T_C wrote:Belenos wrote:T_C wrote:Belenos wrote:T_C wrote:Sorry if I offended you...I forgot you're only 16.

Well what exactly are you trying to achive on here?
You're acting like you've done nothing wrong when you came in here to intentionally provoke people by insulting them...and you've stayed in this one pathetic thread talking about rubbish, totally irellevant things!
You must be an absolute moron if you didn't know that you wouldn't be recieving a warm welcome after insulting people!
And people did encourage you...it's obvious from the direction the thread went.

Anyways...get a life!
Oh I'v made myself quite clear, none of you have answered my posts. All you did was insult thus proving your own stupidity and general lack of arguing skills.
Please, show me where once I insulted anyone without being provoked. I didnt just waltz in here blurting out insults.
I didnt ask for a warm welcome.

Calling for people to be uprooted from their homeland, and calling them cancerous IS an insult!
"None of you have answered my posts"

I believe pretty much everyone has....maybe if you came on here with a more mature proposal then you may of got a healthy debate...But considering that you came here to provoke, your moronic questions have recieved the replies they deserved!!!
Your supposed question was: "If there were no Turks in Cyprus then thered be no Cyprus problem!!"


Thats like me saying, if your granmother had balls then she'd be your grandfather...

Get a life you little troll, and stop trying to make out that you've done nothing wrong and everyones insulting you for no reason.

Homeland? and it became so what 40 years ago?
Go home turk...
Do you know anything about Cyprus?
What 40 years ago are you talking about? The Turkish Cypriots have been in Cyprus since 1571!!!!!!!!!!
I will be going home to Cyprus thanks, in December!

I do know alot about Cyprus, clearly more than you. Im not talking about the tiny minority of Turkish Cypriots who were here for 500 years, Im talking about the some 40 000 military and 150 000 non military mainland turkish settlers brought over in the seventies during the invasion.
I ahve said this countless times so how bout you leanr to read a bit first?