These words are used by Turkish Cypriots called KIBRISLICA .
sorry it is a long list. but it will be useful document. if u are intersenting with it u must buy the book published by BENER HAKKARİ.
(Aşağıdaki bilgileri bize ulaştıran Özgür Lokumcu' ya katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz.)
agsona: axle. dingil. (a3o'vi)
ahreddi: spinner; tool for spinning wool into thread. kirmen, yün eğirmeye yarayan bir alet. (..?)
alina: turkey. hindi. (..?)
alizavra: a kind of small lizard. bir tUr kucuk kertenkele. (kwlizau'ra)
andrez: tic-tac-toc, a game played with stones. taslarla oynanan bir tur oyun. (..?)
angoni: grandchild. torun. (eggovn', e'ggovos)
anihdar: key. anahtar.
T/C's which originates from the Greek word "anihdo" (to open). Note that the word "kilit" (lock) in Turkish originates from the
Greek word "klido" (to close, to lock) ) (avoiktn'ri)
argaci: small irrigation canal. kucuk su yolu. (...ardeu'tns: irrigator)
ariya: auger, gimlet. matkap. (ari'da)
arsenofiligo: a person (or animal) who bears both male and female sexual organs. hem erkek, hem disi cinslik
organlarIna sahip olan kisi (veya hayvan). (arsevofi'likos)
asvalya: fuse. sigorta. (asfa'leia)
ayrelli: asparagus. kuskonmaz. (agre'lli)
babavura: ladybird (insect). ugur bocegi. (..?)
babutsa: a kind of large cactus and its thorny-skinned yellow fruit. mısır inciri, diken inciri. (..?)
balligarya (balligari): tough guy. kabadayı. (pallika'ria)
banayiamu: a "help" exclamation. bir "imdat" haykırısı. (Pavayi'amou)
bandabuliya: market-place (fruits, vegetables). sebze-meyve pazarI. (pavtopwle'iov)
bandofla: slippers. terlik. (pavtou'fla)
bango: workbench. tezgah. (mpa'vgkos)
bano: onto, over, above. (mostly used by hunters as "banossu" (over you) to warn
another hunter that a bird is flying towards him or over his had). Uzerinde,yukarIsInda. (pa'vw)
banya: a pre-determined route of a group of hunters (mostly all on a line with some distance apart).
grup halindeki avcIlarIn Onceden belirlediGi rota (CoGu zaman bir Cizgi halinde, aralIklI olarak). (..?)
barabono: complaint. Sikayet. (para'povov)
barabonti: cheater, swindler. UCkaGItCI, dolandIrIcI. (...parapoiw': to falsify, to forge)
barbadusa: a small vehicle with wheels for 1 year old babies to help them walk. 1 yaS CocuklarInIn
yUrUmeyi OGrenmede kullandIklarI tekerlekli kUCUk bir araC. (..?)
barra: 1. wooden post. 2. a remark to repel, to drive away somebody. 1. tahta direk. 2.
birini defetmek iCin kullanIlan sOz. (..?)
basadembo: salted pumpkin seed. tuzlu kabak CekirdeGi. (..?)
basdiS: cookie. kurabiye. (pasti'tso)
batsali: a kind of poisonous snake. bir tUr zehirli yIlan. (..?)
bavuri: tin waterbottle, flask. matara, kUCUk bidon. (pagou'ri)
belo: stupid, mad. aptal, deli. (beloSillo: bulldog. buldog.) (be'llos)
bendo: Ottoman gold (women's particle); "bendo" point out "5-together". "beSibiryerde" de denen OsmanlI altInI. (pevto's)
betsi: flat sponge, serviette, table napkin. yassI sUnger veya emici bez. (petse'ta)
beytambal: (I couldn't find the exact meaning but it may be something like "inheritance"; the word is used
by someone when he/she gets angry with one of his/her possessions). (miras?..) (..?)
bidda: pastry. bOrek. (pn'tta)
biddaga: flat and wide. basIk, yayvan. (... piata'ki: small plate, saucer)
bigatsa: woodcock. Culluk. (mpeka'tsa)
bigla: a type of sweet mixed pickles in a yellowish fluid. sarImsI bir sIvI iCinde tutulan karISIk, tatlI bir tUr turSu. (pi'kles)
bodiri: 1. small and thin glass for drinks. 2. short (person). 1. kUCUk ve ince iCki bardaGI. 2. kIsa boylu (kiSi). (potn'ri)
bondoboksi: short (person). kIsa boylu kimse. (..?)
