Niki wrote:Phoenix why have you upset so many people?
Maybe accept that you can go too far. Your posts, to be honest, often seem nasty and aggressive. You can also be great, please let the better side of your personality out more often.
If a person decides to cut short a disagreement with you it is not necessarily a sign of weakness, just an acceptance that life is too short to continue! Devil unfortunately for us all went one step further and you cannot deny some responsibility here.
You have much to give and the people you have insulted here are also good people who do not deserve this treatment.
This is a forum, not a personal war.
Niki . . . who exactly are "so many people"?
We have had exchanges like this before. I do not accept seeing racism, bigotry, sexism, ageism etc go unchallenged. That's where we differ.
I also don't moan when I have been hurt, unlike others.
I take it on the chin; and don't cry.
devil had already decided to go . . . he had done so before and came back again. People have all sorts of reasons for disappearing, short or long term. There is no way he quit on my account as we had had hotter exchanges before . . .and he went as far as starting a thread (which was very amusing) for my benefit.
If people cannot cope with exchanges they are free to not post . . . Once they choose to do so though . . . they have to ACCEPT the response even if it was not what they were hoping to hear.
Because I do not fear challenge, I boldly go where others do not . . . so I face the fallout more often because of that.
So do not worry about me, worry about those that post unfair comments, because I will challenge them . . . time permitting.
I think I have wasted enough time on inane threads today . . . so I will limit myself to the Cyprob threads (which are slightly more challenging

) and I need to do some reading.
Goodbye Niki