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Another season of hunting farce

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Another season of hunting farce

Postby dms007 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:25 pm

Boy of 14 injured in hunting accident
By Leo Leonidou

A 14-YEAR-old boy was injured on Saturday morning in a hunting accident in Kato Milou.
The incident happened at 8.10am when the rifle his father was holding discharged, sending pellets into his son’s left leg from close range.
The 44-year-old hunter is reported to have fallen after losing his balance, causing the rifle to go off.

The man applied first aid, before driving the teenager to the medical centre in Agros. He was transferred to Nicosia General Hospital, where surgery was carried out, as the pellets had damaged tendons behind the boy’s knee.
Police are investigating exactly what happened, with the father called in for questioning.

Four people from Nicosia were arrested on Sunday for hunting in non-designated areas.

Two were caught in Ha Potami with two hunting rifles, 14 bullets and two birds while the other pair was apprehended in Ilioupolis with a rifle, ammunition and five freshly killed birds.

The new hunting season began last Sunday with appeals by the government for safety.
Eleven hunters, including a teenager, were injured on the first day alone.
Three hunters received facial injuries from stray pellets, while six others were injured to various other parts of their bodies.

The Green Party yesterday expressed its concern regarding the number of hunting accidents and called for more stringent measures to protect minors.
“Yesterday was the second Sunday of this autumn’s hunting season and unfortunately accidents were again noted, including another underage victim,” a statement said.
“The Green Party wants to report the indifference of the responsible bodies that do not dare raise the issue of the participation of underage children in hunting expeditions. The competent officials also refuse to enforce the legal framework pertaining to issues of personal insurance of hunters.

“We hope that we will not see a third underage victim, and that we will not have any other victims due to hunting accidents, but unfortunately wishful thinking is not enough.”

The Party added that the time was ripe for a bold dialogue to take place dealing with the need to reduce the number of hunting licences issued yearly.
“The crowding of hunters is a vital security threat but also leads to the destruction of nature, as well as taking away the ‘enjoyment’ hunting allegedly offers to hunters,” the statement said.

This year there is more game, with the number of hare released in the wild up by 15 to 20 per cent and about 150,000 partridges freed for the season.
Interior Minister Christos Patsalides has urged hunters to comply with the written as well as the unwritten laws governing this sport and to pay the utmost attention to their safety and the safety of others.

The UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus has warned hunters not to venture into the buffer zone as, “they are running the risk of drawing fire from either of the opposite forces. Hunters wearing camouflage outfits and carrying guns are easily mistaken for soldiers. Firing guns in the area between the ceasefire lines increases tension because soldiers on duty cannot immediately determine where the shots have come from and may feel obliged to react.”

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2007

Do these people have any brains? Don't they want to learn from the past.
Every year, I read the same news.
Why do these idiots take children with them? Why do they not put the safety catch when walking? So many whys....
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:31 pm

Hey, agreed that they should be more awar and careful but compared to the rate of orad accidents hunting is a non issue. Here in Greece we have 50 hunting accidents per year, with less than five being serious or deadly. They tend to make the news more than the SIX DEATHS PER DAY we get on the roads. Why? Because the reporting of hunting accidents seems to fulfill some weird "ecological" agenda.

Let us put it the other way round- can drivers be forced to behave as safely as hunters? TO have the same rate of accidents? Now that would be something to strive for.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:34 pm

Do the "Greens" also have proposals for forbidding minors from participating in fishing expeditions? Same objectios apply to fishing as do to hunting. How many minors drown or are injured in any one year in fishing "expeditions"? Do they keep those stats? If not why not? Bloody hypocrites!!!!
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Re: Another season of hunting farce

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:48 pm

dms007 wrote:Do these people have any brains? Don't they want to learn from the past.
Every year, I read the same news.
Why do these idiots take children with them? Why do they not put the safety catch when walking? So many whys....

The safety catch on a shotgun (notice it was a shotgun, not a rifle) only acts as a trigger lock – it doesn’t stop the gun firing if it is dropped or banged sharply in some other way.

As Nikitas says, why do people make such a fuss out of a minor being injured hunting yet ignore those killed on the roads every day…
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Postby dms007 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:12 pm

As Nikitas says, why do people make such a fuss out of a minor being injured hunting yet ignore those killed on the roads every day…

well that is because hunting can be avoided and not necessary at all.
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Postby pantheman » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:42 pm

dms007 wrote:
As Nikitas says, why do people make such a fuss out of a minor being injured hunting yet ignore those killed on the roads every day…

well that is because hunting can be avoided and not necessary at all.

Ok so let us stop also,

mountain climing
horse racing
Forulma 1 racing
jet skiing
and everything else that is not necessary.

It would be one boring F world wouldn't it? I always get annoyed when people make those comments, its always so easy to blame hunting on everything.

I am a hunter, have done so since i was 12, my son in my foot steps, but we are safe guns. Admittedly the cypriots are not on the whole, so rather than blame the activity blame the A**holes that are not careful.

There is nothing wrong in hunting, it is not guns that kill people, it is people that kill peole and safety is no accident. Its a sad fact that the culture in cyprus is such that safety rules are not adhered to and this is the fault of the system. I have seen 13year olds with guns freely walking about and their parents allow this, where the F is the thirofilakes to do something? They keep taking my 45 quid for the licence for nothing much to shoot but what about the other aspects of hunting.

Seems they must only get a bonus when they apprehen someone catching ampelopoulia rather than doing the proper job.

Anyway, had my rant now, layoff the hunter, beat on the idiots.

good day.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:54 pm

Well said Pantheman!

Lay off hunters and hunting. There are more urgent and serious things to think about.

As for hunting being or not being unnecessary, well neither is most of the driving my friend dms007.

Most driving is recreational and in that "recreation" there are 2000 deaths (in Greece alone). And when I see programmes like BBC's Top Gear that extol power and speed in cars I feel sick. I dont want to ban driving but there is a lot to be said for making all cars with a built in speed cut off at let's say 50 mph.
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Postby dinos » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:07 pm

Agreed. Why is hunting any less necessary than slaughterhouses? Picking off a deer in the wild is far more humane than leading hundreds of terrified cattle to a surgical demise, IMO.

Punish the idiot that hurt his kid, not the entire activity.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:13 pm

Bloody barbarians the lot of you! :roll:

What makes people want to shoot at fluffy little harmless things; marvels of nature, is beyond me...
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:20 pm


It is the same impulse that makes some people catch and eat Octopus, another marvel of nature. And more threatened than birds that can be bred and released.
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