phoenix wrote:devil wrote:phoenix wrote:Mutually consenting adults, devil
That is no excuse. You could have sex between mutually consenting adults in the middle of Trafalgar Square but it would offend many other people. Your insults offend me, even when I'm not the target of them. There is such a thing as respect when you do such things in public. If you wish to trade insults with Zan or any other person, please do it by PM or e-mail where you are not displaying your lack of nous.

Gosh you are crying out for attention devil
Are you seriously equating our exchange of:
Zan: "Funny girlie!!!"
Phoenix: "Ignoramus weirdo"
. . . . with having sex in Trafalgar Square?
What is it with all you people that cannot respond to conflicting views without threatening intervention from admin or enforced silencing . . . and in this case by
PROXY . . . stealing a completely different response to somebody else and dropping the discussion mid-debate (convenient diversionary tactics devil

.... subtle, I nearly did not notice you ignored responding to the relevant post).
How about, instead of being a
voyeur . . . you diverted your eyes every time you saw a "phoenix" post ? . . . or are you irresistibly drawn to my posts
I challenge you to make a list of all those insults of mine which you find offensive and I will submit them to admin. and ask them if any are inadmissible. I will then delete them forthwith. But unlike what you did above with Zan's quote, I would like the comment that they were responding to.
But, so that I do not feel victimised, I dare you to pick on one of those big fishes devil and see if they humour your rants . . . or merely tell you where to get off!
I am not a judgemental character by nature devil . . . so I find it hard to understand those that are, so please continue in whatever vein suits your mood, I am learning a lot.