... there is so many players that could do the job but... for one reason or another get stepped over.
skycop wrote:I agree with that Easy.... I dont think these people understand what makes for good football .... We have alot of quality on the england side but unfortunatly we cant get it together as a team....
Yes the greeks did introduce the Alphabet, they also introduced homosexuallity... want three cheers for that too..
For your information the Brits did not start the trouble with the turks..... The Cypriots and Greeks did that all by them self.. First killing British then, Turks... Learn your history
Dont get personal with me Its not clever... If I am loyal to the team that reprsents my country them thats a matter for me...
skycop wrote:I agree with that Easy.... I dont think these people understand what makes for good football .... We have alot of quality on the england side but unfortunatly we cant get it together as a team....
Yes the greeks did introduce the Alphabet, they also introduced homosexuallity... want three cheers for that too..
For your information the Brits did not start the trouble with the turks..... The Cypriots and Greeks did that all by them self.. First killing British then, Turks... Learn your history
Dont get personal with me Its not clever... If I am loyal to the team that reprsents my country them thats a matter for me...
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