the world outside was quiet and still, he cried:-
"Young men of youthful age, in my life's book there's a page,
which I gladly would tear out and throw aside.
For ten long years I've been here now, in pain,
I clearly can remember how I came,
I was won't to do the wrong then my 'Big Chance' came along,
so I broke man's treasured laws to 'Make a Name'.
When I say to 'Make myself a Name' I mean,
Among the thieves to rise to fame, unclean,
but listen now to me, a thief outside I may be
inside here, I'm just another old 'Has Been'.
Your sins go hand in hand life through in pairs,
your destiny depends on you and prayers,
If you ever stop to count, you will find the true amount
of your wrong deeds in your Mother's greying hairs!"..........Eliko.
Thought I would like to change the subject for a moment folks, hope you don't mind.