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Primetel users?

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Primetel users?

Postby raiseurfist » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:33 am


does anyone have Primetel installed at home? Would you recommend it to a friend or wouldnt recommend it to your worst enemy?

I did my research yesterday and it seems they are 10-15 pounds cheaper for the same full package from miVision (aDSL + same TV channels + LTV).
Apparently in January their prices would go up because a special offer they have ends or something, but still they are a bit cheaper and they claim they have a 2Mbps aDSL while i-choice can only offer 1Mbps.

So, as a true Cypriot, the only reason keeping me from arranging an installation is that Primetel is relatively new, and I dont trust new :lol:

Does anyone have this package already? Is their internet reliable or is it really a 512kbps dressed up as 2mbps? :?
Does the TV freeze so you miss the goals whiles watching football? :x
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Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:14 pm

I don't have it because it is not available where I am. I heard some good things and some bad things about it. There are some reviews here What I don't like about Primetel is that you have to make a yearly contract with them. With i-choice I can change ISPs whenever I want and I like that.
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Postby raiseurfist » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:07 pm

Thank you Sotos. That website is pretty good.

I heard good things myself about every other ISP besides CYTA.
But the cypriot inside me is afraid to take the risk of anything new :lol:
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Postby IcyNoAngel » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:11 pm

Actually is dressed up as 1mbps. bastards.
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Postby raiseurfist » Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:17 am

IcyNoAngel wrote:Actually is dressed up as 1mbps. bastards.

Just like everything in Cyprus then :(
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Postby Johnny D » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:10 am

I've been a PRIMETEL user for some 3 weeks now having been though CYTA :2guns: and OTENET. Have to admit i'm very very happy. TV hasn't froze once so far and the internet speed is above average. I have the 1mbps which is of no comparison to CYTA's "alleged" 1mbps line. Would I recommend them, yes I would (at least for now)... :wink:
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Postby Ruserious » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:38 am

I subscribe to Netway 1.5Mbps ADSL 2 over the primtel platform. 29.95 monjthly including the phone line. I am extremly pleased with the service - I haven't subscribed to the TV portion so I can't comment but the Internet speed is excellent (compared to CYTA 1Mbps anyway!) and no blocked ports/throttling or bandwidth limits
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Postby Sotos » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:24 pm

Cyta is two things. I-choice and Cyatnet/Netrunner. I-choice if fine but most people make the mistake and get i-choice with Ntrunner and that screws up their speeds. I have i-choice with Otenet and I get the max of the advertised speed. And mivision is fine also. So it is not about i-choice or Primetel it is about what ISP you choose. Otenet has some 2Mbit packages also by the way. Did you look at those?
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Postby raiseurfist » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:01 pm

Otenet would be my choice if i was looking only for an internet solution. But I wanted a solution for the TV aswell.
I know i can go with Otenet/mivision but the cost comes up too much that its not even worth it.
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:05 am

i use a slingplayer through the internet from a cable box in a spare bedroom in england and get everything for free! it`s brilliant my mate showed me the 1 at his house and i had to have it, ive got all the cable, sky, movies,frontrow pay-per-view, sky sports, setanta, the lot :lol:
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