hellopaul wrote:I was awaiting my Cyprus Airways flight back from London to Cyprus the other day and saw a fellow passenger had proudly bought a Tomtom GPS sat-nav unit - the poor sap obviously didn't realise that it won't work in Cyprus. I heard that the bloke who was over here some years ago to map the island for hand-held / car sat nav devices was kicked off the island on suspicion of spying!! D'oh!
The joys of living in LaLa-Land.
From what I understand about the case he was arrested and deported / sent back to eastern Europe because he was supposed to be here illegally and they had been searching for him for a number of years

there was no mention of spying.
His wife was arrested as well a short while later and also deported leaving a couple of children in Cyprus being looked after by friends.
This is despite the fact that he had been running a successful business paying his taxes and social security whilst he was here ~ wasn't exactly hiding from the authorities was he
I have no idea what happened to him ~ I know that the immigration acted very quickly and disposed of him as soon as it was known that he had nearly completed the Cyprus map ~ I can only think that what he was doing wasn't compatible with the powers in Cyprus and he had to go.
There is always a post every so often promising sat nav for Cyprus and indeed there are some maps for the island ~ sadly they are not detailed at all .
Cyprus is just one big building site at the moment and has been so for a number of years now ~ to try and map out Cyprus in a similar way to the UK or Europe isn't going to work yet ~ you only have to look at Google earth to see or should I say not see your home ~ most of those satellite pics are not really that old ~ you can see lots of fields on Google which are now huge estates of houses.
The existing sat nav maps available for Cyprus to the best of my knowledge only have the main roads ~ it will be many many years before a door to door sat nav system using house number and post code similar to the UK will be available ~ It seems that in some area's of Cyprus they can't even get the postal area correct ~ I checked mine a week ago and according to my post code I live in the forestry commission and not in the centre of Larnaca ~ other folk I know have a different post code on each bill they receive ~~ so if the government can't get it right what chance is there for sat nav
I do have a basic GPS which I find handy as I love to explore the more remote parts of the island as part of one of my hobbies ~ but this will only take you back to your starting point and not really tell you where you are.
Sat nav ~~ Cyprus ~~~ Hmm not yet ~~ I'm afraid you will have to do the same as we have always done ~ get basic directions and then call the person you intend visiting for more detailed "finding it in the village" directions .
For heavens sake we still have some of the smaller Cyprus villages without street names or house numbers ~~ your name and the village is all that's needed for a letter to reach you ## after the lady at the coffee house has read it of course ~~ so how will sat nav help there
You never know it might happen one day ~ but you know what they say in Cyprus ~~
sega sega