I am doing a small information website for a Cyprus topic and my target audience are Greek Cypriots but also Foreigners that live in Cyprus and maybe tourists that will visit.
So I will use both Greek and English content on the website and I want to find out how to best combine the two.
Because its a small website I can't afford to have 2 versions of everything. Some articles will be in Greek and some will be English and the interface, menu and that sort of things, will have to be one language or the other.
My first question is if mixing the content will be a turn off for you. If you see that the website is not 100% English or 100% Greek will that be something negative and will make you not to use the website even if you can find some unique useful content there?
The second question is only for Greek speakers. I know that the ones that visit this forum are good English speakers but please imagine you are the average Greek Cypriot

Would you mind if the interface is only in English? Like the menus in this forum for example that says "Profile","Search", "About" and the Search form that says "Search for Keywords", "Category" etc would you mind if these things are only in English?
And another unrelated question for Greek speakers is if you know a Greek Cypriot forum in Greek language that the participants are adults. The only ones I know are for teens and some other I found are almost dead