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Kemal Ataturk secret jew

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby shahmaran » Tue Dec 25, 2007 12:27 pm

Kifeas wrote:
shahmaran wrote:Yes, fight hypocorticism with more hypocorticism, i guess that makes you a double or quadruple hypocrite or something i don't even know anymore, anyways, i wouldn't expect otherwise :roll:

Where did you see hypocricy in anything I said, you moron!

Fuck you! ;)
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Postby halil » Tue Dec 25, 2007 1:23 pm

miss quides again Annan Plan 5th edition says.

Article 9 The official languages and promulgation of official acts
1. The official languages of the United Cyprus Republic are Greek and
Turkish. The use of English for official purposes shall be regulated by
2. Legislative, executive, administrative and judicial acts and documents of
the federal government shall be drawn up in all official languages and
shall, unless otherwise provided, be promulgated by publication in the
official Gazette of the United Cyprus Republic in all official languages.
3. All persons shall have the right to address the federal authorities in any
of the official languages and to be addressed in that same language.
4. The official languages of the United Cyprus Republic shall be taught
mandatorily to all secondary school students.
Article 10 Official Holidays of the United Cyprus Republic
1. The National Holiday of the United Cyprus Republic shall be the day of
the referenda on the Foundation Agreement.
2. In addition to Sundays, the following official holidays shall be observed
throughout Cyprus:
f. 1 January (New Year’s Day);
g. 1 May (Labour Day);
h. 9 May (Day of Europe);
i. 25 December (Christmas);
j. Good Friday;
k. Easter Monday;
l. The first day of Ramadan/Sheker Bayram;
m. The first day of Kurban Bayram; and
n. The birthday of the Prophet Mohammed.

6 Clarification: This does not prevent the flying of national flags on the occasion of official
visits by foreign dignatories.

3. Each constituent state shall determine and observe its own holidays in
addition to those of the United Cyprus Republic. Such holidays shall
respect the spirit of the Foundation Agreement and the new relationship
between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
4. Federal public servants shall be entitled to observe, in addition to the
above, the official holidays of either one constituent state or the other.

Article 11 Fundamental Rights
1. In accordance with Article 4(3) of this Constitution, the human rights and
fundamental freedoms enshrined in the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its
Additional Protocols which are in force for the United Cyprus Republic
shall be an integral part of this Constitution (catalogue attached). The
United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights shall also be an
integral part of this Constitution.
2. There shall be no discrimination against any person on the basis of his
or her gender, ethnic or religious identity, or internal constituent state
citizenship status.
3. There shall be freedom of movement and freedom of residence
throughout Cyprus, except as otherwise expressly provided in this
Constitution or any other parts of the Foundation Agreement or a
Constitutional Law.
4. The rights of religious minorities, namely the Maronite, the Latin and the
Armenian, shall be safeguarded. The federal government and the
constituent states shall, within their respective spheres of competence,
afford minorities the status and rights foreseen in the European
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, in
particular the right to administer their own cultural, religious and
educational affairs and to be represented in the legislature.
5. Greek Cypriots residing in the Karpas villages of Rizokarpaso/Dipkarpaz,
Agialousa/Yeni Erenköy, Agia Trias/Sipahi, Melanarga/Adacay, and
Turkish Cypriots residing in the Tillyria villages of Amadhies/Günebakan,
Limnitis/Yeşilyirmak, Selemani/Suleymaniye, Xerovounos/Kurutepe
Karovostasi/Gemikonagi, Agios Georgios/Madenliköy and
Kokkina/Erenköy, as well as the Mesaoria villages of Pyla/Pile,
Skylloura/Yilmazköy and Agios Vasilios/Türkeli shall, within the
constituent states in which these villages are situated, enjoy the right to
administer their own cultural, religious and educational affairs and to be
represented in the constituent state legislature and to be consulted on
matters of zoning and planning regarding their villages. Residents of the
village of Kormakiti shall enjoy equal treatment to long-term residents of
the Turkish Cypriot State with regard to sale and purchase of properties
located within the Turkish Cypriot State and the 1960 boundaries of the
village of Kormakiti.

