Insan gardas,
what are you talking about now, lately i seem to keep losing track of the conversation .
brother wrote:Insan gardas,
what are you talking about now, lately i seem to keep losing track of the conversation .
brother wrote:Assuming what you are saying is true, to what end will this bring them too, what is the long term objective of such an aim.
I have always been open minded and ready to listen, tell me your thoughts on this.
brother wrote:But surely they know that this will not happen, and surely they must know that a turkey on the same side as them only streangthens their hand, and also what you suggest almost sounds like they are getting ready to go on the 21 century holy crusades to convert or kill those who will not convert etc.
DO THESE SORT OF ASPIRATIONS STILL EXIST TODAY, the U.S with its current polocies do worry me but i thought they are our allies and the E.U want us to be their brothers and the greeks/hellens just want peace and friendship with us.
Am i niave, stupid or what?
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