Turkcyp wrote: What you want is not a strong federation or weak. What you want is any federation based on geopgraphical states but not based on ethncity. This is completly against the whole idea of bizonal and bicommunal federation. What is the point if having a federation in Cyprus if we ar enot going to have bicommunality.
MicAtCyp wrote:Turkcyp wrote: What you want is not a strong federation or weak. What you want is any federation based on geopgraphical states but not based on ethncity. This is completly against the whole idea of bizonal and bicommunal federation. What is the point if having a federation in Cyprus if we ar enot going to have bicommunality.
We don't need a Federation in Cyprus (which is a very expensive system for such a small place) because the sharing of the Political power based on ethnicity can be done in a Unitary State! It is true that if the system is going to be Federal it must divide both geographically and etnically and that is why I don't like it.First because it does not unite the people, second because the geographical division needs to take away a lot of GC properties and give them to settlers and TCs, and third because it has to restrict my own right to settle and live anywhere I like in my own country to save the pureness of bizonality!
The whole idea of a Federation plus bizonal plus bicommunal was actually accepted by Makarios 30 years ago when there could still be substantial moves of population back to their original places, and for the sake of a quick getting out of the 1974 invasion and occupation.
Coming now 30 years after to still accept the same thing, is like legalising the results of the invasion. For me it is unbeleivable that even Tpap advocates the same idiotic doctrine...
Coming now 30 years after to still accept the same thing, is like legalising the results of the invasion. For me it is unbeleivable that even Tpap advocates the same idiotic doctrine
Metecyp wrote: We have 2 seperate communities that want to govern themselves internally. The only way to bring them together is a bicommunal bizonal federation where they govern themselves internally and share the power at the federal level. As long as we have the titles TC and GC, we'll have a federation.
MicAtCyp wrote:PS.* You realise of course that there WILL be borders and checkpoints, for a BBF and fixed majorities to be quaranteed don't you? For me this solution is not much different than 2 separate states.
MicAtCyp wrote:I think unless the people on both sides finally realise that this thing of a BBF (bizonal-bicommunal Federation) is un-achievable, we will never have a solution
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