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Do you believe in miracles?

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Do you believe in miracles?

Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:38 pm

TWO miracles have occurred at a Nicosia church since Saturday, a leading cleric claimed yesterday.

In the first miracle, a woman who had been in a car accident and broken her leg was completely cured after a visit to the church of St John Chrysostom in Lakatamia on Saturday.

The second miracle took place at the same church on Sunday, when a semi-paralysed 16-year-old boy was also completely cured.

The two miracles were brought to light yesterday when Archimandrite or ‘Elder’ Ephraim from Mount Athos, who told reporters the two miracles happened after the arrival on the island of the skull of John Chrysostom, one of the most famous saints of the early Church. The Archimandrite is accompanying the relic on its tour of Cyprus.
He had been told of the miracles by Father Paraskevas, the priest from the Lakatamia church. The senior cleric was speaking after a meeting with President Tassos Papadopoulos yesterday as part of his visit.

The relic of John Chrysostom, which arrived from Mount Athos on Saturday, was being hosted at the church in Lakatamia, named after the saint. It was put on show on Saturday evening, the day of the first miracle.
Father Paraskevas told reporters that the first miracle happened after the official church ceremony to mark the arrival of the skull.
He said the woman in question, whom he referred to as “Mrs Panyiota”, was brought to the church at around 10.30pm by her son, who drove her there. She had broken her leg in a car accident the previous week.

After praying to the saint, the priest said the miracle occurred instantaneously. Mrs Panayiota felt the pain leave her leg, and took off her cast.
“The injury disappeared. She walked normally and drove home in her car,” said Father Paraskevas.

The boy in the second incident, Panayiotis Panyiotou, had been semi-paralysed after a head injury some time ago. He had fallen down in class and hit his head, resulting in severe restriction of movement in his hands, which remained, despite therapy.
The boy went to church with his parents on Sunday. He was also cured instantly, according to the priest, and no trace of his condition remained.
St John, who lived from around 349-407 AD was Archbishop of Constantinople and produced the liturgy still celebrated in Orthodox churches across the world.
Numerous miracles have been attributed to him.

Western churches, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England, and the Lutheran church, commemorate the saint on September 13. In the Orthodox Church, his feast day is today.

His relics were looted from Constantinople by Crusaders in 1204 and brought to Rome, but were returned in November 2004 by Pope John Paul II.
The skull of St John Chrysostom is said to be one of the holiest relics of Mount Athos.
It will be returned to the Holy Mountain next Monday, but first it will be taken to Paphos on Wednesday, to Limassol on Friday and to Machairas Monastery on Sunday.

:shock: :o :x :( :cry:
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Postby dms007 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:47 pm

those relics were in rome until quite recently. i would like to go see the relic, where in limassol is it being taken to?
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Postby Daemon » Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:56 pm

You must believe in miracles, only a miracle can save you from your self’s.
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Postby humanist » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:04 pm

I believe that i will have enough money by the e of the year to build my ecological home in Lismore countryside which enable me to move to Cyprus in a couple of years and live in my ecological home there. I believe in miracles.
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Postby Damsi » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:07 pm

humanist do you mean Lismore in southern Ireland?
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:12 pm

i do believe, i do believe, i do believe in miracles!

"stranger things have happened
both before and after
noon." the red hot chili peppers
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Postby humanist » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:14 pm

No Damsi I mean Tropical Lismore/ Nimbin in New South Wales Australia and Alambra village area Cyprus. God walks with me all the time and delivers. Sometimes a bit later than expected but always delivers. Now am working on time line with God and the timeline is end of the year of our Lord 2007.
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Postby Damsi » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:24 pm

Sorry :) The name caught my eye because I'm from Lismore in Ireland :)
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Postby humanist » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:27 pm

mate don't apologise, you got excited hardly something to aologise. Though I recomend a visit to Lismore NSW Australia, splendid friendlya and warm plae for a picnic
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Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:02 pm

When an old woman age 79 was found alive after 7 days clinging on to a tree in the Tsunami area a couple of years back many put it down to a miracle !!! Never mind the 300 thousand who perished !!!!! Miracles do happen , people wake up and see the light that's when they realize that miracles DO happen !!

ps. I wonder what happened to the "miracle makers" when 6 million Jews were being systematically wiped out , but have to remember that God works in mysterious ways , too bloody mysterious for me !!
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