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Armenian “genocide” in The Washington Post

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Postby Dawn » Mon May 02, 2005 12:56 am

gabaston wrote:Dawn

Thank you for brining our attention your concerns. Mass murder, ethnic cleansing, genocide are un-tolerable, even more so when totally unprovoked and by a Govt of the UN, and should be brought to account wherever possible.

Yes, exactly my point. I believe history repeats itself. And when a group responsible for extermination of an entire national, racial or ethnic group is never found guilty and punished for it, it encourages other similar actions. As we speak, a genocide goes on in Sudan’s Darfur region, but how many people know about it? Let alone, try to help? Here is the site, if anyone cares. Cay you imagine a genocide happening in the 21st century, yet no country tries to stop it! I think, by allowing a genocide to be simply denied, we are only opening doors for future racial cleansings and cover-ups.

And for Armenian forums you asked for, here are two:


Note that you never answered any of my questions! I asked you, do you think the International Association of Genocide Scholars are bought politicians as well? I also asked you why did it take so long for Turkey to open its archives? And now I’m asking you, how many witnesses does Turkey have? (cause you know, Armenians have thousand of eye witnesses both foreign and Armenian).

It’s really hard to find the names of scholars from specific countries, since they work as a team and come up with their findings. The letter from International Association of Genocide Scholars that I posted for example. There is over 100 scholars in that association. Another example, On June 9th, 2000, 126 Holocaust scholars published a resolution in the New York Times calling on the governments and people of the world to recognize the Armenian Genocide. But their specific names weren't mentioned since they work as a team.

Anyhow, these are some of the scholars I know of that have labled the ethnic cleansings of 1915 in Ottoman Empire as a genocide and have written about it. You can ’google’ them if you want. Though the main question should be: How many scholars/historians do YOU know that deny the genocide, besides McCarthy of course?! So here is my next question to you (after you answer the previous 3 that is).

Hilmar Kaiser - a German research scholar and historian from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

K. Anthony Appiah - Professor of Afro-American studies and Philosophy, Harvard University

Yehuda Bauer - Professor of Holocaust Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Craig Etches ton - Acting director of Cambodian Genocide program, Yale University

Roger W. Smith - history professor at College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia

Eric Markusen - history professor at Southwest State University Marshall, Minnesota

Taner AkCam - Turkish historian

Robert Jay Lifton - history professor at The City University of New York

Ruth Rosen - a historian and journalist, a Professor at the University of California at Davis, she is now an editorial writer and columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Irving Horowitz - an expert in the study of genocide at Rutgers University: "It is widely accepted by historians that hundreds of thousands of Armenians were massacred, arbitrarily removed from their historic homeland, and that all traces of their presence were eliminated. We have eyewitness accounts, diplomatic accounts, that huge numbers of people were liquidated, wiped out. De facto, you had a genocide. The bottom line is the Armenians got what they got because they were not a loyal minority.''

Dr. Yair Auron - Israeli scholar and historian

Muge Gocek - Turkish scientist, professor of Michigan University

Jay Winter - Yale University History Professor

Dr. Tessa Hofmann - German scholar, historian and professor of East European Studies at the University of Berlin

Leo Kuper - South Africa, professor of sociology

Raphael Lemkin - Poland, scholar, lawyer, historian; has many writing on genocide and prevention of genocide.

Charny, Israel W - Jewish scholar from Israel; Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Genocide; Executive Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide, Jerusalem; Professor of Psychology & Family Therapy, and Founder and Former Director of the Program for Advanced Studies in Integrative Psychotherapy at the Dept. of Psychology & Martin Buber Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Adelman, Howard - Canada, Professor of Philosophy, York University

AFOUMADO Diane - Archivist and historian from Paris.

Dr. Michael Berenbaum - formerly the Director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, then Chief Executive Officer of the Shoah Visual History Foundation

Dr. Juan E. Mendez - recently appointed the United Nations Special Adviser on Genocide by Kofi Annan

Ambassador David Scheffer - U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues during the second Clinton administration and head of the American delegation to the UN talks on the International Criminal Court.

I can give you hundreds of sites about the Armenian genocide, with documents, survivor testimonies, documentaries, etc. Do you want them?

unnamed man wrote:it's just wasting time. don't try to make comunucation. because they aren't friendly!

They aren't friendly? It’s amazing how when you don’t have anything to say, you start name calling!! When did I insult anyone in my posts? Never. If you don’t have anything to contribute to the discussion, remain silent.
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Postby gabaston » Mon May 02, 2005 1:22 pm


I've been trying to research it, but i know how hard researching and understanding Cyprus's problems are that to understand your problems may take forever.

Can you please give a brief overview of the events.

Where did it happen?
Over what period of time?
Methods used?
Where there any outside influences?
Population before and population after?
Political outcome?
Howdid it stop?
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Postby turkcyp » Mon May 02, 2005 8:05 pm

Dawn are you in this forum specifically to discuss this topic?

you had 14 posts all in this topic. Just wanted to ask that's all. You are more than welcome to participate of course only in this forum if you wish.

I just wanted to asked because if that is the case I want to know how you hear about this forum, that's all. I mean it is not a forum dedicated to Armenia but Cyprus. Did you just run into it while your were surfing? Some friend of yours told you about it? Did you find it in Google?

Just wanted to know how you end up here that's all. You seem to be bypassing all the other topics so apparently you were not looking into Cyprus. That is why I have asked.

