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Leather flying helmet

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Postby Acorn » Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:00 pm

I have a problem now..... I have rubbed it so much it has gone purple.
Borough Green will not be much of a tourist attraction with my purple helmet. Do you think the Cyprus sunshine could bring it back to its natural colour.

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Postby webbo » Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:04 pm

Phill wrote:I agree with Bill that a vigorous rubbing whilst maintaining a good wrist action is the only way to ensure the perfect result. Latex gloves are a good idea, providing you maintain a reasonable rhythm, otherwise they will split and you could end up with a burnt palm.
Saddle soap is perfect for tough old leather (so my grandfather told me) but be sure to use it sparingly or you could end up with a damaged surface, leaving you with a discoloured, rough and gritty finish, with a tight and uncomfortable fit.....

Just make sure you do not have allergies to latex :!: :twisted: :wink: :!:

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Postby Phill » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:22 am

As Bubbles kindly corrected me, you should make sure you are not allergic to latex, maybe rubber marigold washing up gloves would be a good alternative, however i would suggest being careful with these type of gloves as they tend to have a paterned textured surface for extra grip and this could result in leaving an imprint..... which would certainly get the approval from some onlookers, but possibly shortening the life of your helmet.
As for the Cyprus sunshine, it would certainly help with the restoration of the original and natural colour of your helmet slowly fading the purpleness, but beware... as the sunshine and heat combined generally turns everything brown and hard, and this again could shorten it's lifespan.. May I suggest that you proudly use your helmet with as much movement as possible when going out in the evenings, in your garden and home and give it one little squirt and a gentle wipe every day to try and keep your helmet supple...
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Postby Acorn » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:57 am

I have shown Dot my spruced up helmet and she is well impressed although not too keen on the colour, She will lend me her marigolds.
She suggests that we move to Cyprus and display the helmet as another tourist attraction, ie "Daves Purple Helmet". It does not have the same ring as "Aphrodites bath" or "Tombs of the kings" but might just catch on with the British tourist. I can always employ a young Russian lady to keep it soft and shiny by giving it a rub with saddle soap each day.

Try a taste of saddle soap.... you will be entitled to sing "Im forever blowing bubbles"
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Postby Phill » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:36 pm

Acorn wrote:Try a taste of saddle soap.... you will be entitled to sing "Im forever blowing bubbles"

Or if your in the bath!!! :shock: :D :D :D
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Postby Bill » Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:00 pm

Acorn wrote: I can always employ a young Russian lady to keep it soft and shiny by giving it a rub with saddle soap each day.

You will find that Russian ladies :roll: are getting quite expensive to keep now as they are the higher class end of the helmet softening profession ~ sadly they are getting clever and will want you to pay towards the premises and their personal clothing plus a monthly retainer charge for the actual softening process ~ also Russian ladies never seem to smile when they are helmet softening which leads me to believe they don't actually enjoy their work and only do it for the money :shock: .

Try a Romanian or Bulgarian helmet softener as quite often they will work off the back of a horse cart for peanuts ~ not the best but the results are satisfactory and much much cheaper ~ you might just find a pretty one and get a smile from them too.

At the bottom end of the scale are the Filipinos ~~ often pretty girls ~ always smiling and they are more than happy to carry out as much helmet softening that you can give them and often doing work for others at the same time ~ don't be deceived by their slim stature and small hands ~ these girls have been known to give the immigration helmets a good run for their money when they have overstayed their permit .

Tell Dot that purple is the in colour this autumn and that it will also match her winter M&S outfits .

I'm sure you could be on a winner with exhibiting your helmet as a tourist attraction as I haven't heard of anybody else doing this ~~ sadly the Cypriots are such enterprising people it won't be long before they copy your idea and there will be helmets on show every where ~~ you will just become one of the many helmets in Cyprus ~ just like the time share touts in Paphos there will be one on every corner .

~ be careful taking your helmet out during the cold winter evenings as this may reduce it's size considerably and make it quite unatractive as a exhibit.

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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:11 pm

Bill, please do tell me if helmet exhibiting ever takes off in CY. i would like to come back then to see for myself!
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Postby Bill » Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:21 pm

This could catch on GG

I imagine it would be quite small to begin with ~ but could grow to huge proportions after a while :wink:

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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:25 pm

Bill wrote:This could catch on GG

I imagine it would be quite small to begin with ~ but could grow to huge proportions after a while :wink:


Now THAT i HAVE to see!
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Postby Acorn » Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:39 pm

I have tasted Cyprus Delight, Cyprus Comfort and have a "genuine" 505 leather belt that I bought in Paphos 15 years ago but I seriously doubt if the Cypriots would be able to reproduce a fine example of my helmet because it is old, purple, cracked and weatherbeaten.

Bill....Thank you very much for the information on helmet restoration girls, it is nice to know an expert on the subject
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