Take a look below at an email I received. After the email is my response.
Good Day!
My name is Linda Johnson, I am with the US Army and I am serving in the 1st Armoured Division in Iraq. Me and my partner discovered and moved funds belonging to Saddam Hussein.
The total is $25,000,000.00 (Twenty Five million US dollars) this money is being kept safe. Click on this link to read about events that took place here.
Basically since we are working for the American government we cannot keep these funds so we want to transfer the funds to you, so that you can keep it for us in your safe account until after our service.
We will divide the total fund this way, 80% for me and my partner while 15% will be for you and the other 5% will be set aside for any expenses that might be incurred.
This business is should be kept confidential due to the nature of our work and present status.
If you are interested send me an e-mail signifying your interest including your private telephone/fax numbers for quick communication.
Anticipating your immediate response.
Ms Linda Johnson & Private Alex Ramon
Dear Son and Daughter of a Pigs Whore,
Go back to war torn Nigeria where you belong you decrepit low life con man/woman. The 1st Armored division left Iraq in 2003. If you're gonna run a scam at least get the facts straight you fuck... idiot.
Kind Regards,
A local cop who has just sent your IP address to Interpol