KİFOŞ made me puplish complete 5th edition of the plan. we will see who is in wrong truck. Wait i will do it in january.
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Postby halil » Tue Dec 25, 2007 1:53 pm

Kifeas wrote:
halil wrote:
Halil says :We are only demanding our proper share only. Nothing more and nothing less

And Kifeas says that your above claim only proves what a big hypocrite and a liar you are! No Halil, you are not simply demanding your “proper” share! You are demanding way more than that, all in the expense of the GCs! Of course there is always the possibility that with the word “proper,” you mean what you consider as “proper” for a Turk, always according to the parameters of your “father” who claimed that “one Turk equals the whole world! Otherwise you would have used the word “fair,” instead of proper!


halil wrote:
İt is none of your business if i like Atatürk or not.

Of course it is none of my business if you worship and deify Atatürk! I already mentioned this earlier, in another post in this thread where I said that

Kifeas wrote:
In that respect, I do have every right to speak about kemalism, and to point out its shortcomings and the fact that it is completely and grossly unsuitable for Cyprus! I do however respect the TC’s right to honor and celebrate Kemal Ataturk as a national hero of themselves; to the extent they consider themselves as Turks, even in a cultural sense! What they have no right is to use state mechanisms to institutionally impose his ideology, in a multicultural Cyprus -a separate and different nation-state to that of Turkey! ... 522#238522

What I criticize is not Ataturk on a personal level, and if your English weren’t as bad as it seems, you would have been able to grasp it! What I criticize is a.) the ideology deriving from his name, i.e. Kemalism, as it is practice until nowadays in Turkey, and b.) the “cult of personality” maintained around his name and façade! Both of these issues are not necessarily Ataturk’s initiatives, as such! He is dead anyway! They are instead practices institutionalized and maintained by the ruling Turkish elites and the military, nowadays!

halil wrote:
No one forcing you like it or not .

Yes you do, and this proves once more what a hypocrite you are to claim that you want a solution in Cyprus! You voted “yes” to the Anan plan, and you even have the audacity to criticize the GCs for not doing so, in which you wanted to force upon the GCs that would have returned back into their ancestral places in the north, the acceptance, the liking and worshiping of Ataturk and kemalism!

I will publish AP that rest of the world will read again who is liar we can see it. you put something that they are not inside the plan.miss quid again .who doesn't wants solutions they can produce many scenario .

This is what you have included in the Anan plan constitution of the so-called TC constituent state; so that you read and learn what a hypocrite you are to claim that you respect the GC’s right not to like him, whereas in reality you have tried to force him upon us!

Read my little hypocrite friend, how you have tried to enforce Ataturk and kemalism on us, the GCs that would have returned back to their country in the north out of which we were illegally expelled in 1974!

Page 28 of the Anan plan constitution for the “TCCS” wrote:
show me which part of the AP.says it. We voted 5th edition of the plan.
wait we will see it. in january. Full version of it .everyday few pages.than you can get chance to read it .

Right to Education and Training
Article 65
(4) It shall be one of the primary duties of the State to provide for the educational and training needs of the people. The State shall carry out this duty in accordance with the principles and reforms of Atatürk, within a framework embellished with universal and national culture and human values, and in such a planned manner, as to meet the demands of the age and of technological progress as well as the demands and the needs of the individual and the community.

You made a constitution for the state in which GCs would also be citizens and inhabitants of it, that would have made our children in school to gather every morning, raise the Turkish flag and shout slogans like “Ne Mutlu Türküm Diyene,” because this is what is required by your children to do, within the framework of Atatürk’s principles and kemalism! You wanted our schools to have the pictures and head status of Mustafa Kemal, inside and outside the classrooms, and to be taught the “principles” of Turkish nationalism, in accordance with the above closure of the “constitution,” just like you do now in the north and just like your “motherland brothers” do in Turkey, even to the Kurdish children! You wanted to treat us like you treat the Kurds and other minorities in Turkey, in an EU member Cyprus!

Furthermore, paragraph 9 from the above article says the following:

(9) The religious minorities, namely Maronites, Latin and Armenians, living in the boundaries of the State and whose mother tongue is not Turkish have the right to receive education at the primary and secondary level in their native language. This right is regulated by law. However, in such secondary schools, teaching of the Turkish language which is the official language of the State, is compulsory.