bulla: 1. oval (or non-spherical). 2. small village bread with olives in it. 1. oval (veya kUresel olmayan). 2. zeytinli kUCUk kOy ekmeGi. (..?)
bulli: young chicken. piliC. (pouli')
bullodo: non-spherical. kUresel olmayan. (..?)
bumburiya: a ladybird-like insect. uGur bOceGini andIran bir bOcek. (mpou'rmpoulas)
cigla: thrush (bird). ardICkuSu. (tzu'kla)
cilindiro: roller. silindir (araC). (ku'livdros)
cira: Greek lady. Rum hanImefendi. (kuri'a, kura')
cizro(ziziro): cicada. aGustosbOceGi. (zn'zikas)
CakIsdez: Cyprus originated cracked and salted green olives.KIbrIs'a OzgU CatlatIlIp tuzlanmIS yeSil zeytin. (... tsaki'zw: to break)
della: cello-tape (mostly thick and coloured). seloteyp (genelde kalIn ve renkli). (... korde'la: ribbon, band, tape)
dibedizo: 1. watering tank. 2. deposit. 1. sulama deposu. 2. kapora. (... poti'zw: to water (animals, plants, etc.), to irrigate)
diCCi: a pulya-like (see "pulya") small, orange-grey coloured bird. pulyaya (bkz. "pulya") benzer, kUCUk, turuncu-gri bir kuS. (..?)
drabez: table. masa. (trape'zi)
dirifil: trefoil (probably took its name because of its three-leaf shape: "three-foliage"; foliage:leaf). yonca. (tri'fullov)
dirizma: a special knife used by shoemakers and leather-workers. ayakkabIcI ve dericilerin kullandIGI Ozel bir bICak. (..?)
ditsi: very thin. Cok zayIf. (..?)
ditsiro: 1. naked. 2. very poor. 1. CIplak. 2. Cok fakir. (..?)
dodo: stupid, idiot. aptal, ahmak. (..?)
etsi: pretty well, correct. Cok iyi, doGru. (e'tsi, e'tsiki)
egonomiya: economy, saving. iktisat, tasarruf. (oikovomi'a)
fago: 1. car headlight. 2. lens. 1. araba farI. 2. mercek. (fako's)
fanella: pullover, jersey. fanila, ince kazak. (fave'lla)
farsetta: a special knife for cutting leather. deri kesmede kullanIlan Ozel bir bICak. (..?)
fasariya: 1. empty work or talk. 2. confusion. 1. boS, yararsIz iS veya sOz. 2. kargaSalIk. (fasari'a)
fassa: a pigeon-like game-bird. gUvercine benzer bir av kuSu. (fa'ssa)
fortigo: large lorry. bUyUk kamyon. (... forti'ov: load, cargo)
furahdi: a field near the owners house, surrounded by a fence. sahibinin evi yanInda bulunan, etrafI
Citle CevrilmiS tarla. (...fra'gma: enclosure)
furami: the fence surrounding a furahdi (see "furahdi). furahdiyi (bkz. "furahdi") Cevreleyen Cit. (fragmo's)
gabbar: caper; a dark green coloured plant which is used to prepar pickles. turSusu kurulan
koyu yeSil renkli bir bitki. (kappa'ris)
gabbella: hat. Sapka. (kape'llo)
gabira: toasted bread (mostly margarine or butter melted on it). kIzarmIS ve genelde
margarin veya tereyaG sUrUlmUS ekmek. (kapu'ra)
gaCCeSiro: hedgehog. kirpi. (akav0o'xoiros)
gafgalla: stony, hard soil. taSlI, sert toprak. (... kau'kalov: crust)
gafgalya: dry bread. kuru ekmek. (... kau'kalov: crust)
gafgarId: wild artichoke. yabani enginar. (... kau'kalov: skull)
galif: scratcy hut. derme-Catma kulUbe, baraka. (kaln'Bn)
galliga: blacksmith. nalbant. (xalkeu's)
gambana: gong, bell. Can. (kampa'va)
gamaSa: stupid. aptal. (..?)
