garbitsch wrote:Piratis, just because 6-7 countries recognize this socalled genocide, does not make it real... Why did it take 90 years for France to realise that there had been an Armenian genocide?? Sweden suddenly changed its official position and does not recognise the "genocide" anymore. Why did this happen? IF there had been such a thing called "Armenian genocide" , why is it so hard for the countries to recongise it?
The murderings of Armenians during the World War 1 do not necessarily mean that the Ottoman government wanted to get rid of the whole Armenian race from the Earth! We all know that this Armenian genodice thing was first created by the British during the World War 1 in order to justify the creation of an Armenian state and invasion of the Eastern Anatolia by Russia. We also know that Armenian genocide is the only thing that keep Armenians as a nation.
The fact is that many Armenians were brutally slaughtered during the wars by Turks and Kurds, however this cannot be classified as a "genocide". If so, why were the Armenians in Istanbul not murdered? Besides, during the wars 2.5 million Ottomans had died in Eastern Anatolia (Ottoman Empire was under occupation of five nations). There is another fact that, in the USA if scholars do not support the Armenian genocide they face with threat and even are attacked by the Armenian groups. Former UCLA Professor Stanford Shaw's house was bombed by Armenians, because he didnt believe the socalled genocide had happened!!
"Instead of recognizing that Turkey is one of the worst countries in terms of human rights violations, and that their history is again one of the most brutal ones (in the way they treated others), they are just giving cheap excuses." You are telling this just because you are a Greek Cypriot... That is the only explanation. You do not have propagandas in South, do you?

We have less brutal history than the whole Europe mate!
You are so wrong I don't even know where to begin.
First of, 15 countries have recognized the genocide, not 5. Do you think if it never happened, those 15 countries would risk loosing relations with Turkey, a country way more powerful than Armenia, over a lie? I don’t think so. Why other countries haven't recognize the genocide you ask? Lets see… There are only about 8 million Armenians world wide (though if genocide hadn’t happened, the number would’ve been doubled) compared to 10 times of that for Turks, many people haven’t even heard about the Armenian genocide. Turkey is Israel best and only friend in the region, thus Israel is among the group of deniers, and Jews pretty much own America. So there goes the reason for Israel and the US. Turkey is a powerful country. Armenia on the other hand, not really. Turkey has mentioned many times, it will cut relations with countries who recognize the Armenian genocide. Do I have to explain more?
So there was a “war“? Lets see… If deporting 1.5 million people from their ancestral homeland into the desert with no food or water, raping their women, cutting pregnant women’s stomachs and taking the babies out, stealing little girls, etc. etc. etc. is your definition of a war, then indeed, it was a "war". If, on the other hand, a war is between two armies and not their women, children, and the elderly, then you can not characterize it as a “war”.