sticks and stones can break bones but swearing from yerevan can never hurt me"
How old are you, little kid? 7?
How old are you, little kid? 7?
Shame on your patheric government.
How old are you, little kid? 7?
I am not the one swearing like a little kid
Shame on your patheric government.
Not as much shame as your Armenian goverment that has been lying to its people for 90 years about a genocide that never happened.
cannedmoose wrote:Cyprus-Forum Rules
Personal attacks are not allowed - Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully without insult and personal attack...
brother wrote:There you go again showing us how common you are by swearing, look yerevan not one armenian was killed in the period you claim that the genocide happened and that is something you will have to live with that its complete rubbish what you post and speak about.
brother wrote:As much as i believe what you are writing, i am going to leave this conversation here but if you choose to apologise to me for all the swearing you done then i will have a proper conversation with you and tell you what i think happened in that period and we can have a proper civilised debate.
The ball is in your court are you man enough to do whats right?
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