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Armenian “genocide” in The Washington Post

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Postby brother » Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:29 pm

Yerevan you are the most uncivilised, arrogant , brainwashed muppet who can only resort to verbal abuse as a defense, grow up and i am sure many would be more than happy to talk with you but you must be reasonable and civilised.
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Postby YeReVaN » Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:46 pm

Talk about ignorant and brainwashed? I feel sorry for you and the rest of your brainwashed friends that think whole heartedly belive the lies of turkish government. But on second thought I don't care, you want a be ignorant? Go ahead stay ignorant. The fact of the matter is the whole world knows the truth.
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Postby Murtaza » Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:49 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Talk about ignorant and brainwashed? I feel sorry for you and the rest of your brainwashed friends that think whole heartedly belive the lies of turkish government. But on second thought I don't care, you want a be ignorant? Go ahead stay ignorant. The fact of the matter is the whole world knows the truth.

They will learn.
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Postby YeReVaN » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:09 pm

I hope you will too.
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Postby cannedmoose » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:38 pm

Where's insan? :lol:
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Postby Murtaza » Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:40 pm

cannedmoose wrote:Where's insan? :lol:

Lucky man flied before this post :wink:
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Postby Red Brigade10 » Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:55 am

Hmm i just saw some idiotic responses to a picture that i previously posted and i have this need to enlighten you.

This was the pic:

And those were the responses of some little Einsteins:

lol not sure if this is a picture as much as it is a pro-genocide/propaganda conjured image.

Lol how comes this little girl can write all letters in the same shape. Like all a's are alike!!! Lol!!!

I didnt know english education is that good in Turkey

apparently she has the ability to copy paste Laughing

Since you are not smart enough to understand it , this picture has clearly a symbolic meaning.

1st)It shows the Turkish flag on the top, which resembles to the ultra-nationalistic education the Turkish kids receive in Turkey.

2nd)Down we have the portrait of Holy Ataturk supreme god of the Turks.The Great Father of the Turks,who you can not question.In the Greek schools in the place of Ataturk , when we have portait , we usualy have a picture of Jesus.(Its amusing that they accuse our schools for teaching heartred)
By the way the reforms of the New Turkish Penal Code are that ,anyone who questions the Turkish army presence in Cyprus,or the Armenian Genocide, or the Kurdish issue , will be imprisoned.It is as well written in the Turkish Constitution that you can not question Ataturk or you will be sent in prison.I have in my archieves numerous reports of imprisoned Journalists because they ''questioned Ataturk''.
But anyway you are a bunch of immigrants and i doubt very much if you really know anything about Turkey,let alown other issues like Cyprus or Genocides.

3rd)The kid who is writing the texts resembles , the innocent modern Turks,who have been living with ignorance about the real situation in their country, and their myopic aproach to the history of their country.It resembles that in the Turkish schools , not just about the Armenian Genocide,but the truth is not told.The truth about the Turkish history their mass killings , their minorities today .Kurds who are called by the Turkish Mountainous Turks :? .

After all what kind of an idiot would beleive that the real Turks living in Turkey (outside Constantinople ,Smyrna,Adana and Ancara) are able to write English. :roll:
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Postby Murtaza » Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:50 pm

Red Brigade10 wrote:Hmm i just saw some idiotic responses to a picture that i previously posted and i have this need to enlighten you.

This was the pic:

And those were the responses of some little Einsteins:

lol not sure if this is a picture as much as it is a pro-genocide/propaganda conjured image.

Lol how comes this little girl can write all letters in the same shape. Like all a's are alike!!! Lol!!!

I didnt know english education is that good in Turkey

apparently she has the ability to copy paste Laughing

Since you are not smart enough to understand it , this picture has clearly a symbolic meaning.

So they make fun with the your symbolic pictures. What do you think?
Realy anyone thinked it is a Turkish school? So Most smart man is not enough smart to understand this?

Red Brigade10 wrote:By the way the reforms of the New Turkish Penal Code are that ,anyone who questions the Turkish army presence in Cyprus,or the Armenian Genocide, or the Kurdish issue , will be imprisoned.It is as well written in the Turkish Constitution that you can not question Ataturk or you will be sent in prison.I have in my archieves numerous reports of imprisoned Journalists because they ''questioned Ataturk''.

Can you show me any part about telling it is against to law,questions the Turkish army presence in Cyprus,or the Armenian Genocide, or the Kurdish issue.

