T_C wrote:phoenix wrote:Mathematics is the nearest you can get to a "miracle" and hence by conjecture . . . to a "god".
It has always existed and no other discipline can claim such certainty. Once the proof or TRUTH of a proposition is established, it will exist unassailable for EVER.
Computers on the other hand are human creations and will always be fallible. When computers are used to check proofs even in mathematics, their results introduce uncertainty because of the possibility of programming error.
I will get back to everyone tonight on this when I have more time to write...but just quickly, while I agree with Pheonix, again we are making the same mistake...
YES mathmatics can prove everything BUT we are talking about God here!
Going back to my metaphor (and I am just using this as a means to make a comparison, so don't take it literally)...just like we have maths the computer would have it's computer codes and for the time being let's imagine that the computer codes ARE the computers equal to our maths, like for instance, the codes that we input to build a program on a computer.
The codes ONLY apply within that computer......
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