And before you ask ~ that's to remove it not to shape it.
If my wife isn't paying attention I often turn the heat up on her little pot of wax

Obviously you're not married to a Cypriot otherwise you would know that they usually wax their moustache.
Bill wrote:Obviously you're not married to a Cypriot otherwise you would know that they usually wax their moustache.
And before you ask ~ that's to remove it not to shape it.
If my wife isn't paying attention I often turn the heat up on her little pot of wax~~ it's quite funny to watch her jumping up and down and swearing at the gas hob because it's not working properly
Bill wrote:I could write pages on this subject and probably so could she.
But I'll condense it down to these few points :-
She doesn't understand me and I certainly don't understand her except when she has her moods then I understand it's best to keep out of her way~~ basically we live quite well not really understanding each other
She's a good cook ~ still looks good for her age and is very clean about the house ~ she throws a tantrum at the slightest excuse and worries about the silliest of things .![]()
She can have a very sweet temperament some times because even if I say something bad to her she will still dutifully look after my comforts and best interests by making up the spare bed and wishing me sweet dreams .![]()
She's slightly deaf and doesn't hear everything I say to her ~~ thankfully.![]()
Oh ~~ and she has large breasts~ or at least they were last time I saw them
Yep cross pollination of different cultures isn't that bad ~~~~ is it~ or perhaps it's that I find the spare bed quite comfortable
LENA wrote:Bill wrote:Obviously you're not married to a Cypriot otherwise you would know that they usually wax their moustache.
And before you ask ~ that's to remove it not to shape it.
If my wife isn't paying attention I often turn the heat up on her little pot of wax~~ it's quite funny to watch her jumping up and down and swearing at the gas hob because it's not working properly
Bill you are so funny! At least we have you now that VW left. By the way why you are so mean with her?? Is it because you are not sure about her breast size any more?
By the way all the Cypriots wax their moustache and the rest of their hairy parts. Only few of the women I heard shave and thats sensitive parts! All the rest of us is just like Natty said "masters of waxing"![]()
Zan I hope the Cyprus problem can be solve and I am sure Cypriots they will have other issues to argue about....its in our blood!
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