The second one is true, There is a law agains the question Ataturk. But It is for islamic issues not Armenian Genocide. I am sure you will understand, Ataturk have nothing with that killings.

Red Brigade10 wrote:But anyway you are a bunch of immigrants and i doubt very much if you really know anything about Turkey,let alown other issues like Cyprus or Genocides.

I am mainland Turk and I am sure Turks in Cyprus watch Turkey better than you. So maybe you dont know very much about Turkey?

Red Brigade10 wrote:3rd)The kid who is writing the texts resembles , the innocent modern Turks,who have been living with ignorance about the real situation in their country, and their myopic aproach to the history of their country.It resembles that in the Turkish schools , not just about the Armenian Genocide,but the truth is not told.The truth about the Turkish history their mass killings , their minorities today .Kurds who are called by the Turkish Mountainous Turks :? -

And what about innocent Armenian child who learned their people killed by Turks? And They didnt even have any idea how many Turks killed by Armenians, Plus they didnt even know why that blood bath began, they didnt know what is the situation of Turkey. They dont know their history but They repeated just "You genocided us" I am realy sorry for them. They are wasting their life for a big lie.

By the way, Do you know when Armenian backstabbed greeks and why?

Noone called them Mountainous Turks , But ultra nationalist. You should not forget ultranationalist Armenian terorists who killed innocent Turks.(Asala) So can I say All Armenians are terorist.(this is what you doing)
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Postby Red Brigade10 » Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:57 pm

So they make fun with the your symbolic pictures. What do you think?
Realy anyone thinked it is a Turkish school? So Most smart man is not enough smart to understand this?

They can indeed make fun as you said on symbolic pictures.But they were making fun with the thought that it was a real picture of a Turkish school. :wink:

Can you show me any part about telling it is against to law,questions the Turkish army presence in Cyprus,or the Armenian Genocide, or the Kurdish issue.

Dear Murtaza if i take a huge poster , go infront of the Turkish Parliament and shout , recognise the Armenian Genocide,Free Kurdistan and take the troops out from Cyprus,with all your *cough honesty cough*, what do you think is going to happen to me next day? :shock:

Oh and by the way here is the part of your law which you are not aware as you claim.:D

Article 306 of the Turkish Penal Code: This provision threatens authors with jail sentences over statements that are construed by government officials to undermine Turkish "national interests".Moreover a citizen who demands the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Cyprus or declares that the Armenian genocide actually took place during the First World War, can be pursued by Justice,since it is against the ''national inetrests'' of Turkey.

You can simply Google ''article 306 New Turkish Penal Code'' and see what are the results,or if you are a real Turk of Turkey , as you claim, read your laws,since it seems you are not very aware what is happening in Turkey.

The second one is true, There is a law agains the question Ataturk. But It is for islamic issues not Armenian Genocide. I am sure you will understand, Ataturk have nothing with that killings.

My dear friend anyone in Turkey can be sent in prison for ''Insulting Ataturk''.It is really entertaining , do you want me to post you the names of some of the Turkish Journalists sent in prison because they designed a cartoon character?
Oh and by the way Ataturk,part of the Young Turks , was the mastermind of the Armenian Genocide.Just he didnt made his hands dirty with blood.He killed the rest of the Young Turk party members who were active in the Armenian Genocide because they would grab from him , his power.

I am mainland Turk and I am sure Turks in Cyprus watch Turkey better than you. So maybe you dont know very much about Turkey?

I doubt that very much.
And what about innocent Armenian child who learned their people killed by Turks? And They didnt even have any idea how many Turks killed by Armenians, Plus they didnt even know why that blood bath began, they didnt know what is the situation of Turkey. They dont know their history but They repeated just "You genocided us" I am realy sorry for them. They are wasting their life for a big lie.

I am not even going to waste my time since this is another propaganda ala turca.

By the way, Do you know when Armenian backstabbed greeks and why?

Hmm...i wonder why you mentioned this,it has nothing to do with the topic, do you want to create dissension between Armenians and Greeks Image?I have to admit you Turks are really cunning people.But there is a difrence between cunning and intelligent.

