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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Daemon » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:51 am

I do not care for your statement above. If you are seeking an apology from me on my NO vote, you will get none.

No I do not have right to do something like that, this is what your children’s may do someday.

This is what the lunatics you have in your government are trying to do like in the recent event where they asked from Kasoulides to regret for his yes.

I do not care for your accusation levied towards this government.

It’s your right and your choice to believe what they have some brain cells alive and it’s my right and my choice to believe what they are completely brain dead humiliated lunatics.

in the Cypriot republic. I would like this republic to function normally and not in a dysfunctional governing structure that is the Annan Plan. You say that i need to explain my vote but I for one do not feel a responsibility to offer you one. Further more, not only do i have my reasons on voting this plan down, i actually named a few of them in my previous comment.

You don’t have to explain me a shit like I’ve said above, but unfortunately you have responsibilities especially now that by a mistake they made you a European (evro-peo xoris to evro).

I have answered to everything and i will do it again if you can’t go back and see my answers.

The problem you may have is the thinking that the Cypriots voted the way they did because of Papadopoulos speech to the Cypriot republic. Do you realize that even before his speech where he stated "NO", polls were released where more then 70 percent of the Greek Cypriots were already going to vote this plan down?

I’m not aware for that poll but I do not see any difference where the government and all the media were passing the no long before.

And it’s very simple to see what if AKEL had said YES even after all the bullshits that this hilarious government did, the yes would be a 40% in the worst case and do not tell me what you don’t know how this (and all the communists parties) work.

And of course if you had a person with basic sense (like Kliridis for example) the yes could be bigger and it could also be bigger from no, (remember when some people were asking to count the no vote as double) but the fact is what this government did not give you any chance to clear your minds about the most important decision you had to make for the feature of your country.

But even if the no were the answer through a democratic and reasonable way with a reasonable government you wouldn’t be in the situation you are today.

The no it was an option, what happened before and after the referendum from this hilarious government was not an option for people that actually care for their country and for the way their rights are presented to the world.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:36 am

Daemon you really fit the definition of MALAKAS better than anyone I have ever come across. Sketti agriokatina re megale, to xerei i mama sou oti erxesai edo kai (ton) paizeis?
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:40 am

Daemon your father is a handsome specimen, and you must be proud of him, but you are not supposed to post pictures of family here.
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Postby Daemon » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:16 pm

WOW I’m impressed, you both farts are incapable to make conversation and you can’t point a single reasonable argument and you expect what from the universe?

At least while you are pushing you self to find something to say on what I say stop insulting and I may do the same.

What is the difference with you and me and you are allowed to insult and I’m not?

You obviously need a nice psychiatrist for donkeys, I suggest Mikelides.
Last edited by Daemon on Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Daemon » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:34 pm

The Donkey issue:

Δεν υπάρχει ίσως πιο παρεξηγημένο ζώο στο νησί μας από τον συμπαθέστατον Κυπριακόν Γάϊδαρον. Ο γάϊδαρος, κινδυνεύει πλέον να εκλέιψει από την Κυπριακήν ύπαιθρον αν και ακόμα μπορούμε να τον βρόυμε στις ορεινές αγροτικές περιοχές και εκάστοτε πίσω από τα έδρανα της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων.
Αν και επικρατεί η εντύπωση ότι ο γάϊδαρος είναι ζώον άμυαλο και πεισματάρικο, εντούτις η ζωή στην Κύπρο μέχρι και το το πρώτο μισό του προηγούμενου αιώνα θα ήταν αδιανόητη χωρίς την παρουσία του. Εκφράσεις όπως «έφαεν τον γαουρόπατσον» και «εν τέλεια γάρος» εξυμνούν την ρώμη του ζώου και την ανθεκτικότητα του, κακώς εκλαμβανομένης ώς αναισθησίας. Η παιχνιδιάρικη διάθεση και ανεμελιά του προσφιλή μας γαϊδάρου προσέφερε γλωσσικόν πλούτο που δεν απαντάται πουθενά αλλού στον ελληνόφωνο κόσμο με λέξεις όπως «γαουρόπελλος», [/b]«γαουρόπορτος»[/b], «γαϊδουρόπορτον» (το γνωστό μας πορδομανίταρο), «γαουρόσπορος», «γαουροτζέφαλος», «γαουρόθρουμπος», «γαουροτζύλισμαν» και ούτο καθεξής. Ας μην ξεχάσουμε τα «Ο γάδαρος τζι η σσιλυντρούνα» και «Σπουδαία ανακάλυψις» του λαϊκού μας ποιητή Βασίλη Μιχαηλίδη.
Ο Κυπριακός Equus Αsinus, που δεν πρέπει να συγχέεται με το μουλάριν (βόρτον) που είναι διασταύρωση με άλογο, είναι η μεγαλύτερη ποικιλία γαϊδάρου ανά το παγκόσμιο. Η εκπληκτική για το μέγεθός του δύναμη τον καθιστούσε σημαντικότατο μεταφορικό μέσο αλλά και μηχανή σε βορδονόμυλους κυρίως. Τέτοια ήταν η φήμη των γαιδάρων μας που στην αρχαιότητα ήταν περιζήτητο εξαγώγιμο προϊόν. Λέγεται δε, πως ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος τους χρησιμοποίησε στις εκστρατίες του. Δεν θέλει και πολλήν φαντασίαν για να οραματιστούμεν το θρυλικόν μας Γαούριν να σκαρφαλώνει με θάρρος και αυταπάρνησην τις χιονισμένες βουνοκορφές τον Ιμαλαϊων και τους δύσβατους βάλτους των Ινδιών βοηθώντας στην εξάπλωση του Ελληνισμού. Ουδεμίαν έκπληξη θα νιώθαμε εάν μαθαίναμε πως στις παρυφές του Χίντου Κους ανακαλύφτηκαν γαϊδαροι που γκαρίζουν με Κυπριακή προφορά.
Γι’ αυτό λοιπόν αγαπητέ αναγνώστη την επόμενη φορά που κάποιος κακόπιστος σας αποκαλέσει «γάδαρον» μην χάσετε την αυτοσυγκράτησή σας. Αντιθέτως, με την ψυχραιμία του ζώου που σας αποκάλεσε, χαμογελάστε πίσω και ευχαριστήστε τον για το κομπλιμέντο.
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Postby phoenix » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:09 pm

Daemon wrote:The Donkey issue:

Δεν υπάρχει ίσως πιο παρεξηγημένο ζώο στο νησί μας από τον συμπαθέστατον Κυπριακόν Γάϊδαρον. Ο γάϊδαρος, κινδυνεύει πλέον να εκλέιψει από την Κυπριακήν ύπαιθρον αν και ακόμα μπορούμε να τον βρόυμε στις ορεινές αγροτικές περιοχές και εκάστοτε πίσω από τα έδρανα της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων.
Αν και επικρατεί η εντύπωση ότι ο γάϊδαρος είναι ζώον άμυαλο και πεισματάρικο, εντούτις η ζωή στην Κύπρο μέχρι και το το πρώτο μισό του προηγούμενου αιώνα θα ήταν αδιανόητη χωρίς την παρουσία του. Εκφράσεις όπως «έφαεν τον γαουρόπατσον» και «εν τέλεια γάρος» εξυμνούν την ρώμη του ζώου και την ανθεκτικότητα του, κακώς εκλαμβανομένης ώς αναισθησίας. Η παιχνιδιάρικη διάθεση και ανεμελιά του προσφιλή μας γαϊδάρου προσέφερε γλωσσικόν πλούτο που δεν απαντάται πουθενά αλλού στον ελληνόφωνο κόσμο με λέξεις όπως «γαουρόπελλος», [/b]«γαουρόπορτος»[/b], «γαϊδουρόπορτον» (το γνωστό μας πορδομανίταρο), «γαουρόσπορος», «γαουροτζέφαλος», «γαουρόθρουμπος», «γαουροτζύλισμαν» και ούτο καθεξής. Ας μην ξεχάσουμε τα «Ο γάδαρος τζι η σσιλυντρούνα» και «Σπουδαία ανακάλυψις» του λαϊκού μας ποιητή Βασίλη Μιχαηλίδη.
Ο Κυπριακός Equus Αsinus, που δεν πρέπει να συγχέεται με το μουλάριν (βόρτον) που είναι διασταύρωση με άλογο, είναι η μεγαλύτερη ποικιλία γαϊδάρου ανά το παγκόσμιο. Η εκπληκτική για το μέγεθός του δύναμη τον καθιστούσε σημαντικότατο μεταφορικό μέσο αλλά και μηχανή σε βορδονόμυλους κυρίως. Τέτοια ήταν η φήμη των γαιδάρων μας που στην αρχαιότητα ήταν περιζήτητο εξαγώγιμο προϊόν. Λέγεται δε, πως ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος τους χρησιμοποίησε στις εκστρατίες του. Δεν θέλει και πολλήν φαντασίαν για να οραματιστούμεν το θρυλικόν μας Γαούριν να σκαρφαλώνει με θάρρος και αυταπάρνησην τις χιονισμένες βουνοκορφές τον Ιμαλαϊων και τους δύσβατους βάλτους των Ινδιών βοηθώντας στην εξάπλωση του Ελληνισμού. Ουδεμίαν έκπληξη θα νιώθαμε εάν μαθαίναμε πως στις παρυφές του Χίντου Κους ανακαλύφτηκαν γαϊδαροι που γκαρίζουν με Κυπριακή προφορά.
Γι’ αυτό λοιπόν αγαπητέ αναγνώστη την επόμενη φορά που κάποιος κακόπιστος σας αποκαλέσει «γάδαρον» μην χάσετε την αυτοσυγκράτησή σας. Αντιθέτως, με την ψυχραιμία του ζώου που σας αποκάλεσε, χαμογελάστε πίσω και ευχαριστήστε τον για το κομπλιμέντο.

