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Postby zan » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:32 pm

A poem I wrote and posted on another Forum a while back but I would like to dedicate it to you because you are an expert in Kibrisca


Gancellinin yaninda

Salkar uzum dalinda

Benda drapez ustunde

Uzun vitsa elimde

Vira vurup keserim

Sigalari ezerim

Annem, sarga elinde

Saggulada belinde

Gurrada isci gibi

Toplar butun uzumleri

Bizim sillo kolgede

Bakar guno yuzume

Isbahoda boynunda

Yatar bagli barraya

Guli gezer ortada

Yero babbam yaninda

Bendo disli guluyor

Bavuriyi devirip

Zivaniya iciyor

If the GCs want it translated you can do it
:lol: :lol:
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Postby T_C » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:34 am


Zan that was fabulous...I loved it!!!!!

Thanks gardash!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Postby zan » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:36 am

T_C wrote:YES BE!

Zan that was fabulous...I loved it!!!!!

Thanks gardash!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Benden sana gardasim. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby T_C » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:38 am

Elciklerine saglik! :D :lol:
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Re: For T_C

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:38 am

zan wrote:A poem I wrote and posted on another Forum a while back but I would like to dedicate it to you because you are an expert in Kibrisca


How come I don't ever get a poem? :( :cry: Image
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Re: For T_C

Postby T_C » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:44 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:A poem I wrote and posted on another Forum a while back but I would like to dedicate it to you because you are an expert in Kibrisca


How come I don't ever get a poem? :( :cry: Image

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Re: For T_C

Postby karma » Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:05 am

zan wrote:A poem I wrote and posted on another Forum a while back but I would like to dedicate it to you because you are an expert in Kibrisca


Gancellinin yaninda

Salkar uzum dalinda

Benda drapez ustunde

Uzun vitsa elimde

Vira vurup keserim

Sigalari ezerim

Annem, sarga elinde

Saggulada belinde

Gurrada isci gibi

Toplar butun uzumleri

Bizim sillo kolgede

Bakar guno yuzume

Isbahoda boynunda

Yatar bagli barraya

Guli gezer ortada

Yero babbam yaninda

Bendo disli guluyor

Bavuriyi devirip

Zivaniya iciyor

If the GCs want it translated you can do it
:lol: :lol:

:shock: :shock:

what is this language?? which family is that?? Indo_European or Ural_Altay ?? :?
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Postby zan » Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:11 am

I have not got a clue but it is a mixture of all the different regions Turkish/Gree/French etc... in Cyprus as far as I know.....Influences from all the different sects of the world that ventured onto the island.....Aren't you an expert on this.... :wink:
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Re: For T_C

Postby halil » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:55 am

karma wrote:
zan wrote:A poem I wrote and posted on another Forum a while back but I would like to dedicate it to you because you are an expert in Kibrisca


Gancellinin yaninda

Salkar uzum dalinda

Benda drapez ustunde

Uzun vitsa elimde

Vira vurup keserim

Sigalari ezerim

Annem, sarga elinde

Saggulada belinde

Gurrada isci gibi

Toplar butun uzumleri

Bizim sillo kolgede

Bakar guno yuzume

Isbahoda boynunda

Yatar bagli barraya

Guli gezer ortada

Yero babbam yaninda

Bendo disli guluyor

Bavuriyi devirip

Zivaniya iciyor

If the GCs want it translated you can do it
:lol: :lol:

:shock: :shock:

what is this language?? which family is that?? Indo_European or Ural_Altay ?? :?

These words are used by Turkish Cypriots called KIBRISLICA .
sorry it is a long list. but it will be useful document. if u are intersenting with it u must buy the book published by BENER HAKKARİ.

