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Do you believe in miracles?

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Do you believe in miracles?

Total votes : 46

Postby IcyNoAngel » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:05 pm

There is no such thing as miracles, those who believe in miracles are too weak and need something to rely on, same for religion which is a real good business, it might have been created to control people but over time it got into what it is today (same crap).
If something happens that look like smth extraordinary, it's either the "hand" of people or is just luck. Luck could not be questioned here, you either have it or you don't.
Miracles are for kids.
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Postby Daemon » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:02 pm



Yes of course and the priests believe in brain-dead motivated human lambs also and maybe this is the reason that they started the miracles, it was about time to give illusions for hope to keep the lambs concentrated in nothing and let their instincts and their emotions to do the job like always.

Here is some relative articles about the neo-Cypriots pathology: ... ivecolumns ... columns&-p

They have a whole industry that produce lies, like the saint light (agio fos), that a previous chief priest was admitted what they started the miracle because people was running out of faith.

Suggestive programming in real things through reason produce motivated but also reasonable humans that they may have some result and this is what the human history shows in the 100%.

Ps: if you believe in the power of the mind why you voting TPap? You actually think what this person can fool anyone else than his voters?

Ps: Die or Die and live? If you suggest the second I also suggest that back to you, give some hope to you dead brain cells :) , if you suggest the first I can’t suggest the same, is your life and you do anything you want with it.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:28 pm

i have seen miracles.
i know they exsist.
back in another century, and making a long story short, my mother had lost a nice sum of money. my father knew nothing about this secret money my mom had, it was used for emergencies or just nice splurges for us kids that my dad was too cheap to spring for.
these were the days when i was too young to have had sampled any drugs or alcohol, back in the days when i was still a tom-boy, and didn't carry a purse. all my money was kept in my jeans pockets.
mom was sick over this loss of money, and in the course of the day, asked me several times where i got the money to buy the things i was buying on our errands.
"mom, you KNOW i have been saving for this, i would NEVER steal from you."
she told me to say a prayer to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things.
i never prayed so hard as i did that day.

when we got home, i was in my room, unpacking my purchases. Mom came in and was sick with worry about what happened to her secret money. again she asked me where i got the money for the things i bought that day. once again, i replied with the same...i would never i was saying this, i was pulling out my change from my pockets, and in addition, every dollar bill she was missing! i was more shocked than her, as i have NO IDEA to this day HOW that money got in my pants pocket.

i may not be a christian anymore, but i certainly do believe in miracles, and i believe in the power of prayer.
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Postby Daemon » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:54 pm

i have seen miracles.
i know they exsist.
back in another century, and making a long story short, my mother had lost a nice sum of money. my father knew nothing about this secret money my mom had, it was used for emergencies or just nice splurges for us kids that my dad was too cheap to spring for.
these were the days when i was too young to have had sampled any drugs or alcohol, back in the days when i was still a tom-boy, and didn't carry a purse. all my money was kept in my jeans pockets.
mom was sick over this loss of money, and in the course of the day, asked me several times where i got the money to buy the things i was buying on our errands.
"mom, you KNOW i have been saving for this, i would NEVER steal from you."
she told me to say a prayer to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things.
i never prayed so hard as i did that day.

when we got home, i was in my room, unpacking my purchases. Mom came in and was sick with worry about what happened to her secret money. again she asked me where i got the money for the things i bought that day. once again, i replied with the same...i would never i was saying this, i was pulling out my change from my pockets, and in addition, every dollar bill she was missing! i was more shocked than her, as i have NO IDEA to this day HOW that money got in my pants pocket.

i may not be a christian anymore, but i certainly do believe in miracles, and i believe in the power of prayer.

screen memory.
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Postby Daemon » Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:39 pm

The meaning of the miracle the past 2000 years were mostly taken from Judaism (Christianism, Muslim) where there is no cause behind an event (all were coming from God and Satan) but also in the same spirit there were not the concept of metaphysics and of course there were not causes and the research for them behind a miracle like Aristotle had said in his metaphysics and where the causality was the leader scientific theory until the prove of indefinability.