Daemon . . . your compliments are charming ! :D

Which Swiss finishing school did you attend? :?
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Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:23 pm

I love Donkeys , in fact my village is famed for producing some of the finest specimens in Cyprus .Some years back I had to get a copy of my birth certificate from the Paphos registrar , an elderly charming lady addressed me with a smile and enquired as to my requirements .I proceeded telling her that I wanted a birth certificate , she replied asking for the year and month of my birth , I told her May 1946 , Oh she said you must be Miltiades ! I was astounded to say the least , and asked how she knew from just the year and month of my birthday my identity , curious I said surely I wasn't the only one born in May 46, No she replied giggling , it wasn't just you but half a dozen Donkeys !! You see Donkeys are usually born in May . So being insulted by a minor of being a Donkey isn't insulting to me at all , Donkeys are hard working peaceful faithful animals with an enormous appetite for sex , qualities that I posses , apart from the sex drive that is !!! But I'm still a spring ... chicken or is it a Donkey !!!!
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Postby joe » Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:43 am

Daemon wrote:
No I do not have right to do something like that, this is what your children’s may do someday.

This is what the lunatics you have in your government are trying to do like in the recent event where they asked from Kasoulides to regret for his yes.

If i do have a child, I assure you that child will thank me for not voting in approval to dissolve the Republic of Cyprus.

Daemon wrote:It’s your right and your choice to believe what they have some brain cells alive and it’s my right and my choice to believe what they are completely brain dead humiliated lunatics.

I do not care for your accusation levied towards this government.

Daemon wrote:You don’t have to explain me a shit like I’ve said above, but unfortunately you have responsibilities especially now that by a mistake they made you a European (evro-peo xoris to evro).

I have answered to everything and i will do it again if you can’t go back and see my answers.

You must understand that my responsibility and loyalty lies to this republic. There will be no plan accepted that would support giving Turkish troops the right to intervene in the Greek Cypriot state of the "URoC." My responsibility was to understand this plan and what it represented and i have fulfilled my responsibility by voting this plan down.

Daemon wrote:I’m not aware for that poll but I do not see any difference where the government and all the media were passing the no long before.

In fact, there were both internal and external polls taken. All polls pointing to a NO majority.

Is it the Media's fault now? Those who favored the Annan Plan were give equal time on television and radio stations to air their opinion. I know, i had to listen to all that manure being spouted out from the YES camp.

Daemon wrote:And it’s very simple to see what if AKEL had said YES even after all the bullshits that this hilarious government did, the yes would be a 40% in the worst case and do not tell me what you don’t know how this (and all the communists parties) work.

And of course if you had a person with basic sense (like Kliridis for example) the yes could be bigger and it could also be bigger from no, (remember when some people were asking to count the no vote as double) but the fact is what this government did not give you any chance to clear your minds about the most important decision you had to make for the feature of your country.

