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Armenian “genocide” in The Washington Post

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Postby insan » Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:46 pm

NickTheGreek wrote:The treatment of the Kurds in SE Turkey in the early 90's was nothing short of despicable. Around 40,000 are estimated to have been killed while 3000 villages are believed to have been 'depopulated'.

You forgot to mention how many people have been killed by PKK terrorists with help of their local supporters in those regions and small enclaves. Those villages depopulated because PKK was forcing the innocent villagers for logistic help to PKK.
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Postby NickTheGreek » Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:04 pm

insan wrote:
NickTheGreek wrote:The treatment of the Kurds in SE Turkey in the early 90's was nothing short of despicable. Around 40,000 are estimated to have been killed while 3000 villages are believed to have been 'depopulated'.

You forgot to mention how many people have been killed by PKK terrorists with help of their local supporters in those regions and small enclaves. Those villages depopulated because PKK was forcing the innocent villagers for logistic help to PKK.

The fact you believe a movement that developed out of a genuine want for independence and freedom from it's oppressive neighbour, is 'terrorist', then apply absolutely markedly different standards when concerning Israel or Chechnya is proof enough of Muslim Double Standards.

The fact you also believe that 'terrorist' attacks merit depopulation is despicable. Should the US and Britain wipe out The Sunni Triangle therefore?
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Postby magikthrill » Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:50 pm

insan wrote:
You forgot to mention how many people have been killed by PKK terrorists with help of their local supporters in those regions and small enclaves. Those villages depopulated because PKK was forcing the innocent villagers for logistic help to PKK.

So insan you are telling thus that the actions of a terrorist organization justify the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians?
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Postby Dawn » Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:05 am

insan wrote:You talk about the "blue book" which was written for propaganda purposes by Brits during ww1? :lol:

Don't you you know this is the reason why UK and US didn't recognize the so-called Armenian Genocide?

Click: Turkish Weekly writes: The lack of recognition of the Armenian claims by Bush doesn't mean that the U.S. President does not believe the "genocide" allegations. The truth is that he could not risk increasing the tension between Turkey and the U.S., in a relationship that has been rocky of late.

So you see, it’s not because of the blue book or that he doesn't believe the genocide, it’s because US can’t risk loosing Turkey yet... Hey, a Turkish source wrote the article. :wink:

PS it's comical how all of a sudden, Turkey realized the blue book is "baseless"... You're pretty much sayin:"all the genocide documents are baseless, just believe us Turks darn it" lol

You would love it if all the documents from the blue book would just disappear, wouldn't you?
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Postby Dawn » Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:20 am

insan wrote:
Denying the Armenian genocide is denying humanity, nothing to do with freedom of speech

Accepting the so-called Armenian Genocide is the reflection of the hatred towards Turkey. Turkey well knows its enemies. Extreme Greek nationalists, extreme Armenian Nationalists, extreme Kurdish nationalists and bigot Christian Democrats.

This has got to be one of the biggest failures in logical thinking I've ever witnessed!
So because of the Jewish holocaus, everyone hates Germany and Germans today? Gee, I hope not.
It's denying the genocide that has given you a bad reputation, not the other way around.
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Postby insan » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:01 am

Dawn wrote:
insan wrote:
Denying the Armenian genocide is denying humanity, nothing to do with freedom of speech

Accepting the so-called Armenian Genocide is the reflection of the hatred towards Turkey. Turkey well knows its enemies. Extreme Greek nationalists, extreme Armenian Nationalists, extreme Kurdish nationalists and bigot Christian Democrats.

This has got to be one of the biggest failures in logical thinking I've ever witnessed!
So because of the Jewish holocaus, everyone hates Germany and Germans today? Gee, I hope not.
It's denying the genocide that has given you a bad reputation, not the other way around.

It is obvious that you are confusing the facts with allegations. Jewish holocaust is a wery well known fact. Armenian Genocide allegations is something fictitious created by Armenian diaspora. All Armenian intellectuals in Turkey shouting that the Armenian Genocide is a big lie of Armenian diaspora. Read Agos(an Armenian daily published in Turkey), read Etyen Mahcupyan(an Armenian collumnist of Zaman newspaper) and learn the full story. As I said previously, the enemies of Turkey; diaspora Greeks, diaspora Armenians, diaspora Kurds and some bigot Christian Democrats(in EPP) use these allegations for their self-interests and political purposes. Soon you'll learn the naked truth about these allegations.