gamilo: camel. deve. (ka'mnlos)
gamini: 1. kiln (oven for bricks), furnace. 2. chimney. 1. tuGla fIrInI. 2. baca. (kami'vi, kamiva'da)
ganara: rough, bold fellow. kaba, gUClU adam, kabadayI. (..?)
gancelli: fence gate. Cit kapIsI. (kagke'lli)
gannav: hemp. kenevir. (kavva'Bis)
gannavuri: 1. Indian hemp (raw material of hashish). 2. hashish. 1.Hintkeneviri (esrar hammaddesi). 2. esrar. (... kavva'Bis: hemp)
garacoCCo: black cumin (used on breads, etc. to make it aromatic). COreotu (ekmek vs.nin Uzerinde koku vermek iCin kullanIlIr). (..?)
garagatsa: magpie (bird). saksaGan. (karaka'3a)
garavolli: snail. salyangoz. (kara'olos)
garnabba: fat, obese. SiSman, SiSko. (..?)
garudsa: phaeton, horse-drawn carrier. fayton, at arabasI. (karo'tsa)
gatsavida (gaCCavida): screw-driver. tornavida. (katsaBi'di)
gavro: 1. crab. 2. wrench. 1. yengeC. 2. kIskaC biCiminde bir tUr ingiliz anahtarI. (ka'Bouras)
giksi: falcon, hawk. Sahin, atmaca. (..?)
goCCino(goCCini): red (usually used for a red-haired person). kIrmIzI (genelde kIzIl saClIlar iCin kullanIlIr). (ko'kkivos)
gologas: a plant which has large leaves and an eatable (after cooking) root. bUyUk yapraklI, kOkU piSirilip yenen bir bitki. (koloka'si)
golimba: pond, puddle. su birikintisi, gOlcUk. (..?)
golla: glue. tutkal. (ko'lla)
gollifa: boiled wheat mixed with sesame, almond, dried grapes and pomegranate seeds. susam, badem,
kuruUzUm ve nartaneleriyle karIStIrIlmIS haSlanmIS buGday. (ko'lluBa)
golyandro: coriander (its seeds mostly used with CakIsdez (see"CakIsdez") to make it aromatic). gUzel
kokulu tohumlarI olan bir bitki. (tohumlarI genelde koku vermek iCin CakIsdez (bkz."CakIsdez") Uzerinde kullanIlIr). (kolia'vdrov)
gonga: a game played with playing cards. konken; iskambil kaGIdIyla oynanan bir oyun. (..?)
gonnara: eatable fruit of a thorny-branched plant (see "pallura"). dikenli bir bitkinin (bkz."pallura") yenebilen meyvesi. (..?)
gonno: clayey soil. killi toprak. (..?)
gossifo: blackbird (called black-cigla (see "cigla") by T/C's). karatavuk (KIbrIs'ta kara-cigla (bkz. "cigla") denir). (ko'ssufos)
guduru: 1. at a venture, random, by chance. 2. hazardous act. 1. Sansla, rasgele. 2. zarar verici hareket. (koutourou', koutoura'da)
guello: stupid, idiot. aptal, ahmak. (..?)
guli: puppy. kOpek yavrusu, enik. (koulou'ki)
gulluri: roll, French roll. tekerlek biCiminde kUCUk COrek. (koullou'ri)
gulumbra: a kind of knob-headed cabbage. cehennemtopuzu da denen bir lahana tUrU. (..?)
gulurutkya: a sweet food made with paste (flour) and grape molasses. zUlbiye; pekmezle yapIlan bir tUr hamur tatlIsI.