In other words, you even wanted to exclude us from the right to have education in our own native language, as this right was only reserved for the Maronites, Latin and Armenians, but not the Greek Cypriots! Just like your Kemalist “motherland brothers” do in Turkey, against the Kurdish citizens of Turkey!

Page 36 of the Anan plan constitution for the “TCCS” wrote:Taking the Oath
Article 88
The deputies shall take the following oath before assuming their duties:
“I do swear upon my honour and dignity that I shall preserve the existence, rights and sovereignly exercised powers of the State within the United Cyprus Republic; that I shall be bound by the principle of the supremacy of law and by the principles of a democratic secular State, social justice and the principles of Atatürk; that I shall work for the welfare and happiness of my people; that I shall not depart from the ideal that every citizen must benefit from human rights and that I shall remain loyal to the Constitution.”

Every GC living in the north as citizen of the “TCCS,” that would have chosen to be elected as deputy in the local parliament of this part of his country, would have been forced to take an oath in Ataturk’s name, i.e. in the name of the founder of another foreign nation state, Turkey, and in the name of the father of Turkish nationalism! What a hypocrisy Halil, to claim that you wanted a reunited Cyprus and that you do not want to enforce Ataturk on the GCs, and yet you have voted for the adoption of the Anan plan and the above “constitution!” What an insincere and a hypocrite you and the rest of the TCs are! Hypocrites!

Furthermore, you claim that the Anan plan you have voted for, was not a partition plan, but a reunification plan, and that a certain percentage of GCs would have had the right to return back to their homelands in the north from which they were legally expelled in 1974. In reality, you wanted to discourage them to even attempt o do so, for they would have had no cultural rights and would have been treated as second class citizens, just like your Kemalist “motherland brothers” do in Turkey against the Kurdish citizens of Turkey! This is what you have included as article 1 of this “constitution!”

Page 9 of the Anan plan constitution for the “TCCS” wrote:The Form and Characteristics of the Turkish Cypriot State
Article 1
The Turkish Cypriot State, as one of the two Constituent States of the United Cyprus Republic, which is based on the political equality, bi-zonality and equal status of the two Constituent States, representing the distinct identity of Turkish Cypriots and their equal political status in a bizonal partnership. It is a secular state based on the principles of human rights, democracy, representative republican government, social justice and the supremacy of law.

You wanted half of Cyprus to become -with our signatures, an area which will represent only the distinct cultural identity of the Turkish Cypriots; and “fuck” all the rest of Cypriots and their historical, heritage, cultural and even political rights in that part of their country; yet you claim that “you are only demanding your proper share only! Nothing more and nothing less!” What a hypocrite!

halil wrote:
İf so called true Cypriots are like you . This Cyprus will see worse days in future too.

No halil, if I cannot be regarded as a true Cypriot, then there are no true Cypriots in this country, certainly neither you nor your friend Bananiot can be regard as such!
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Postby Cliff » Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:13 pm

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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:00 am

Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:It seems one of those moments one wants to shout, "esek siksin!" Most of the TCs in this forum are such a load of numskulls that one wonders what purpose there is to be here! I just realized I have forgotten to include Halil in my list of dumbbells! "The dumb, the dumber and the dumbest!"

Zany dumby boy, did you read what I have been talking about? Did you understand it? No you didn't my dear, for you wouldn't have come with that whole bunch of unrelated crap! I ask you again, Zan, what does what you have come with as a reply, have to do with what I have asked before? Nothing, Zan, absolutely nothing! Such is your Kemalist hysteria and estrus that you run like a fool to defend Ataturk’s name, as if I was attacking and defaming him in the first place! No Zany boy, this is not what I was doing! Read again, you little fool! The same holds true for the rest of the pack, especially Halil!

Go ahead and shout. I hope somebody locks you up in the company of donkeys and your wish comes true. :roll:

To be honest, Deniz, I had you down for being slightly more intelligent and sincere than all the rest of the pack! It seems I have made a mistake!

