most of the houses in Cyprus HAS central heating for the winter and aircondition for the rest of the year. I am not sure where about Bill lives and says the opposite but we do have c/h!
I said
most houses don't have the luxury of c/h
Yes some houses do have central heating but not I'm afraid most of them unless you count a bottle gas fire in the middle of the room as central heating

And I'll stand by that statement Lena as I'm talking about the ROC as a whole not just Nicosia ~ central heating is catching on fast but there are often more important things for Cypriots to spend money on like new cars and designer clothes and for some actually paying the mortgage because they reckon for the couple of months of cold winter weather it's just not really worth the expense.

I know of whole villages where not one house has central heating installed although some complain and say they will fit it before the next winter it's soon forgotten about during summer and never gets done.

Air con is different and is essential during the long hot summers ~~ but even saying that not every house in Cyprus has air con either

~ except perhaps in Nicosia.