(...koullou'ri: roll, French roll)
gumandarya: kind of old (sweet) wine of Cyprus. eski (tatlI) bir KIbrIs SarabI cinsi. (koumavdari'a)
gumbaro: good friend (male) . iyi dost (erkek). (koumpa'ros)
gunna: roasted peanuts. kavrulmuS fIstIkiCi. (..?)
gunni: short (in length) or small. kIsa veya kUCUk. (..?)
guno: stupid. aptal. (... kou'vos: pine-cone)
gurkuda (garkuda): large wall lizard. bUyUk duvar kertenkelesi. (..?)
gurrada: 1. old, weak. 2. old-fashioned. 1. eski, dayanIksIz. 2. modasI geCmiS. (..?)
gusbo: pickaxe. kazma. (..?)
guvari: ball of thread. iplik yumaGI. (kouBa'ri)
hamadalla: stupid. aptal. (..?) hamaylo: chameleon. bukalemun. (xamaile'wv)
hanay: upper story of a 2-storied house. 2 katlI evin Ust katI. (..?)
haranga: large (area). geniS (alan). (..?)
hasgonda: a rude remark meaning "shut up!". "Ceneni kapa!" anlamInda kaba bir sOz. (..?)
havara: limestone. kireCtaSI. (..?)
hollo: 1. ghost. 2. idiot. 1. hayalet. 2. ahmak. (... xwlo's: lame, a person who is unable to walk and/or talk properly)
IsladIr: pachsaddle. semer. (..?)
Isbasdra: 1. playing cards. 2. a game played with playing cards. 1. iskambil kaGIdI. 2. iskambil. (..?)
isbaho: thin rope. ince ip. (spa'ggos)
isbirto: 1. matches. 2. alcohol. 1. kibrit. 2. alkol. (spi'rtov)
isdavroz: cross. haC. (stauro's)
kerata: shoehorn. ayakkabI CekeceGi. (... ke'rato: horn)
lamarina: sheet metal. metal sac. (lamari'va)
lamincana: demijohn. damacana. (..?)
lapsana: a wild, yellow-flowered, eatable plant. sarI CiCekli, yenebilen bir yabani ot. (..?)
lasan: seedling. fide. (..?)
lera: dirt, filth. kir, pasak. (le'ra)
letsa: fat, grease. yaG. (..?)
libazma: fertilizer (artificial). gUbre (yapay). (li'pasma)
liggo: hollow, pit. delik, kUCUk Cukur. (la'kkos)
lingiri: tipcat (a game played by children). Celik-Comak. (..?)
liveri: a tool used by builders for digging and leverage. yapIcIlarIn kazma ve kaldIraC olarak kullandIklarI bir alet. (liBe'ri)
loddo: big, fat (person). bUyUk, SiSman (kiSi). (..?)
lollo: stupid, fool. aptal, deli. (lolo's)
luvana: a type of pea with eatable leaves (French bean). yapraklarI yenebilen bir bezelye tUrU. (lou'Bi)
lux: gas lantern. gazlI ISIldak. (..?)
ma: by the way... (a start for a question). bu arada... (soruya baSlangIC sOzU). (ma')
manamu: poor, miserable!.. (pity word). zavallI, ah yavrum!.. (acIma sOzU). (ma'vvamou)
mandIra: enclosed sheepfold. UstU kapalI aGIl. (ma'vdra)
mangos: furious, raging. azgIn, hiddetli. (maviako's)
manullamu: exclamation used by an astonished person. SaSIrma Unlemi. (mavou'lamou)
marCuana: a kind of yellow-coloured bee. sarI renkli bir tUr arI. (..?)
marmaragi: marble. mermer. (ma'rmaro)
mavrobullo: starling; a white-dotted black bird. sIGIrcIk; beyaz benekli siyah bir kuS. (mauropou'li)
melada: lightly boiled (egg). az haSlanmIS (yumurta). (mela'tov)
mezdeki: gum mastic. sakIz, CamsakIzI, mastika. (masti'xa)
mikSa: a tree whose fruits are used to make birdlime. meyvelerinden Okse yapIlan bir aGaC. (..?)
misdri: trowel. mala. (mustri')
miSaro: small wall lizard (usually indoor). kUCUk duvar kertenkelesi (genelde ev iCinde). (..?)
monobadi: footpath. keCiyolu, patika. (movopa'ti)
mucendra: pilaff made with rice and green lentils. yeSil mercimekli pirinC pilavI. (..?)
murro: idiot, moron. ahmak, geri zekalI. (mourw's)
na: here is, there is!.. iSte, iSte burada!.. (va')
ohdo: 1. field barrier. 2. protuberance. 3. thicket. 1. set, tarla sInIrI. 2.tUmsek. 3.CalIlIk. (o'x0os)
pallura: a wild, short, thorny, bush-like plant with eatable fruits (see "gonnara"). meyvesi (bkz. gonnara)
yenebilen, kIsa boylu, dikenli, CalIya benzer yabani bir aGaC. (..?)
pasdelli: pie (dry) made of honey and sesame. susamlI, ballI bir kuru tatlI. (paste'lli)
patariya: 1. battery. 2. car's accumulator. 1. pil. 2. araba akUsU. (mpatari'a)
penna: pen. tUkenmez kalem. (pe'vva)
perisgan: 1. jar. 2. a kind of soda in the form of powder (mixed with water before drinking). 1. kavanoz.