To be honest I was thinking the same as you but lately your intolerance of opposing views and the language you just 'think' of using has changed my mind. I had been told by a few members that you are a 'good' guy, but your true colours are showing through. Its a pity really.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:00 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:It seems one of those moments one wants to shout, "esek siksin!" Most of the TCs in this forum are such a load of numskulls that one wonders what purpose there is to be here! I just realized I have forgotten to include Halil in my list of dumbbells! "The dumb, the dumber and the dumbest!"

Zany dumby boy, did you read what I have been talking about? Did you understand it? No you didn't my dear, for you wouldn't have come with that whole bunch of unrelated crap! I ask you again, Zan, what does what you have come with as a reply, have to do with what I have asked before? Nothing, Zan, absolutely nothing! Such is your Kemalist hysteria and estrus that you run like a fool to defend Ataturk’s name, as if I was attacking and defaming him in the first place! No Zany boy, this is not what I was doing! Read again, you little fool! The same holds true for the rest of the pack, especially Halil!

Go ahead and shout. I hope somebody locks you up in the company of donkeys and your wish comes true. :roll:

To be honest, Deniz, I had you down for being slightly more intelligent and sincere than all the rest of the pack! It seems I have made a mistake!

To be honest I was thinking the same as you but lately your intolerance of opposing views and the language you just 'think' of using has changed my mind. I had been told by a few members that you are a 'good' guy, but your true colours are showing through. Its a pity really.

You will one day see all the sweet tongued GCs show their true colours Deniz. Kifeas just dropped his guard, the rest are a little more careful.

Don't forget though you chose these guys over foul mouthed TCs.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:31 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:It seems one of those moments one wants to shout, "esek siksin!" Most of the TCs in this forum are such a load of numskulls that one wonders what purpose there is to be here! I just realized I have forgotten to include Halil in my list of dumbbells! "The dumb, the dumber and the dumbest!"

Zany dumby boy, did you read what I have been talking about? Did you understand it? No you didn't my dear, for you wouldn't have come with that whole bunch of unrelated crap! I ask you again, Zan, what does what you have come with as a reply, have to do with what I have asked before? Nothing, Zan, absolutely nothing! Such is your Kemalist hysteria and estrus that you run like a fool to defend Ataturk’s name, as if I was attacking and defaming him in the first place! No Zany boy, this is not what I was doing! Read again, you little fool! The same holds true for the rest of the pack, especially Halil!

Go ahead and shout. I hope somebody locks you up in the company of donkeys and your wish comes true. :roll:

To be honest, Deniz, I had you down for being slightly more intelligent and sincere than all the rest of the pack! It seems I have made a mistake!

To be honest I was thinking the same as you but lately your intolerance of opposing views and the language you just 'think' of using has changed my mind. I had been told by a few members that you are a 'good' guy, but your true colours are showing through. Its a pity really.

Deniz, if those few members that told you I am a “good” guy, told you so because they think a “good” guy is someone that agrees with and respects totalitarian ideologies and practices such as kemalism and the cult of personality maintained around Kemal Ataturk’s name, then they clearly made a mistake! If a “good” guy means to do the above, to be insincere, and to say nice things –the things you or someone else likes to hear, so that he is "likeable;" then I am a “bad” guy, and proud of it!

Apparently Deniz, you are so incense that you think I am a “good” guy when I criticize and corner GCs expressing extremist views in this forum, such as Epsilon, Nikiphoros and Phoenix; but then I become a “bad” guy when I do the same (something which you should be doing instead, but you do not) with TC extremists such as VP, Zan, Mr_from_Ng, etc!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:48 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:It seems one of those moments one wants to shout, "esek siksin!" Most of the TCs in this forum are such a load of numskulls that one wonders what purpose there is to be here! I just realized I have forgotten to include Halil in my list of dumbbells! "The dumb, the dumber and the dumbest!"

Zany dumby boy, did you read what I have been talking about? Did you understand it? No you didn't my dear, for you wouldn't have come with that whole bunch of unrelated crap! I ask you again, Zan, what does what you have come with as a reply, have to do with what I have asked before? Nothing, Zan, absolutely nothing! Such is your Kemalist hysteria and estrus that you run like a fool to defend Ataturk’s name, as if I was attacking and defaming him in the first place! No Zany boy, this is not what I was doing! Read again, you little fool! The same holds true for the rest of the pack, especially Halil!