It seems, as a GC you are so happy to hear all these allegations about Turkey. You didn't post just a single message about other issues as if this forum was a place for the allegations about Armenian Genocide. It is obvious that your only obsession is these allegations. I can't think anything else than that you hate Turks. This is the only impression you left on me.
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Postby Dawn » Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:00 am

insan wrote:It is obvious that you are confusing the facts with allegations. Jewish holocaust is a wery well known fact. Armenian Genocide allegations is something fictitious created by Armenian diaspora. All Armenian intellectuals in Turkey shouting that the Armenian Genocide is a big lie of Armenian diaspora. Read Agos(an Armenian daily published in Turkey), read Etyen Mahcupyan(an Armenian collumnist of Zaman newspaper) and learn the full story. As I said previously, the enemies of Turkey; diaspora Greeks, diaspora Armenians, diaspora Kurds and some bigot Christian Democrats(in EPP) use these allegations for their self-interests and political purposes. Soon you'll learn the naked truth about these allegations.

Jewish holocaust is well known because Germany unlike Turkey took responsibility for it, apologized to the Jews, and has done everything to make it right. Turkey, on the other hand rejects the genocide and to make matters worse, closed its border on Armenia until Armenia drops the genocide recognition from its agenda! Can you see the difference? Just last week , Germany apologized to Armenians and admit fault in genocide stating that Germany being an ally to Ottoman Empire during the First World War bears a deal of responsibility for the Armenian Genocide. They’ve also called Turkey to acknowledge the genocide. So the reason why Jewish holocaust is well known, is because the perpetrators took responsibility for it, and didn’t try to reverse the facts and hide the truth.

insan wrote:It seems, as a GC you are so happy to hear all these allegations about Turkey. You didn't post just a single message about other issues as if this forum was a place for the allegations about Armenian Genocide. It is obvious that your only obsession is these allegations. I can't think anything else than that you hate Turks. This is the only impression you left on me.

Don’t get personal with me and don’t put words in my mouth. I don’t hate Turks. I just pity them for their closed mindedness. Many Turks actually risked their lives to save Armenians during the genocide… I’m sure you’re unaware of that too. And, why would you care about what posts I make in which threads anyway? Besides I’ve only been a member for 24 hrs! =)
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Postby unnamedman » Fri Apr 29, 2005 9:03 am

Bla, Bla, Bla

Do you think that Bush didn't want to risk relationship between USA and Turkey? I don't think so,


The person that never asked a person to war with Iraq
The person that never asked UN to Iraq war

This person, took rest of the world against himself, and didn't risk the relationship between Turkey and USA.

It's just LoL.

Everyone knows that, Jews never attacked politicians with their illegal terorism groups. Oh yeah, ASALA. I don't know who are the barbarrians.

Everyone know that there is a reason, for that most of the countries haven't recognize the genocide. Who cares Turkey? These countries hadn't let us to keep Apo (Leader of PKK) in jail for years. It took time, to understand that he was a leader of terrorism group. Like before, it'll take time to understand that there wasn't a genocide.

So it will take its place in the history, "So-Called Genocide Comedy" by Armenian Diaspora, presents of Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros.
Last edited by unnamedman on Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby garbitsch » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:41 pm

If "Armenian genocide" is something like Jewish Holocaust, why did it take 90 years for the European countries to realise that it actually happened? Why didnt they recognised it during the past 90 years? How long did it take for the world to recognise Jewish holocaust??
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Postby unnamedman » Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:27 pm

garbitsch wrote:If "Armenian genocide" is something like Jewish Holocaust, why did it take 90 years for the European countries to realise that it actually happened? Why didnt they recognised it during the past 90 years? How long did it take for the world to recognise Jewish holocaust??

Because there is no genocide, there is something worst.


in the end , diaspora managed to make a few european country believed their genocide story. history won't forget the biggest story. i'm very excited about that when all of the arcihives are opened, the face of brain-washed armenians. (fanatic of crazy diaspora)

By the way, if you want to reply this post, first look at my preview post.

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