2. suyla karIStIrIlIp iCilen sodalI toz. (peristia'vi)
pilavuna: a kind of pastry containing cheese and dry sultana grapes. bir tUr peynirli ve kuruUzUmlU bOrek. (..?)
pirilli: marbles. misket, bilye. (..?)
pirohu: a dish made with patties. tatar bOreGi. (..?)
piron: fork. Catal. (pnrou'vi)
pisgot: biscuits. biskUvi. (pisko'tto)
pulya: a small, fatty, migratory bird (eaten by some Cypriots). baGkuSu; kUCUk, yaGlI bir gOCmen kuS. (ampeli'poulia)
re: hallo!.. you there!.. sen!.. bee!.. oradaki!.. (Bre')
ruso: blond. sarISIn. (... xruso's, xrusw': gold, to gild)
saggo: jacket, overcoat. ceket, palto. (sa'kkos)
saggulla (sakulli): pouch, bag. poSet, Canta. (sakkou'la, sakkou'li)
saramallagi: scrap, junc, out of use. hurda, iSe yaramaz, eskimiS. (..?)
sarga: besom (a broom made with dry bushes). CalI sUpUrgesi. (sarka')
sbano: beardless. kOse; sakalI CIkmayan kiSi. (spavo's)
sekko: dead-fallen (hunted bird or hare). OlU dUSmUS (avlanmIS kuS veya tavSan). (..?)
sella: saddle (bicycle). sele, oturak (bisiklet). (se'lla)
siga: wasp. eSekarIsI. (sfi'ka)
siga siga: slowly, quietly, calmly. yavaS yavaS, sesizce, sakince. (siga' siga')
siribilla: chicken excrement. tavuk dISkIsI. (..?)
sketto: simple, mere (for coffee, food, etc.). sade (kahve, yiyecek, vb.). (..?)
solina: water pipe. su borusu. (swln'v)
stekka: billiard stick. bilardo sopasI. (..?)
stokko: paste for fixing glass on a window frame. camI pencere CerCevesine tutturmakta kullanIlan macun. (..?)
Siro: a bulldozer-like vehicle with mechanical ladles. mekanik kepCeli, buldozere benzer bir araC. (..?)
Sillo: dog. kOpek. (sku'llos)
tumba: 1. to be overturned. 2. to collide. 1. devrilmek. 2. CarpISmak, tokuSmak. (... tou'mpavov: drum)
valvid: valve (car or bicycle tyre). valf, subap (araba veya bisiklet lastiGi). (balBi's)
verigo: a kind of grape with aromatic, round-shaped, large grains. yuvarlak ve iri taneli, kokulu bir cins
UzUm. (... Beru'koko: apricot; probably a simulation is made because of the shape and largeness of the grapes)
virra: an exclamation against excess waste of something (money, water, etc.). savurgan davranIS karSIsInda sOylenen sOz. (fu'ra)
vitsa: little and thin stick, twig. kUCUk ve ince deGnek, CIrpI. (Bi'tsa)
yerimo: (I couldn't find the meaning but it is not used for bad purposes; as long as I remember, it is a joke word) (..?)
yero: old (man). yaSlI (adam). (ge'rwv)
yiro: tour, to turn round. tur, tur atmak. (gu'rw, gu'ros)
ziligurti: a remark meaning "shut up!". "Ceneni kapa!" anlamInda bir sOz. (..?)
zivaniya: a Cyprus originated hard drink (made with grapes). KIbrIs'a has, UzUmden yapIlan sert bir iCki. (..?)
zuk: a zivaniya-like (see "zivaniya") hard drink of Cyprus. zivaniyaya (bkz. "zivaniya") benzer sert bir KIbrIs iCkisi. (..?)