Go ahead and shout. I hope somebody locks you up in the company of donkeys and your wish comes true. :roll:

To be honest, Deniz, I had you down for being slightly more intelligent and sincere than all the rest of the pack! It seems I have made a mistake!

To be honest I was thinking the same as you but lately your intolerance of opposing views and the language you just 'think' of using has changed my mind. I had been told by a few members that you are a 'good' guy, but your true colours are showing through. Its a pity really.

You will one day see all the sweet tongued GCs show their true colours Deniz. Kifeas just dropped his guard, the rest are a little more careful.

Don't forget though you chose these guys over foul mouthed TCs.

Nothing like experience MRfrom NG. He was always number two on my black list. He might have fooled one but not this one. :lol:

Happy New year to You
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:02 am

Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:It seems one of those moments one wants to shout, "esek siksin!" Most of the TCs in this forum are such a load of numskulls that one wonders what purpose there is to be here! I just realized I have forgotten to include Halil in my list of dumbbells! "The dumb, the dumber and the dumbest!"

Zany dumby boy, did you read what I have been talking about? Did you understand it? No you didn't my dear, for you wouldn't have come with that whole bunch of unrelated crap! I ask you again, Zan, what does what you have come with as a reply, have to do with what I have asked before? Nothing, Zan, absolutely nothing! Such is your Kemalist hysteria and estrus that you run like a fool to defend Ataturk’s name, as if I was attacking and defaming him in the first place! No Zany boy, this is not what I was doing! Read again, you little fool! The same holds true for the rest of the pack, especially Halil!

Go ahead and shout. I hope somebody locks you up in the company of donkeys and your wish comes true. :roll:

To be honest, Deniz, I had you down for being slightly more intelligent and sincere than all the rest of the pack! It seems I have made a mistake!

To be honest I was thinking the same as you but lately your intolerance of opposing views and the language you just 'think' of using has changed my mind. I had been told by a few members that you are a 'good' guy, but your true colours are showing through. Its a pity really.

Deniz, if those few members that told you I am a “good” guy, told you so because they think a “good” guy is someone that agrees with and respects totalitarian ideologies and practices such as kemalism and the cult of personality maintained around Kemal Ataturk’s name, then they clearly made a mistake! If a “good” guy means to do the above, to be insincere, and to say nice things –the things you or someone else likes to hear, so that he is "likeable;" then I am a “bad” guy, and proud of it!

Apparently Deniz, you are so incense that you think I am a “good” guy when I criticize and corner GCs expressing extremist views in this forum, such as Epsilon, Nikiphoros and Phoenix; but then I become a “bad” guy when I do the same (something which you should be doing instead, but you do not) with TC extremists such as VP, Zan, Mr_from_Ng, etc!

Your definitions of a 'good guy' and mine are slightly different. Then we get into semantics. I dont see anyone in your list as being extremist except one GC. who is full of hatred, towards the TCs/Ts. I have yet to see any TC who shows hatred and spouts venom to GCs from your list). Maybe I am blind.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:11 am

halil wrote:KİFOŞ,
miss quides again Annan Plan 5th edition says.

Article 9 The official languages and promulgation of official acts
1. The official languages of the United Cyprus Republic are Greek and
Turkish. The use of English for official purposes shall be regulated by
2. Legislative, executive, administrative and judicial acts and documents of
the federal government shall be drawn up in all official languages and
shall, unless otherwise provided, be promulgated by publication in the
official Gazette of the United Cyprus Republic in all official languages.
3. All persons shall have the right to address the federal authorities in any
of the official languages and to be addressed in that same language.
4. The official languages of the United Cyprus Republic shall be taught
mandatorily to all secondary school students.
Article 10 Official Holidays of the United Cyprus Republic
1. The National Holiday of the United Cyprus Republic shall be the day of
the referenda on the Foundation Agreement.
2. In addition to Sundays, the following official holidays shall be observed
throughout Cyprus:
f. 1 January (New Year’s Day);
g. 1 May (Labour Day);
h. 9 May (Day of Europe);
i. 25 December (Christmas);
j. Good Friday;
k. Easter Monday;
l. The first day of Ramadan/Sheker Bayram;
m. The first day of Kurban Bayram; and
n. The birthday of the Prophet Mohammed.