You talk of political suicide. That is exactly what would have happened with your what-if scenarios above. No one would dare endorse this plan without major changes to it. Cypriots are not part of a herd that can be manipulated by any individual or party. To think so is an insult to all Cypriots. Politicians are supposed to represent the local constituents and not some coordinated policy to ease Turkey's EU bid.

Daemon wrote:But even if the no were the answer through a democratic and reasonable way with a reasonable government you wouldn’t be in the situation you are today.

It is interesting reading this statement above. It tells me a lot about you. You believe the Greek Cypriots are of a "lesser mind" and only you and a handful of others can see the reality of it all. I assure you, the Annan plan was voted down in a democratic manner.

Daemon wrote:The no it was an option, what happened before and after the referendum from this hilarious government was not an option for people that actually care for their country and for the way their rights are presented to the world.

Mistakes were made - that much is obvious - but lessons have been learned as well. My response however will only focus on the Annan plan.

In 2004, Greek Cypriots set aside their bickering and have overwhelmingly spoken with one voice for the survival of this republic.
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Postby Daemon » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:18 am

If i do have a child, I assure you that child will thank me for not voting in approval to dissolve the Republic of Cyprus.

I’m glad that you give a choice to your child’s like your elders did with you but I do not really believe what in the world we are living that they will safer from the same stupidity as this Cypriots generation do.

I do not care for your accusation levied towards this government.

You don’t have to, I have already said that. Everyone is coming to the world with some disadvantages from others and I truly hope so what your kids will have more luck than you.

You must understand that my responsibility and loyalty lies to this republic. There will be no plan accepted that would support giving Turkish troops the right to intervene in the Greek Cypriot state of the "URoC." My responsibility was to understand this plan and what it represented and i have fulfilled my responsibility by voting this plan down.

They didn’t ever had such right at variance with your choice where they gain the right to keep here 50 000 troops, very wise decision and your kids will really appreciate it.

Is it the Media's fault now? Those who favored the Annan Plan were give equal time on television and radio stations to air their opinion. I know, i had to listen to all that manure being spouted out from the YES camp.

Bullshit and yes there is a chance that you couldn’t see what happened because of some reasons that I’m not in mood to discuss.

And yes all the media in Cyprus are similar with Iran’s and the UNOPS bullshit started from them and even your Archbishop (not even in Iran) is interfering like in the resent even with MEGA and also Papafilipou (if I remember correct) the president of ANT1 is the EOKA B guy who is cooperating with TPapmalakas (the issue that AKEL opened). And the story with the media in Cyprus is much more ridiculous from what I can describe.

You talk of political suicide. That is exactly what would have happened with your what-if scenarios above. No one would dare endorse this plan without major changes to it. Cypriots are not part of a herd that can be manipulated by any individual or party. To think so is an insult to all Cypriots. Politicians are supposed to represent the local constituents and not some coordinated policy to ease Turkey's EU bid.

The smartest and the most appropriate people in Cyprus did(Markides, Tsielepis and others) and the vast majority of Cypriots does not know (even now) a shit about the plan. And TPap policy on the Cyprus problem was exactly that, he gave them a free passport for their accession.

It is interesting reading this statement above. It tells me a lot about you. You believe the Greek Cypriots are of a "lesser mind" and only you and a handful of others can see the reality of it all. I assure you, the Annan plan was voted down in a democratic manner.

Yes I do. Me and Anastasiadis and every person in Cyprus with brains and I assure you what the anan plan was rejected in a bullshitic way.

Mistakes were made - that much is obvious - but lessons have been learned as well. My response however will only focus on the Annan plan.

Yes exactly this is the problem, some people are incapable (stubborn donkeys) to confront reality, reason and their mistakes and they will vote again their doom because of psychology and ego problems.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:16 am

joe wrote:
Daemon wrote:
You don’t have to explain me a shit like I’ve said above, but unfortunately you have responsibilities especially now that by a mistake they made you a European (evro-peo xoris to evro).

I have answered to everything and i will do it again if you can’t go back and see my answers.

You must understand that my responsibility and loyalty lies to this republic. There will be no plan accepted that would support giving Turkish troops the right to intervene in the Greek Cypriot state of the "URoC." My responsibility was to understand this plan and what it represented and i have fulfilled my responsibility by voting this plan down.

Why Joe? If this right of intervention would have been given only for the so-called TC state, would you have accepted it? I personally wouldn't accept it either!
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