The Turkish propaganda can be summarized as follows:
Step 1) Deny every crime the Turks committed against others (Cypriots, Armenians, Kurds etc)
Step 2) Search in history to find some casualties they had from those others. It doesn't matter if for every 1 casualty they had they have caused 1000 on the other side, due to "Step 1" above. After all for them "One Turk equals the whole world"
Step 3) Exaggerate their findings from "Step 2" by a factor of 1000.
Here we see the first interesting results of their propaganda. Some 800 Turks killed in Cyprus is considered a genocide, but 10s of thousands of Cypriots, or 1.5 millions of Armenians that they killed is not, according to their propaganda.
Step 4) Now they determined that they are the innocent ones and the others are the bad ones, they decide that they have the right to use yet more brute force to violate even more the rights of others. If by any chance those others react and cause to the Turks some casualties then the Turkish casualties will be later used in "Step 2", while of course the Turkish aggression that for once more was the cause of the problem will be denied as per "Step 1".
In the case of Cyprus in particular the Turkish propaganda "steps" want to bring us to the conclusion that the "evil" GCs should for once more be punished while the "innocent" Turks should be rewarded on GCs loss.
On the other hand, Greek Cypriots, who have suffered and continue to suffer due to Turkish aggression, all they ask for is their land, their rights and what belongs to them in their own island.
Turkey might have a huge army, the super power as their best ally, a big economy that foreign countries are interested for investments, oil, and many other things on their side. However on our side we have one thing that no army and no financial interests of any foreigners can remove. We have the justice on our side and we will never capitulate but keep the struggle for the liberation of our island from the foreign invadors.
Not even the closest allies of Turkey can accept the 4 steps of Turkish propaganda, which is why the lame excuses of the Turks were not enough to stop resolutions against their illegal occupation and against their illegal declaration of the pseudo state, nor where enough to stop countries from recognizing the Armenian genocide and the fact that the Kurds suffer with their human rights grossly violated by the Turks.