Noone called them Mountainous Turks ,

Of course nobody didn't... :roll:

You should not forget ultranationalist Armenian terorists who killed innocent Turks.(Asala) So can I say All Armenians are terorist.(this is what you doing)

Very interesting.Especially the way you interpretated the entire situation is magnificent.Every action in this world has a consequence.Why do you think ASALA started to murder the Turkish Diplomats?What do you think drove those people so desperate to use force in order to make themselves to be heared, because everybody turned deaf ears when a Historic Crime against humanity was being comminted against the Armenians... :wink:

:!: PS:By the way there is no such thing as thinked its thought. :D
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Postby Murtaza » Sat Jun 04, 2005 4:25 pm

Red Brigade10 wrote:

They can indeed make fun as you said on symbolic pictures.But they were making fun with the thought that it was a real picture of a Turkish school. :wink:

Sure you can understand what they think.

Red Brigade10 wrote:
Can you show me any part about telling it is against to law,questions the Turkish army presence in Cyprus,or the Armenian Genocide, or the Kurdish issue.

Dear Murtaza if i take a huge poster , go infront of the Turkish Parliament and shout , recognise the Armenian Genocide,Free Kurdistan and take the troops out from Cyprus,with all your *cough honesty cough*, what do you think is going to happen to me next day? :shock:

Oh and by the way here is the part of your law which you are not aware as you claim.:D

Article 306 of the Turkish Penal Code: This provision threatens authors with jail sentences over statements that are construed by government officials to undermine Turkish "national interests".Moreover a citizen who demands the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Cyprus or declares that the Armenian genocide actually took place during the First World War, can be pursued by Justice,since it is against the ''national inetrests'' of Turkey.

You can simply Google ''article 306 New Turkish Penal Code'' and see what are the results,or if you are a real Turk of Turkey , as you claim, read your laws,since it seems you are not very aware what is happening in Turkey.

"MADDE 306- (1) Temel millî yararlara karşı fiillerde bulunmak maksadıyla veya bu nedenle, yabancı kişi veya kuruluşlardan doğrudan doğruya veya dolaylı olarak kendisi veya başkası için yarar sağlayan vatandaşa, üç yıldan on yıla kadar hapis ve on bin güne kadar adli para cezası verilir. Yarar sağlayan veya vaat eden kişi hakkında da aynı cezaya hükmolunur.

(2) Fiilin savaş sırasında işlenmiş ya da yararın basın ve yayın yoluyla propaganda yapmak için verilmiş veya vaat edilmiş olması hâlinde, verilecek ceza yarı oranında artırılır.

(3) Suç savaş hâli dışında işlendiği takdirde, bu nedenle kovuşturma yapılması Adalet Bakanının iznine bağlıdır.

(4) Temel millî yararlar deyiminden; bağımsızlık, toprak bütünlüğü, millî güvenlik ve cumhuriyetin Anayasada belirtilen temel nitelikleri anlaşılır.


Madde, genel olarak temel millî yararları korumakta ve bunlara karşı fiillerde bulunmak üzere yarar elde edilmesini cezalandırmaktadır. “Temel millî yarar” kavramının gerek içerik gerek kapsamı itibarıyla çok geniş olabileceği bilinmektedir. Bu bakımdan maddenin son fıkrası kısıtlayıcı bir ölçüt olarak kaleme alınmıştır.

Bu nedenle, “kanunsuz suç olmaz” ilkesini kabul etmiş bulunan Türk ceza hukuku sisteminde “temel millî yarar”a karşı eylemde bulunma maksadının belirlenmesi bazen duraksamalara neden olabilir. Ancak maddenin son fıkrası duraksamaların giderilmesine olanak verecek niteliktedir.

Suçun maddî unsuru, para gibi bir yarar kabul etmektir. Ancak bu kabulün belirli temel millî yararlara karşı eylemlerde bulunmak amacıyla veya bu nedenle gerçekleşmesi gereklidir. Sağlanan yararı kabul etmek suçun tamamlanması için yeterlidir; ayrıca fiilen temel millî yararlara karşı eylemde bulunmuş olmak, suçun oluşması için zorunlu değildir.

Madde, failde kastın ötesinde belli bir amacın varlığını aramaktadır: Maddî unsur, temel millî yararlara karşı eylemlerde bulunmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilecektir.
Yukarıda açıklandığı üzere madde, genel olarak, temel millî yararlara karşı eylemleri cezalandırmaktadır. Bu itibarla kanunda temel millî yararların ihlâli ayrıca özel hükümlerle korunmuş bulunduğu hâllerde o hükümlerin uygulanması gerekecektir.

