Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:So in effect you have answered your own question that TCs cannot do anything with their land in ho so democratic south, there are many obstacles placed in TCs path from the "RoC" "ministers" to the corrupt lawyers who use delaying tactics to slow down the legal process on the instructions of your beloved "RoC", fyi these offices in the GC state would never enquire to the TRNC as it would be tantamount to recognition.
You would do yourself and everyone else a great favor if you used less accusations of not telling the truth, your arrogance is riddled like the plague in your post and concentrated more on the injustice imposed on many innocent TCs who live in the TRNC and have not gotten anything for their land in the south in the north. You can make up your little excuses to camoflouge your worship for the GC states system of stopping TCs from havingjust as many problems with land issues when trying to claim their rights within a supposedly democratic EU country which has one set of rules for GCs and another for TCs, this makes your country the "RoC" a hypocrite and just as bad as the TRNC when it comes to land issues.
Democracy works both ways I'm afraid VP, and not when you only need it for your own purpose. You cannot blame the RoC for being careful not to reward some TC's who want to cash in their lands in the South, while they are sitting on GC land in the North. No doubt innocent TC's will also get hurt by this practice, but that is the condition the "TRNC" has created by giving away GC's properties with titles to those who do not own them, so blame your own government for being co-conspirators of distributing GC land.
I did not have a question, so I'm in no way answering my own question. I was answering your question that you put to me, as to if I understood about the TC's land situation in the RoC or was I clueless.?? So what do you think, am I clueless or not so.??
I must ask you this very important question regarding your mothers 100 Donums. Why didn't your mother sell her land to the "TRNC" so that she does not have to deal with the RoC.???? Why would she not want to keep her land in the hands of the "TRNC". You as a hater of the RoC, surely would have recommended to her to sell it to the "TRNC" and not the RoC. Would you please answer me this question.
Your question or rather claim was that TCs can get their rights to their land in the south easily and I asked you do you knwo anything about recliaming land you were very knowlegable and discredited your own claim displaying that its an uphill struggle to get land currently in the hands of the "RoC"
My mother is over 70 and has property in the north as well as the south, she is financial stable and will probably leave this land to her children. Why should she sell or exchange? we will probably do that when we inherit this land if the Cyprus problem is unsolved and if the TRNC offer another exchange package which they have not done so for many years. Life goes on we cannot stop everything and wait for the GCs to agree a solution as they have no intention of agreeing anything, not in my life time anyway.