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Armenian “genocide” in The Washington Post

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Postby YeReVaN » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:17 pm

Murtaza wrote:You guys have realy interesting idea of freedom.
Freedom cannot give harm to other. If you insult someone, you harm it.
I dont see insult as a freedom. And I am sure no country will see it as a freedom.

If I call Bush a "fuckin idiot" he can not do anything to me, because I am protected by the first amendment. Words can not cause harm. If I call you a "dickface" what harm will it cause you. Are you going to have a headache? Or is your leg going to hurt?

Your dislike for Turkey makes you a little weird

It's not going to make no one weird. By the way most of us dislike your government and idiots like you. Not particularly your country.
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Postby magikthrill » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:21 pm

yerevan youre too quick too judge.

just because you have a set opinion of something

a) it doesnt mean its right
b) that doesnt give you the right to insult people just because their OPINION is different than yours.
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Postby YeReVaN » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:24 pm

magikthrill wrote:yerevan youre too quick too judge.

just because you have a set opinion of something

a) it doesnt mean its right
b) that doesnt give you the right to insult people just because their OPINION is different than yours.

Are you refering to me judging Martaza?
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Postby YeReVaN » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:27 pm

What's your point?
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Postby magikthrill » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:31 am

my point is by judding every person who is Turkish like a dumbass just because they dont believe in the armenian genocide makes you look like a low life idiot so chill.
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Postby YeReVaN » Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:30 am

magikthrill wrote:my point is by judding every person who is Turkish like a dumbass just because they dont believe in the armenian genocide makes you look like a low life idiot so chill.

When the hell did I judge every Turkish person who doesn't belive in genocide? I called Martaza idiot because he makes he stupid comments that don't make sense. When did I talk about all Turks? So you're the one who should chill out, not me.
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Postby gabaston » Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:51 am


can you please tell us what the armenian population was prior the genocide.

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Postby YeReVaN » Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:07 am

gabaston wrote:yerevan

can you please tell us what the armenian population was prior the genocide.


You need to be more specific. Throughout the world or in Ottoman Empire?
In Ottoman Empire there were about 2 million Armenians.
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Postby Murtaza » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:05 am

YeReVaN wrote:
Murtaza wrote:You guys have realy interesting idea of freedom.
Freedom cannot give harm to other. If you insult someone, you harm it.
I dont see insult as a freedom. And I am sure no country will see it as a freedom.

If I call Bush a "fuckin idiot" he can not do anything to me, because I am protected by the first amendment. Words can not cause harm. If I call you a "dickface" what harm will it cause you. Are you going to have a headache? Or is your leg going to hurt?

Your dislike for Turkey makes you a little weird

It's not going to make no one weird. By the way most of us dislike your government and idiots like you. Not particularly your country.

Yes swear harm me. I feel pain. I know swearing is a fun for your culture. But we are not accustomed to swearing. In fact I didnt hear any swear in ten year.(In real life, net you know).Maybe because your culture is ful of swear, you should not force us to accept your swearing culture.

"By the way most of us dislike your government"
Should I remind you Turks choose their goverment. It is comic, you dont hate Turks, but you hate Turkish goverment choosen by Turks.
By the way there is not 2 million Armenian in Turkey.
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Postby brother » Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:01 pm

Murtaza maybe you should speak to him the way he speaks to you, its probably the only language he understands.
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