Maddenin ikinci fıkrasında suçun savaş sırasında işlenmiş olması, daha ağır cezayı gerektiren nitelikli hâl sayılmıştır. Esasen savaş sırasında “temel millî yarar”ın saptanmasında hiçbir zorluk da bulunmaz; zira artık ölçü vardır: Savaş çabalarını ve zaferin kazanılmasını engelleyici her fiil temel millî yararlara karşı sayılmak gerekecektir.

Keza, bu fıkraya göre, basın ve yayın yoluyla propaganda yapmak üzere para veya yarar veya vaat kabul edilmiş ise ceza artırılacaktır: Para, yarar veya vaat kabulü suretiyle bugün Türk askerinin Kıbrıs’tan çekilmesi veya bu konuda Türkiye aleyhine bir çözüm yolunun kabulü için veya sırf Türkiye’ye zarar vermek maksadıyla, tarihsel gerçeklere aykırı olarak, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Ermenilerin soykırıma uğradıklarının basın ve yayın yoluyla propagandasının yapılması gibi.

Maddenin üçüncü fıkrası, “temel millî yarar” kavramının belirlenmesindeki tereddütleri gidermek ve gereksiz kovuşturmalara yer bırakmamak için, suçun kovuşturulmasını barış zamanında Adalet Bakanının iznine bağlamıştır.
Maddenin son fıkrası, temel millî yararlardan nelerin anlaşılması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Bu fıkra, Fransız Ceza Kanunundan esinlenilerek kaleme alınmıştır. Fransız Kanunu, belirttiği bazı suçların temel millî yararlara ilişkin bulunmasını suçun unsuru saymış ve bu nedenle temel millî yararların neler olduğunu tanımlamıştır. Böylece Fransız Kanunu temel millî yararlara yönelik her hareketi suç saymamakta, bazı suçların cezalandırılması için bu yararlara zarar olasılığını aramakla ve bu nedenle temel millî yararların ne olduğunu tanımlamaktadır.

Bu madde ise, söz konusu kavramı, son fıkrasındaki tanımın çerçevesinde sınırlandırmakta ve bu değerlere karşı harekette bulunmak için yarar sağlanmasını suç saymaktadır. "

Any Armenian and Cyprus word?
Maybe you are not understanding but There is a talking about withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Cyprus.
So Even our President will go into jail.
Yes I searched it google. and find a lot Armenian cite.
Intresting :wink:

What about law at France?

My dear friend anyone in Turkey can be sent in prison for ''Insulting Ataturk''.It is really entertaining , do you want me to post you the names of some of the Turkish Journalists sent in prison because they designed a cartoon character?
Oh and by the way Ataturk,part of the Young Turks , was the mastermind of the Armenian Genocide.Just he didnt made his hands dirty with blood.He killed the rest of the Young Turk party members who were active in the Armenian Genocide because they would grab from him , his power.

Yes My friend there is a law for ''Insulting Ataturk''.there is a law for ''Insulting Ataturk''. And Turkish Journalists sent in prison because of that law. But It is not related with Armenia Genocide.
But Isnt It intresting? No one in Turkey jailed for accepting Armenia Genocide. Turkey jailed people for ''Insulting Ataturk''.

"do you want me to post you the names of some of the Turkish Journalists sent in prison because they designed a cartoon character?"

Yes I want, Please.

I am not even going to waste my time since this is another propaganda ala turca.

So why we waste our time with your propaganda?

Hmm...i wonder why you mentioned this,it has nothing to do with the topic, do you want to create dissension between Armenians and Greeks Image?I have to admit you Turks are really cunning people.But there is a difrence between cunning and intelligent.

Because I think you are an Armenian, I dont think Greeks will fight agains the Armenian because somethink happened 1000 years ago. I just want to learn If Armenians know their history.

By The way, Armenians were right for that backstabing.

Noone called them Mountainous Turks ,

Of course nobody didn't... :roll:
"Noone called them Mountainous Turks , But ultra nationalist."

In fact this was the what I write, So get lost. You lier.
Now I see difference between cunning and intelligent. You are cunning but not intelligent. You are not someone who can argue.

Very interesting.Especially the way you interpretated the entire situation is magnificent.Every action in this world has a consequence.Why do you think ASALA started to murder the Turkish Diplomats?What do you think drove those people so desperate to use force in order to make themselves to be heared, because everybody turned deaf ears when a Historic Crime against humanity was being comminted against the Armenians... :wink:

Yes there is a reason for everythink. What is your reason for this post? You are not armenian and you lie deliberately. Your hate from Turk?
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