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Most Turks are fascists(Kemalist)

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Postby phoenix » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:47 am

Nikephoros wrote:No, you must be very stubborn to deny the truth. The links I supplied in the beginning of this thread have never been denied nor challenged by you. Because the truth is you and most Turks are certainly nobody to give lectures on truth, or specifically what is fascist or not.

Actually Nikephoros . . . I can't access the page to the first link on the banned books.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:53 am

Nikephoros wrote:No, you must be very stubborn to deny the truth. The links I supplied in the beginning of this thread have never been denied nor challenged by you. Because the truth is you and most Turks are certainly nobody to give lectures on truth, or specifically what is fascist or not.

I see, i do not challenge them because i cant actually take you seriously when you are being so blatantly hypocritical about racism and fascism, you are ridiculous.
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Postby Nikephoros » Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:01 am

phoenix wrote:Actually Nikephoros . . . I can't access the page to the first link on the banned books.

Here: ... ntent.html
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Postby T_C » Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:31 am

Don't mind Nikephoros...I've said it before....the man has a blatant Turk fetish. :lol:

Every once in a while he comes and bombards us with MANY MANY links to websites about Turks, which I'm SURE he ACTUALLY reads...which probably explains his long absences from the forum...he's probably doing his "research". :?

Sad git! :roll:
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Postby Nikephoros » Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:37 am

I await a stupid Sunni muslim fanatic Turk to try to disprove that Turkey is fascist, that Turkey does not have an official ideology known as Kemalism, that most Turks are not fascist Kemalists even when they live abroad. You cannot silence the facts, this is not a forum hosted in Turkey.
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Postby T_C » Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:13 am

Ataturk is part of our culture! End of!

Stop trying to make a mountain out of mole hill!

There are SOME people like the Grey Wolves who exploit Ataturk, similar to how SOME Muslims exploit Islam when they go to such extremes like blowing themselves up...

No one is trying to silence you, we're countering your claims...what you're trying to do is obvious, and you come accross as one racist and brainwashed individual.

You made up your mind a long time ago and like a scavanger you go looking for articles to "prove" your viewpoint and come here are if to say "aha! see".

Grow up, get a life!!
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Postby Nikephoros » Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:20 am

Grey Wolves are the ones who put Ataturk on most government websites, buildings? Grey Wolves make foreign diplomatic missions pose infront of pictures of Kemal? How about this argument: STUPID, LAME ARE THE EXCUSES MADE BY T_C.

Brainwashed individuals are the members of Turkish nation, unfree to say what they want on national issues because they will face prosecution, they will go to jail, fanatic nationalists will attack them verbally, make threats and never be punished. Those journalists not prosecuted learn from those presecutred or even jailed what high price it is in Turkey to attempt at truth instead of accepting the Kemalist fascism.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:10 pm

I don't see anything wrong with Kemalism to be honest, it contains nothing but the formula to wish for Turkey to be another modern country which would serve the human race, you are just bitter because the man who single handedly destroyed your "Megale Idea" is still very much alive and kicking within most intellectual Turk.

However, at the moment The country is being run buy the people who totally oppose Kemalism, and got there through democratic elections, therefore crushing your sad argument about EVERY TURK being a fascist blind Kemalist, and the Grey Wolves do not represent the true Kemalists, like TC said they are nothing but exploiters just like their extreme opposites, the Islamic fundamentalists.

You are a first class racist who is trying to support his ideology through inaccurate arguments.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:20 pm

Shahmaran, can you tell me what is Kemalist ideas?
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:50 pm

Nikephoros wrote:Grey Wolves are the ones who put Ataturk on most government websites, buildings? Grey Wolves make foreign diplomatic missions pose infront of pictures of Kemal? How about this argument: STUPID, LAME ARE THE EXCUSES MADE BY T_C.

Brainwashed individuals are the members of Turkish nation, unfree to say what they want on national issues because they will face prosecution, they will go to jail, fanatic nationalists will attack them verbally, make threats and never be punished. Those journalists not prosecuted learn from those presecutred or even jailed what high price it is in Turkey to attempt at truth instead of accepting the Kemalist fascism.

Nikephoros, I have been reading this thread from the beginning. Your only aim here is to tarnish Ataturk and all Turks with the same brush. The IRA were /are Catholics, that does not make all Catholics terrorists. It was with disbelief that I read these posts and decided they were not worth respomding to. All I will say is just grow up. T-C has said what I needed to say. Read it all over again. You do nothing else anyway. Read and not understand the Turkish 'psyche'. Get a life.
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