That’s why the theory of the meta-power of the mind conflict with the Judaist meaning of miracle and this is what the (not heretic) priests will tell, for this religions there is not metaphysics and there is not a natural cause behind a miracle, for the old eastern minds God is above and out of nature at variance with the pseudo-neo-Platonists Christians (and many if not all the eastern philosophy religions like Hinduism Buddhism etc) that they reproducing the ancient philosophy in a heretic way for Christianism, for example in the Vatican they have statues of the Plato and Aristotle because they express some new Christian ideas that mostly the western Christians are trying to pass, now in Greece(and in Cyprus that is far eastern away from what happening in Greece) there are some pseudo-neo-Platonists Christians that are trying to keep people close to church with heretic voices that officially can’t be accepted from the church that was cursing especially Plato for more than 1000 years.

The new and proved theory of indefinability give some hopes for the Judaists that their unnatural god may exists and they keep getting advantage with every way they can everything that can sell to the believers.

The meaning of what I said above is what the power of mind and miracles for Christianism is two different things and even if the meta-power of mind have be proved in some level by the placebo theory it can’t be placed in the general unreasonable daemonoly/theology of Christianism that in our days is trying to be more like Buddhism and Taoism as a philosophy religion and not as brain dead unquestionable believe like it was for 2000.

So in this spirit I do not believe in miracles, I may believe in metaphysics, I may believe in soul and in human meta-power and I may even believe in Spinoza God but there is not a back way for me to show respect to this mental cancer and to this unnatural god that is vanishing day by day and reforming to a new crap that is still trying to kill people brains.

There is no religion above truth and there are no miracles out of religions.
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Postby LENA » Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:48 pm

zan wrote:Lena

I am so glad that your brother got out of that accident unscathed but a awful lot of technology in car safety went into that miracle and so a little praise for the car company and a lesson in buying cars with good crash test results would be in order. Formula one drivers have accidents at 200mph and survive because of technology. The car falls apart but he cab stays safe. In these cases, it is a miracle if anyone is killed so the process is reversed. Or we could take Nikitas quote and say the Devil is performing the anti-miracle. :lol:

Ok I dont believe in miracles in the way that i sit in my couch and wait for miracles to happen to me. I dont expect that I will win the lottery one day but i work hard to earn what i get. So I dont believe in luck that much either. Human beings have the ability to change their lives and not just sit and wait a miracle or the lucky moment.

GG he had a blue Renault megane capriolet. He loved that car so much that he insisted to be his first car and after the accident he got the same car again. Thank God everything is fine since then.

Zan I do understand that cars are made to drive them and go everywhere we want and protect us in case something happens. I could not imagine how many people were going to be dead by now if they made those cars unable to protect us. Anyway, you and IcyNoAngels believe that was pure luck. Maybe you are right. May be not. Who knows. I believed it was a miracle that he got out of that with not even a single scratch.

I dont believe that Devil is behind everything bad is happening and God behind everything good. I am not trying to convince anybody here I am just expressing my believes. And I am alive along with my brother for the same reason. So I do believe.
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Postby craigbeck » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:44 pm

Exactly if Miracles exist then ergo so does god and if he exists and selects random people to cure via a mouldy old skull in Cyprus that also means he selectively decides to ignore all the prayers from people around the world.

Effectively what these believers are saying is........

If a couple in London whose child is dying of a terrible and cruel illness only got on a plane to Cyprus god would be willing to listen and help otherwise the child can just go ahead and die?

Nice work god!

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Postby LENA » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:51 pm

Miracles do not happen in Cyprus only.

And you cannot imagine how many children die in Cyprus and generally people that makes you wonder if there is God.

I won't even going to bother writing on this because i dont mess with this. And I dont want to change anybody or make you believe.

As I said I believe and even if half of the people who voted believe in miracles, only me and GG we are the only ones who had the "balls" to admit it, with the risk of calling us naive or dreamers.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:07 pm

craigbeck wrote:Exactly if Miracles exist then ergo so does god and if he exists and selects random people to cure via a mouldy old skull in Cyprus that also means he selectively decides to ignore all the prayers from people around the world.

Effectively what these believers are saying is........

If a couple in London whose child is dying of a terrible and cruel illness only got on a plane to Cyprus god would be willing to listen and help otherwise the child can just go ahead and die?

Nice work god!


who said God is a he?

as for an explanation of why bad things happen to good people, there is a reason for everything, we may not ever understnad what it is, but good things do come out of bad events.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:48 pm

The fact is just as there is no evidence of an existence of a creator there is no evidence concerning miracles. Evidence that is that can withstand the scientific analysis that would be required , hearsay and mythology are not credible evidence .
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