(Aşağıdaki bilgileri bize ulaştıran Özgür Lokumcu' ya katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz.)

agsona: axle. dingil. (a3o'vi)
ahreddi: spinner; tool for spinning wool into thread. kirmen, yün eğirmeye yarayan bir alet. (..?)
alina: turkey. hindi. (..?)
alizavra: a kind of small lizard. bir tUr kucuk kertenkele. (kwlizau'ra)
andrez: tic-tac-toc, a game played with stones. taslarla oynanan bir tur oyun. (..?)
angoni: grandchild. torun. (eggovn', e'ggovos)
anihdar: key. anahtar.
T/C's which originates from the Greek word "anihdo" (to open). Note that the word "kilit" (lock) in Turkish originates from the
Greek word "klido" (to close, to lock) ) (avoiktn'ri)
argaci: small irrigation canal. kucuk su yolu. (...ardeu'tns: irrigator)
ariya: auger, gimlet. matkap. (ari'da)
arsenofiligo: a person (or animal) who bears both male and female sexual organs. hem erkek, hem disi cinslik
organlarIna sahip olan kisi (veya hayvan). (arsevofi'likos)
asvalya: fuse. sigorta. (asfa'leia)
ayrelli: asparagus. kuskonmaz. (agre'lli)
babavura: ladybird (insect). ugur bocegi. (..?)
babutsa: a kind of large cactus and its thorny-skinned yellow fruit. mısır inciri, diken inciri. (..?)
balligarya (balligari): tough guy. kabadayı. (pallika'ria)
banayiamu: a "help" exclamation. bir "imdat" haykırısı. (Pavayi'amou)
bandabuliya: market-place (fruits, vegetables). sebze-meyve pazarI. (pavtopwle'iov)
bandofla: slippers. terlik. (pavtou'fla)
bango: workbench. tezgah. (mpa'vgkos)
bano: onto, over, above. (mostly used by hunters as "banossu" (over you) to warn
another hunter that a bird is flying towards him or over his had). Uzerinde,yukarIsInda. (pa'vw)
banya: a pre-determined route of a group of hunters (mostly all on a line with some distance apart).
grup halindeki avcIlarIn Onceden belirlediGi rota (CoGu zaman bir Cizgi halinde, aralIklI olarak). (..?)
barabono: complaint. Sikayet. (para'povov)
barabonti: cheater, swindler. UCkaGItCI, dolandIrIcI. (...parapoiw': to falsify, to forge)
barbadusa: a small vehicle with wheels for 1 year old babies to help them walk. 1 yaS CocuklarInIn
yUrUmeyi OGrenmede kullandIklarI tekerlekli kUCUk bir araC. (..?)
barra: 1. wooden post. 2. a remark to repel, to drive away somebody. 1. tahta direk. 2.
birini defetmek iCin kullanIlan sOz. (..?)
basadembo: salted pumpkin seed. tuzlu kabak CekirdeGi. (..?)
basdiS: cookie. kurabiye. (pasti'tso)
batsali: a kind of poisonous snake. bir tUr zehirli yIlan. (..?)
bavuri: tin waterbottle, flask. matara, kUCUk bidon. (pagou'ri)
belo: stupid, mad. aptal, deli. (beloSillo: bulldog. buldog.) (be'llos)
bendo: Ottoman gold (women's particle); "bendo" point out "5-together". "beSibiryerde" de denen OsmanlI altInI. (pevto's)
betsi: flat sponge, serviette, table napkin. yassI sUnger veya emici bez. (petse'ta)
beytambal: (I couldn't find the exact meaning but it may be something like "inheritance"; the word is used
by someone when he/she gets angry with one of his/her possessions). (miras?..) (..?)
bidda: pastry. bOrek. (pn'tta)
biddaga: flat and wide. basIk, yayvan. (... piata'ki: small plate, saucer)
bigatsa: woodcock. Culluk. (mpeka'tsa)
bigla: a type of sweet mixed pickles in a yellowish fluid. sarImsI bir sIvI iCinde tutulan karISIk, tatlI bir tUr turSu. (pi'kles)
