Unfortunately, a proud pedant would want a site that a) had links that pedantically worked and b) used pedantically good English:
Members of the Pedantic Society are plain-speaking, ordinary people who are bemused by how many others fail in the their attempts to get us to understand about what on Earth they are talking. Sentences never seem to get finished in the spoken medium, and grammar rules seem to get largely bypassed in written medium.
Pedants NEVER use the verb
to get, or so I was taught at school, and they never use the same verb thrice in the same paragraph, as I was equally instructed.
From now on, ending a sentence with a proposition is something up with which I will not put.
Nor would a pedant misquote Winston Churchill and no one who does not know the difference between a proposition and a preposition may be classed as a pedant.
A pedant is someone who tries not to deliberately split an infinitive.