Curiosity killed the cat. LOL.
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Postby insan » Mon May 02, 2005 10:48 pm

Curiosity killed the cat. LOL

One of the good Brit bands of 80s. :lol:
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Postby brother » Tue May 03, 2005 5:56 pm

Switzerland Confirms Opening Of A Legal Procedure Against Halacoglu
Published: 5/3/2005

ANKARA - Switzerland has confirmed opening of a legal procedure against Turkish Institute of History (TTK) Chairman Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu about his statement on allegations of so-called Armenian genocide.

Releasing a statement on Monday, the Swiss Embassy in Ankara said, ''it is true that a complaint against Prof. Halacoglu was deposited by a third party, but not by an official state prosecutor with the competent local legal authorities of Winterthur after Prof. Halacoglu has delivered there in spring of the last year a speech on the Armenian issue.''

''According to Swiss legal procedures, an investigation has to be opened after the deposition of any complaint to clarify the facts. This investigation against Prof. Halacoglu is still pending. In the context of this investigation, the local legal authorities of Winterthur have forwarded in a normal and ordinary procedure an information request regarding the personal data of Prof. Halacoglu via Interpol to the competent Turkish authorities,'' it said.

The Swiss Embassy denied allegations that Prof. Halacoglu was condemned, formally accused or searched by the Swiss authorities.

Noting that local legal authorities in Winterthur had not yet decided whether the complaint was acceptable or not, the Embassy said, ''but they need further necessary information before they can take any decision in this case.''

''The Swiss government shares the opinion of the Turkish government that the alleged Armenian genocide should be investigated by historians. The Swiss government welcomes the proposal of the Turkish government that a joint commission by Turkish and Armenian historians is looking into this issue,'' the Embassy added.


Allegations of so-called Armenian genocide have overshadowed Turkey-Switzerland relations from time to time.

The most important development affecting the relations negatively was approval of several resolutions by the Swiss authorities to recognize the so-called genocide.

Tension escalated in bilateral relations after Vaud canton of Switzerland approved a resolution recognizing the so-called Armenian genocide on September 23rd, 2003 and after Swiss Foreign Minister Calmy-Rey delayed her scheduled visit to Ankara in October 2003.

Ankara told Swiss authorities that postponement of Calmy-Rey's visit to Ankara would be appropriate. However, Calmy-Rey described Turkey's uneasiness as ''exaggerated'' and said that they conveyed their uneasiness to Turkish officials and the event would do nothing to ease the bilateral relations.

Later, the Swiss parliament approved a resolution about the so-called genocide, and Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs harshly condemned it.

In the meantime, the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper in Zurich claimed that a Turkish intelligence officer saw Calmy-Rey speaking to a supporter of the terrorist organization of PKK more than a minute during a reception, and Calmy-Rey's scheduled visit to Ankara was delayed after this development.

Noting that the Turkish intelligence informed Swiss police on this brief conversation, the newspaper also advocated that the Turkey's note to Swiss police was later conveyed to Swiss President Pascal Couchepin.

Swiss Chief Prosecutor's Office described those allegations of the newspaper as ''amazing''.

Calmy-Rey paid a visit to Turkey in March.

Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that tragic events in 1915 could not be classified as genocide, and that the issue should be investigated by historians.

Stressing that the resolutions, which were approved earlier, were not state policy of Switzerland, Swiss sources pointed out that the government could not have influence over parliament and cantonal administrations under federal system.
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Postby turkcyp » Tue May 03, 2005 9:27 pm

So much for Armenian respect for "freedom of speech"......

And they blame Turkey for blaming Orhan Pamuk....

At this instance Armenians are as guilty as Turkey's idiot mayor who had claimed all his books should be burnt....

IF we are not going to respect "freedom of speech" than what is next...

"Freedom of speech" is not just being able to say what you think should be said.
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Postby magikthrill » Tue May 03, 2005 10:09 pm

turkcyp wrote:
I just wanted to asked because if that is the case I want to know how you hear about this forum, that's all. I mean it is not a forum dedicated to Armenia but Cyprus. .

i think the proper question would be here if Dawn is an Armenian Cypriot perhaps. Dont forget they exist as well and seeing as the genocide affected Armenian peoples and not the state of Armenia it is a concern to everyone of Armenian decent and hence to even some CYpriots.
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Postby turkcyp » Tue May 03, 2005 10:16 pm

magikthrill wrote:i think the proper question would be here if Dawn is an Armenian Cypriot perhaps. Dont forget they exist as well and seeing as the genocide affected Armenian peoples and not the state of Armenia it is a concern to everyone of Armenian decent and hence to even some CYpriots.

Quite honestly I thought about that too...

But seeing that he only showed interest in this topic but nothing else made me belive that he is not Cypriot. May be I am wrong who knows.

My guess he was doing some research on the internet, "most probably google" and run into this topic.

Or second guess is he is already a member that writes with another name, and he does not want his views in Armenian topci affect the reaction of other members towards him in other topics. I do not know why it should though?

But anyway I simply asked how he ended up in this forum? that's all.

For me for example, I was making some research on Cyprus problem, and this forum appeared in the google. I have started reading the other topcis and it intrigued me so I become a member.
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Postby garbitsch » Tue May 03, 2005 10:42 pm

Belgium will ban the rejection of the "genocide" too. Well this is European way of "Freedom of Speech and Expression" :lol:
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Postby metecyp » Tue May 03, 2005 11:37 pm

Belgium will ban the rejection of the "genocide" too. Well this is European way of "Freedom of Speech and Expression" Laughing

I don't think this will happen..some people might try to make it happen and that's what you've been hearing probably but until it's a reality, I wouldn't believe in such a thing.
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