actually biological evidence suggests we are more brothers with turks then with armenians.
and any denial of that is just as sad as the brainwashing murtaza has obviously received.
Do you have an article which in order to back up your claim that Turks are supposed to be geneticaly our ''brothers''?
All the people living in the Ottoman Empire must have been racialy mixed acording to common logic.That must have happened with many different ways.Usually it was because they ,the Turks, were gathering the kids of the christians in order to turn them to Turks,for millitary purposes, the Jenissaries.Or simply because they were taking our women i suppose.Although i have seen many Turks with very....Turanic and Arabic characteristics.For example check the Turkish football national team that we played against today.The majority of them had Turanic and Arabic characteristics.Moreover i have the impression that the Turkish people generaly are a mixture between Arabs and original oriental Turks.I will try to search about it.
By the way i called brothers the armenians , not because of any genetic or blood relations, but because culturaly the Armenians are the most closest people to the Greeks.I am not talking about Christianity or Orthodox religion ,but about the language.
Greek is the only language on its branch of the Indo-European family tree. Its closest relations are the Indo-Iranian languages
, and Armenian.This is not a theory ,but a fact.Do you want me to proove it or do you beleive me?
I don't need to mention that the modern goals of the Greeks and the Armenians are confounded.
As for the cultural relation with the Turks, i honestly don't see any.Unless if you classify Kebab,tsifteteli and few slang Turkish words(which are rarely used anymore) as ''culture''

PS:I have the impression that this , ''Turks and Greeks are similliar'' cult, has immediatly to do with the Greek policy for the past 6-5 years, which is trying to bring our people closer to each other,obviously for political reasons.The point is , we don't have the right to rewrite or forget the history to bring two nations closer , for the sake of the truth.