By the way, you should have to make genetic research about you too.
who know what it say.
YeReVaN wrote:I think not. Time will show.
The only reason they might not jail him, is if a pressure came from EU.
Murtaza wrote:By the way, you should have to make genetic research about you too.
who know what it say.
YeReVaN wrote:Murtaza wrote:By the way, you should have to make genetic research about you too.
who know what it say.
I know about my history very well. It's a shame that you don't.
YeReVaN wrote:what history? This is related with gens, Not histories.
Isn't knowing where your people came from a history?
YeReVaN wrote:Go get some education man. You sound pathetic. (suggestions: history, english) and some common sense.
magikthrill wrote:BROTHER,
have you set the record for starting the longest lasting thread on this forum?
just wondering
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