6 Clarification: This does not prevent the flying of national flags on the occasion of official
visits by foreign dignatories.

3. Each constituent state shall determine and observe its own holidays in
addition to those of the United Cyprus Republic. Such holidays shall
respect the spirit of the Foundation Agreement and the new relationship
between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.
4. Federal public servants shall be entitled to observe, in addition to the
above, the official holidays of either one constituent state or the other.

Article 11 Fundamental Rights
1. In accordance with Article 4(3) of this Constitution, the human rights and
fundamental freedoms enshrined in the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its
Additional Protocols which are in force for the United Cyprus Republic
shall be an integral part of this Constitution (catalogue attached). The
United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights shall also be an
integral part of this Constitution.
2. There shall be no discrimination against any person on the basis of his
or her gender, ethnic or religious identity, or internal constituent state
citizenship status.
3. There shall be freedom of movement and freedom of residence
throughout Cyprus, except as otherwise expressly provided in this
Constitution or any other parts of the Foundation Agreement or a
Constitutional Law.
4. The rights of religious minorities, namely the Maronite, the Latin and the
Armenian, shall be safeguarded. The federal government and the
constituent states shall, within their respective spheres of competence,
afford minorities the status and rights foreseen in the European
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, in
particular the right to administer their own cultural, religious and
educational affairs and to be represented in the legislature.
5. Greek Cypriots residing in the Karpas villages of Rizokarpaso/Dipkarpaz,
Agialousa/Yeni Erenköy, Agia Trias/Sipahi, Melanarga/Adacay, and
Turkish Cypriots residing in the Tillyria villages of Amadhies/Günebakan,
Limnitis/Yeşilyirmak, Selemani/Suleymaniye, Xerovounos/Kurutepe
Karovostasi/Gemikonagi, Agios Georgios/Madenliköy and
Kokkina/Erenköy, as well as the Mesaoria villages of Pyla/Pile,
Skylloura/Yilmazköy and Agios Vasilios/Türkeli shall, within the
constituent states in which these villages are situated, enjoy the right to
administer their own cultural, religious and educational affairs and to be
represented in the constituent state legislature and to be consulted on
matters of zoning and planning regarding their villages. Residents of the
village of Kormakiti shall enjoy equal treatment to long-term residents of
the Turkish Cypriot State with regard to sale and purchase of properties
located within the Turkish Cypriot State and the 1960 boundaries of the
village of Kormakiti.

KİFOŞ made me puplish complete 5th edition of the plan. we will see who is in wrong truck. Wait i will do it in january.

Halil, apparently you haven’t heard or realized yet that the Anan plan to which you said “yes,” was a not just and only the (full of “contractive” ambiguities) foundation agreement and the constitution of the federal (central) government; but instead it was a whole series (bunch) of documents amounting to some 9,000 pages and which also included all the laws for the federal government to “function,” plus the internal constitutions of the two states!

You have just quoted a couple of articles from the constitution of the federal (central) government! I have quoted articles from the constitution of the TC “Constituent” State! Apparently you are not aware that a.) the competencies of the federal government were different from those of the states, and b.) that there was no hierarchy between the constitution and /or the laws of the central (federal) government and those of the States.

Furthermore, it is obvious from the articles you have quoted from the federal constitution that (with the exception of Maronites, Armenians and Latins, and some few villages in the peninsula of Karpasia’s tip and Kormakiti,) that the GCs would have potentially been deprived and denied their GC cultural, religious, linguistic and educational rights in all the rest of the areas that would have been included within the boundaries of the TCCS! This was possible because the competencies to regulate these and other matters on the ground, where vested to the states themselves and not to the federal government! As a result, your side, in collaboration with Kofi Anan and his associates, found it suitable to disclose its hypocrisy early enough and reviled its intentions to impose Kemalism and its own cultural identity on the GCs, and also its intentions to deny them (GCs) their rights; through the drafting of the TCC state’s constitution, some of the articles of which I have quoted earlier!
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