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Where is Kikapu?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:13 am

'74LondonBoy wrote:
miltiades wrote:Maybe now we will hear that Birkibrisly has been away sailing and will come back .Go Bir , give us a hint.
Kikapu , missed you mate , glad you are back !

Birkibrisli has been visiting Istinjo................

It is good to be missed,dear miltiades...
I have indeed managed to visit Istinjo,emotionally well supported by 3 True Cypriots plus one Canadian...Standing on the ruins of my house of birth,I did think of you and sent you a mental thank you for giving me that little extra courage...I did inquire about you,and was told that you were going to be in Cyprus last week,but didn't manage to because of your dear wife's illness...So we missed this opportunity to meet and embrace,but there will be many others,now that the spell is broken...I am spending some time in Greece before visiting my sister in Turkey,and heading back to Australia...I will write in depth about my dreamlike visit to the ROC once I get back...Cheers for now...
I got my ROC identity card while in Cyprus.I am now officially a True Cypriot...!!! :D :D :D
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Postby LENA » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:44 pm

boumerang...just a question ... what VP said its true? Because it was what i had in mind too...and I am not talking about the way you post or what you said but because of something else that came in my mind when i was reading this thread!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:32 pm

So glad to see all good friends back again, Lena mas, Natty mas, Kikapu, Bikibrisli...

Hey Birkibrisli gardash are you the new special envoy of UN SG?These trips from Turkey to Cyprus to Greece seem very suspicious to me. :wink:
Kikapu seems to be cooking something in the USA too, wonder what kind of boat is that, to deserve so much traveling and spendng. :lol:

NB. "mas"=our
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:59 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
It is good to be missed,dear miltiades...
I have indeed managed to visit Istinjo,emotionally well supported by 3 True Cypriots plus one Canadian...Standing on the ruins of my house of birth,I did think of you and sent you a mental thank you for giving me that little extra courage...I did inquire about you,and was told that you were going to be in Cyprus last week,but didn't manage to because of your dear wife's illness...So we missed this opportunity to meet and embrace,but there will be many others,now that the spell is broken...I am spending some time in Greece before visiting my sister in Turkey,and heading back to Australia...I will write in depth about my dreamlike visit to the ROC once I get back...Cheers for now...
I got my ROC identity card while in Cyprus.I am now officially a True Cypriot...!!! :D :D :D


I'm not officially back on the forum yet, (next Wednesday), but I had to write few words to you, to tell you how pleased I was reading your "home coming", to your village. I have been thinking of you the past few weeks and I'm very happy to hear, that you had "True Cypriots" around you, to give you support in your emotional home coming. I can relate to you very much.!!!Sorry I was not there physically, but you can rest assured, I was with you in Spirit all the way. We'll talk more later.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:08 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:So glad to see all good friends back again, Lena mas, Natty mas, Kikapu, Bikibrisli...

Kikapu seems to be cooking something in the USA too, wonder what kind of boat is that, to deserve so much traveling and spendng. :lol:

NB. "mas"=our

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I had great time doing some sailing , but also spent 10 days doing much needed repairs, some I did not even know about, but found out when the boat was out of the water. I also managed to bruise some ribs on one side of my body, so had to deal with a lot of pain at the same time, but did manage to get the boat back in the water yesterday (Friday), so now get some shopping done, before departing back to Switzerland Monday.

Will be back soon.
Last edited by Kikapu on Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:12 am

Jerry wrote:Can we see some pics of you and your boat please Kikapu.


I'll think about that, and perhaps when I get back home in the next few days, I will post some pictures, but not of me of course. :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:17 am

shahmaran wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Karma is correct, in that, I have been in California for the lasy 3 weeks doing some sailing and now doing some repairs on the boat, but will return to the forum in a week or so.

Welcome back Shah. I have some questions for you when I get back to switzerland since I have very little time to write these days, since I need to get the boat back in the water later this week.

Pyro, thanks for thinking of me.

T_C, you are correct, I did look in about 10 days ago.

Hey Kikapu, hurry back alright, been missing your arguments, id much prefer sailing in Cali rather then sitting in front of a computer too tho :P


I'm almost on my way. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:26 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:So glad to see all good friends back again, Lena mas, Natty mas, Kikapu, Bikibrisli...

Hey Birkibrisli gardash are you the new special envoy of UN SG?These trips from Turkey to Cyprus to Greece seem very suspicious to me. :wink:
Kikapu seems to be cooking something in the USA too, wonder what kind of boat is that, to deserve so much traveling and spendng. :lol:

NB. "mas"=our

Hello,Pyro gardash!!! It is good to be missed...I should disappear more often... I am indeed on a very special mission...Time to admit I am a CIA agent making sure Cyprus will never be reunited...If you don't believe that
try "I am in a spiritual retreat,studying the effects of tantric love on sexual levitation,and the metaphyisical dimensions of Kamasutra and their effect on Turko-Greko-Cypriot relationships..." :) :) :)

Will be more present when my Guru lets me!!!! :wink:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
It is good to be missed,dear miltiades...
I have indeed managed to visit Istinjo,emotionally well supported by 3 True Cypriots plus one Canadian...Standing on the ruins of my house of birth,I did think of you and sent you a mental thank you for giving me that little extra courage...I did inquire about you,and was told that you were going to be in Cyprus last week,but didn't manage to because of your dear wife's illness...So we missed this opportunity to meet and embrace,but there will be many others,now that the spell is broken...I am spending some time in Greece before visiting my sister in Turkey,and heading back to Australia...I will write in depth about my dreamlike visit to the ROC once I get back...Cheers for now...
I got my ROC identity card while in Cyprus.I am now officially a True Cypriot...!!! :D :D :D


I'm not officially back on the forum yet, (next Wednesday), but I had to write few words to you, to tell you how pleased I was reading your "home coming", to your village. I have been thinking of you the past few weeks and I'm very happy to hear, that you had "True Cypriots" around you, to give you support in your emotional home coming. I can relate to you very much.!!!Sorry I was not there physically, but you can rest assured, I was with you in Spirit all the way. We'll talk more later.

Thank you,dear Kikapu...You too were not too far from my thoughts during my special homecoming!!!It seems like a dream now,but all will become more real when I write about it after I get back to Oz...Sorry to hear about your bruises. I hope you are mending well...Catch you later!..
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:12 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:So glad to see all good friends back again, Lena mas, Natty mas, Kikapu, Bikibrisli...

Hey Birkibrisli gardash are you the new special envoy of UN SG?These trips from Turkey to Cyprus to Greece seem very suspicious to me. :wink:
Kikapu seems to be cooking something in the USA too, wonder what kind of boat is that, to deserve so much traveling and spendng. :lol:

NB. "mas"=our

Hello,Pyro gardash!!! It is good to be missed...I should disappear more often... I am indeed on a very special mission...Time to admit I am a CIA agent making sure Cyprus will never be reunited...If you don't believe that
try "I am in a spiritual retreat,studying the effects of tantric love on sexual levitation,and the metaphyisical dimensions of Kamasutra and their effect on Turko-Greko-Cypriot relationships..." :) :) :)

Will be more present when my Guru lets me!!!! :wink:

Hmm... I don't believe the first part my friend. So I guess the only option left is the second part. Sexual levitation ha, hmm ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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