bodiri: 1. small and thin glass for drinks. 2. short (person). 1. kUCUk ve ince iCki bardaGI. 2. kIsa boylu (kiSi). (potn'ri)
bondoboksi: short (person). kIsa boylu kimse. (..?)
bulla: 1. oval (or non-spherical). 2. small village bread with olives in it. 1. oval (veya kUresel olmayan). 2. zeytinli kUCUk kOy ekmeGi. (..?)
bulli: young chicken. piliC. (pouli')
bullodo: non-spherical. kUresel olmayan. (..?)
bumburiya: a ladybird-like insect. uGur bOceGini andIran bir bOcek. (mpou'rmpoulas)
cigla: thrush (bird). ardICkuSu. (tzu'kla)
cilindiro: roller. silindir (araC). (ku'livdros)
cira: Greek lady. Rum hanImefendi. (kuri'a, kura')
cizro(ziziro): cicada. aGustosbOceGi. (zn'zikas)
CakIsdez: Cyprus originated cracked and salted green olives.KIbrIs'a OzgU CatlatIlIp tuzlanmIS yeSil zeytin. (... tsaki'zw: to break)
della: cello-tape (mostly thick and coloured). seloteyp (genelde kalIn ve renkli). (... korde'la: ribbon, band, tape)
dibedizo: 1. watering tank. 2. deposit. 1. sulama deposu. 2. kapora. (... poti'zw: to water (animals, plants, etc.), to irrigate)
diCCi: a pulya-like (see "pulya") small, orange-grey coloured bird. pulyaya (bkz. "pulya") benzer, kUCUk, turuncu-gri bir kuS. (..?)
drabez: table. masa. (trape'zi)
dirifil: trefoil (probably took its name because of its three-leaf shape: "three-foliage"; foliage:leaf). yonca. (tri'fullov)
dirizma: a special knife used by shoemakers and leather-workers. ayakkabIcI ve dericilerin kullandIGI Ozel bir bICak. (..?)
ditsi: very thin. Cok zayIf. (..?)
ditsiro: 1. naked. 2. very poor. 1. CIplak. 2. Cok fakir. (..?)
dodo: stupid, idiot. aptal, ahmak. (..?)
etsi: pretty well, correct. Cok iyi, doGru. (e'tsi, e'tsiki)
egonomiya: economy, saving. iktisat, tasarruf. (oikovomi'a)
fago: 1. car headlight. 2. lens. 1. araba farI. 2. mercek. (fako's)
fanella: pullover, jersey. fanila, ince kazak. (fave'lla)
farsetta: a special knife for cutting leather. deri kesmede kullanIlan Ozel bir bICak. (..?)
fasariya: 1. empty work or talk. 2. confusion. 1. boS, yararsIz iS veya sOz. 2. kargaSalIk. (fasari'a)
fassa: a pigeon-like game-bird. gUvercine benzer bir av kuSu. (fa'ssa)
fortigo: large lorry. bUyUk kamyon. (... forti'ov: load, cargo)
furahdi: a field near the owners house, surrounded by a fence. sahibinin evi yanInda bulunan, etrafI
Citle CevrilmiS tarla. (...fra'gma: enclosure)
furami: the fence surrounding a furahdi (see "furahdi). furahdiyi (bkz. "furahdi") Cevreleyen Cit. (fragmo's)
gabbar: caper; a dark green coloured plant which is used to prepar pickles. turSusu kurulan
koyu yeSil renkli bir bitki. (kappa'ris)
gabbella: hat. Sapka. (kape'llo)
gabira: toasted bread (mostly margarine or butter melted on it). kIzarmIS ve genelde
margarin veya tereyaG sUrUlmUS ekmek. (kapu'ra)
gaCCeSiro: hedgehog. kirpi. (akav0o'xoiros)
gafgalla: stony, hard soil. taSlI, sert toprak. (... kau'kalov: crust)
gafgalya: dry bread. kuru ekmek. (... kau'kalov: crust)
gafgarId: wild artichoke. yabani enginar. (... kau'kalov: skull)
galif: scratcy hut. derme-Catma kulUbe, baraka. (kaln'Bn)
galliga: blacksmith. nalbant. (xalkeu's)
gambana: gong, bell. Can. (kampa'va)
gamaSa: stupid. aptal. (..?)
gamilo: camel. deve. (ka'mnlos)
gamini: 1. kiln (oven for bricks), furnace. 2. chimney. 1. tuGla fIrInI. 2. baca. (kami'vi, kamiva'da)
ganara: rough, bold fellow. kaba, gUClU adam, kabadayI. (..?)
