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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:You don't have faith in us and you don't want to join the fight to better ourselves and win our right to self determination or encourage TCs to move back home but are quick to condemn every move we make....You then speak of hope but not for us :evil: :evil: :evil:

If you REALLY wanted to better yourselves you'd follow those that are successful and not the losers. All that Turkey can ever give you is more of the same crap... haven't you had enough yet?

Self determination has nothing to do with improving oneself and everything to do with acquiring enormous responsibilities and thus the vulnerability to sink even further. Be careful what you wish for a handful of people of a predominantly agricultural nature.

Hahahahahaaaaa! You did it...But then again you always think you are better than us......Turkey is growing faster than you would like it to mate so your little stories do not scare us.......We would like to be just TCs but you have closed the door on that so we go for second best which is great really...We do not want you as our rulers that is for sure.
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Postby utu » Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:31 am

Nikitas wrote:Three governments! Two national assemblies! THree police forces! Wow! I am not commenting on the need or otherwise of such a system, but knowing our propensity (of ALL Cypriots) to nepotism and cronyism, can you all imagine how the appointments to these various bodies will be made! We are risking becoming a nation of idle civils servants and a heavily taxed population to feed all these drones.

Canada has one federal and a lot of provinicial and territorial governments. Where I live - BC - is just one example with the provincial government in Victoria and the federal government in Ottawa. The system works here okay. So why could not two state governments and one federal government work in Cyprus?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:47 am

Bananiot wrote:Birkibrisli, just like activation energies protect us from the second law of thermodynamics, we need to be protected from the savagy of the fanatics. Our people will not wake up one morning and say "let us all live together in harmony". The fanatics among us are many and they still play first fiddle. Thus, it is all very well to visualise, rather gallantly, a heavently Cyprus but this will not happen in the near future, because we behaved terribly in the very near past and we show typical Cypriot stubborness in doing away with the past. In other words, wishful thinking will get us nowhere. We need to establish a metastable state (again I slide towards thermodynamics) but this can only happen if we sincerely understand each other and place the interests of Cyprus above everything else. Can we do this, when all we do in this forum (if this is a mirror of our society) is debate on how much damage we have done to each other?

Above all, as a vanguard in society, we must strive to open dialog.

It is the single weapon we have, and I am not shy to repeat myself anymore, because I believe that all people are the same. And we all change. Therefore it is important for Cypriots to demonstrate this fact amongst themselves, as they would demonstrate it to a total stranger, in welcoming them. After the debasing of our collective Humanity, and this artificial isolation from each other it is easy to feel one side or the other must pay, ...

we all paid, and we will all pay whatever the solution.

Call me a dreamer, but I do believe in the thinking which I declare and even if you all say, impossible, worse still, nothing at all, show me something that is a better demonstration of integrity, demonstrating to the rest of the world a society who puts their commitment to the betterment of Mankind first, above the plunder that comes from self interest.

Join me in this fantasy. It is BBF; that founds a State which can maximise its potential because it is suited to sustain its Peoples free association, free expression, and free movement, as equals and as wholes. And it is what our heros strove for, never agreeing to plans which have accomadations for interlocutors. None of it is new, and I believe it has been ignored because it makes Cyprus, at least its Republic, Greek no more, and neither Turkish.

For ourselves we need two National Assemblies, so that we can choose to sustain the origins of our identity, as distinct.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:53 pm

Bananiot wrote:At times I also like to dilute reality with a little bit of fantasy, Birkibrisli. Human nature I suppose. Nice Hodja story, I haven't heard of that one before but aren't they all superb?

Reality is too depressing,dear Bananiot...One always have to dilute it with dreams,hopes and fantasy...Here is another of my favourite Hodja stories:

Neigbours spotted Hodja on his hands and knees outside his home one dark night...They asked what he was up to..."I have dropped my worry-beads," said Hodja,"and I am looking for them".
"Where exactly did you drop them,"asked the neighbours.
"Oh,in the cellar downstairs."
"Then why are you looking for them out here?"
'Isn't it obvious,"replied Hodja impatiently,"there is more light out here!" :)
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:06 pm

zan wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Zan....the first part of your post goes over old ground...So if you don't mind I will just answer your questions:

Three Questions.....

I did not see you mention visiting the TRNC in your posts??????

Do you ever intend sorting out the national service business...£3000 means not having to do a day.

