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Postby Niki » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:14 pm

T_C wrote:Rachel is a very good performer but her style is just a fantasy style...there is no such thing as a "tribal" bellydance. They try to make out that it's suposedly how the Native Indians danced....

What GG mentioned above (Raks-Sarki) is the only TRUE belly dance. It comes from the social dances of the Middle East. Believe it or not it also comes from MEN! In Ottoman times women were only allowed to dance with other women so the men had to wear skirts and dance for the men.... :lol:

Below is one of the paintings I posted on the other can see the Kocek in the backround dancing in a skirt! :lol:


Heres a video of a male belly dancer called Tito from Egypt. I'm showing you a male one because it's just about the dance and not about seeing a half naked woman jumping around. This is TRUUEE belly dance, you can't get any purer than this....and this is what belly dancing is supposed to resemble..the social dances of the Middle East. :D

My 12 year old just said "eww - that's really wrong!!!". :lol:

It's quite amazing to see a man dance like that!
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:15 pm

Niki wrote:
T_C wrote:Rachel is a very good performer but her style is just a fantasy style...there is no such thing as a "tribal" bellydance. They try to make out that it's suposedly how the Native Indians danced....

What GG mentioned above (Raks-Sarki) is the only TRUE belly dance. It comes from the social dances of the Middle East. Believe it or not it also comes from MEN! In Ottoman times women were only allowed to dance with other women so the men had to wear skirts and dance for the men.... :lol:

Below is one of the paintings I posted on the other can see the Kocek in the backround dancing in a skirt! :lol:


Heres a video of a male belly dancer called Tito from Egypt. I'm showing you a male one because it's just about the dance and not about seeing a half naked woman jumping around. This is TRUUEE belly dance, you can't get any purer than this....and this is what belly dancing is supposed to resemble..the social dances of the Middle East. :D

My 12 year old just said "eww - that's really wrong!!!". :lol:

It's quite amazing to see a man dance like that!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:18 pm


Are you going to see your "old flame" when you arrive in Cyprus, or will you be by yourself.?? If you are going to be alone, it might be difficult for you to get around, unless you rent a car, but be prepared to drive on the "wrong side" of the road. I hope some forum members are able to meet with you and show you around a little. With the US Dollar being in the toilet, it's going to cost you few dollars to get to Cyprus, so I hope you will get your money's worth.

Have a good trip.
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Postby T_C » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:23 pm

LOL Niki! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I usually hate seeing men dance like this too and believe you me there are some real horrors on youtube. But the way he dances is so original and he's very good, compared with the others his dance isn't THAT feminine. Plus it's obvious he really feels the music.
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Postby iceman » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:29 pm

Male dancers are called either Zenne or Köçek...If you search "Zenne" on youtube there are plenty videos...
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Postby T_C » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:38 pm

iceman wrote:TC
Male dancers are called either Zenne or Köçek...If you search "Zenne" on youtube there are plenty videos...

Thanks iceman, I knew about Koceks but didn't know they were also called Zenne.
I've seen some impressive Turkish dancers on youtube, some of them are incredible but I just hate their drag queen costumes!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:37 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:since this thread was reserected, there is a new person that sticks out for me. someone who is vulgar and uncivilized, and his initials are D. S. and we all know who he is.... but i am not meaning to start anything up by mentioning him....although i wouldn't doubt he zooms in for an attack pretty soon.

Here GG. Follow this link and calm down. We can not react to all vileness and become victims.

Enjoy some Armenian Belly Dancing, join in and let off some steam. It will do you good

Enjoy (say Hallo to your best friend from me, please)
:lol: :lol: :lol: ... re=related

such a beautiful dance. thank you.

a qustion about Belly Dance though-- don't you have any tribal belly dancers over in that part of the world? i know it is mostly an american version of the dance, but i am wondering if they do it in other parts of the world? i love the tribal dancers, although i have no training in tribal style (yet), i do think they look the coolest.... but then deep down, i am a rock and roller....

Thats a tough one to answer GG. What comes to my mind when you mention'tribal dance' is the 'Watutsis', red Indian war/rain dance.

You need to study the origins of belly dancing (raks al-sharki-ya) Eastern dance). T was the privilege of the higher classes and/or royalty. Apart from Hollywood movies I doubt if there were any tribal dancing (belly dancing). There might have been '. regional' differentiation. Egyptians conseder there ownvariety as being the'mother of all'. The Levantines (Lebanese esp) very good. Turkish used to be very erotic , nowadays mellowed a bit). Might find more useful info on the web. Not much help , I am afraid.

i have been learning raks sharki--lots of egyptian and turkish.
as for Tirbal style belly dance, Rachel Brice is my idol:
another example of tribal:

GG, stop it will you. I have been trying to forget Rachel Brice since you first posted her her. I cant take it no longer.

That apart, is she from one of the lost Jewish Tribes?

i am not sure i understand your comment about the "lost jewish tribes." rachel brice is from california. you don't like her style? i am mezmerized by her, and i recently saw her dance in a show in NY--she was totally awesome. i aspire to be a quarter good as her.

Ofcourse I love her style. Shes the best I have seen for ages. My tribe bit was said in jest. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:02 pm

iceman wrote:TC
Male dancers are called either Zenne or Köçek...If you search "Zenne" on youtube there are plenty videos...

You know we GCs have a much simplified dialect so we only have one word for a bloke dancing like that... we call him a pushdiss! :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:
iceman wrote:TC
Male dancers are called either Zenne or Köçek...If you search "Zenne" on youtube there are plenty videos...

You know we GCs have a much simplified dialect so we only have one word for a bloke dancing like that... we call him a pushdiss! :lol:

Do you know that the word is Turkish, derived from Arabic?
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:17 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
iceman wrote:TC
Male dancers are called either Zenne or Köçek...If you search "Zenne" on youtube there are plenty videos...

You know we GCs have a much simplified dialect so we only have one word for a bloke dancing like that... we call him a pushdiss! :lol:

GR Do you know that the word is Turkish, derived from Arabic?

:shock: I wouldn't be surprised that Pushliki has its origins in Turkey!
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