Do you want to get to vote in the TRNC......It can be arranged apparently...Get in touch with me.

That is because I did not visit the trnc...

I intend to sort out the national service business asap...So that I can go and observe the "turkification"process at first hand...And to visit my old Uncles and Aunts before they pass on... :(

I have no wish to ever vote in the trnc...Like I have no desire to write on water... :(

Great so as I have said...At what point did you lose faith that a Turk will never be able to make the right decision for the good of it's own people. And on the other point...Why the hell do you want to get the army out of the way...You might as well become a Greek and have done with it. I am sure that those friends of yours in the "RoC" can get you a whole new identity and then you can visit and laugh at us TCs as a GC.

You don't have faith in us and you don't want to join the fight to better ourselves and win our right to self determination or encourage TCs to move back home but are quick to condemn every move we make....You then speak of hope but not for us :evil: :evil: :evil:

The problem is not that I don't trust a Turk to make the right decision for his/her people...It is that I don't trust a Turk to make a right decision for Turkish Cypriots...What is right for Turks and Turkey is not necessarily right for TCs...Time you people lifted your heads from the sand and realised this fact...

I want to fix my national service business in the North because I want to be able to visit every part of my country whenever I wish...And I want to test it for myself to see whether I will be as revolted by what I will find in the trnc as I think I would...As far as I am concerned to want to be a state of the Republic of Turkey is not "self determination" but "self-denial"...It is committing "ethnic cleansing" on your own community...
Trust me,dear Zan.If things are as bad as I think they are in the North I will not be laughing...I will be crying my heart out... :cry:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:05 pm

Birk is a T/C just like you Zan but he is first and foremost a Cypriot just like me !
He is not part of a minority and I'm not part of the majority , both of us are genuine in our belief of our Cypriotness and full of admiration respect and empathy for each other .I know many many Birkibrislis , this one I haven't met , not yet , but I consider him my brother , born a few miles away from where I was born , he hasn't one tiny fibre of hatred for his compatriots and I most sincerely hope that neither have you Zan .
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:19 am


Some of the serious things we do not talk about on this forum, yet we all know they are problems, are nepotism and cronyism and what in Greek (and Turkish I am sure) is called Rousfetti. I would venture that just as many Cypriots have left Cyprus because of these problems as for the violence of 63 and 74.

To break free of this habit, which is just as strong in the north as it is in the south, it will take lots of ingenuity. In Canada you do not have the institutions of Koumbaros, family ties, etc which dictate how people are hired in civil service positions in Cyprus. At times I wonder if we could import Swiss people to man the civils service for a period of five years, just so people can see the difference and get accustomed to high levels of service.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:29 am

Nikitas wrote:Utu,

Some of the serious things we do not talk about on this forum, yet we all know they are problems, are nepotism and cronyism and what in Greek (and Turkish I am sure) is called Rousfetti. I would venture that just as many Cypriots have left Cyprus because of these problems as for the violence of 63 and 74.

To break free of this habit, which is just as strong in the north as it is in the south, it will take lots of ingenuity. In Canada you do not have the institutions of Koumbaros, family ties, etc which dictate how people are hired in civil service positions in Cyprus. At times I wonder if we could import Swiss people to man the civils service for a period of five years, just so people can see the difference and get accustomed to high levels of service.

You are rght Nikitas rousfetti = rushvet = bribery in Turkish.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:13 am

miltiades wrote:Birk is a T/C just like you Zan but he is first and foremost a Cypriot just like me !
He is not part of a minority and I'm not part of the majority , both of us are genuine in our belief of our Cypriotness and full of admiration respect and empathy for each other .I know many many Birkibrislis , this one I haven't met , not yet , but I consider him my brother , born a few miles away from where I was born , he hasn't one tiny fibre of hatred for his compatriots and I most sincerely hope that neither have you Zan .

thank-you miliades, i know now that you are my friend.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:48 pm

miltiades wrote:Birk is a T/C just like you Zan but he is first and foremost a Cypriot just like me !
He is not part of a minority and I'm not part of the majority , both of us are genuine in our belief of our Cypriotness and full of admiration respect and empathy for each other .I know many many Birkibrislis , this one I haven't met , not yet , but I consider him my brother , born a few miles away from where I was born , he hasn't one tiny fibre of hatred for his compatriots and I most sincerely hope that neither have you Zan .

....and this is one post that I WILL agree with you 100% Milti. :lol: :lol:
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