gancelli: fence gate. Cit kapIsI. (kagke'lli)
gannav: hemp. kenevir. (kavva'Bis)
gannavuri: 1. Indian hemp (raw material of hashish). 2. hashish. 1.Hintkeneviri (esrar hammaddesi). 2. esrar. (... kavva'Bis: hemp)
garacoCCo: black cumin (used on breads, etc. to make it aromatic). COreotu (ekmek vs.nin Uzerinde koku vermek iCin kullanIlIr). (..?)
garagatsa: magpie (bird). saksaGan. (karaka'3a)
garavolli: snail. salyangoz. (kara'olos)
garnabba: fat, obese. SiSman, SiSko. (..?)
garudsa: phaeton, horse-drawn carrier. fayton, at arabasI. (karo'tsa)
gatsavida (gaCCavida): screw-driver. tornavida. (katsaBi'di)
gavro: 1. crab. 2. wrench. 1. yengeC. 2. kIskaC biCiminde bir tUr ingiliz anahtarI. (ka'Bouras)
giksi: falcon, hawk. Sahin, atmaca. (..?)
goCCino(goCCini): red (usually used for a red-haired person). kIrmIzI (genelde kIzIl saClIlar iCin kullanIlIr). (ko'kkivos)
gologas: a plant which has large leaves and an eatable (after cooking) root. bUyUk yapraklI, kOkU piSirilip yenen bir bitki. (koloka'si)
golimba: pond, puddle. su birikintisi, gOlcUk. (..?)
golla: glue. tutkal. (ko'lla)
gollifa: boiled wheat mixed with sesame, almond, dried grapes and pomegranate seeds. susam, badem,
kuruUzUm ve nartaneleriyle karIStIrIlmIS haSlanmIS buGday. (ko'lluBa)
golyandro: coriander (its seeds mostly used with CakIsdez (see"CakIsdez") to make it aromatic). gUzel
kokulu tohumlarI olan bir bitki. (tohumlarI genelde koku vermek iCin CakIsdez (bkz."CakIsdez") Uzerinde kullanIlIr). (kolia'vdrov)
gonga: a game played with playing cards. konken; iskambil kaGIdIyla oynanan bir oyun. (..?)
gonnara: eatable fruit of a thorny-branched plant (see "pallura"). dikenli bir bitkinin (bkz."pallura") yenebilen meyvesi. (..?)
gonno: clayey soil. killi toprak. (..?)
gossifo: blackbird (called black-cigla (see "cigla") by T/C's). karatavuk (KIbrIs'ta kara-cigla (bkz. "cigla") denir). (ko'ssufos)
guduru: 1. at a venture, random, by chance. 2. hazardous act. 1. Sansla, rasgele. 2. zarar verici hareket. (koutourou', koutoura'da)
guello: stupid, idiot. aptal, ahmak. (..?)
guli: puppy. kOpek yavrusu, enik. (koulou'ki)
gulluri: roll, French roll. tekerlek biCiminde kUCUk COrek. (koullou'ri)
gulumbra: a kind of knob-headed cabbage. cehennemtopuzu da denen bir lahana tUrU. (..?)
gulurutkya: a sweet food made with paste (flour) and grape molasses. zUlbiye; pekmezle yapIlan bir tUr hamur tatlIsI.
(...koullou'ri: roll, French roll)
gumandarya: kind of old (sweet) wine of Cyprus. eski (tatlI) bir KIbrIs SarabI cinsi. (koumavdari'a)
gumbaro: good friend (male) . iyi dost (erkek). (koumpa'ros)
gunna: roasted peanuts. kavrulmuS fIstIkiCi. (..?)
gunni: short (in length) or small. kIsa veya kUCUk. (..?)
guno: stupid. aptal. (... kou'vos: pine-cone)
gurkuda (garkuda): large wall lizard. bUyUk duvar kertenkelesi. (..?)
gurrada: 1. old, weak. 2. old-fashioned. 1. eski, dayanIksIz. 2. modasI geCmiS. (..?)
gusbo: pickaxe. kazma. (..?)
guvari: ball of thread. iplik yumaGI. (kouBa'ri)
hamadalla: stupid. aptal. (..?) hamaylo: chameleon. bukalemun. (xamaile'wv)
hanay: upper story of a 2-storied house. 2 katlI evin Ust katI. (..?)
haranga: large (area). geniS (alan). (..?)
hasgonda: a rude remark meaning "shut up!". "Ceneni kapa!" anlamInda kaba bir sOz. (..?)
havara: limestone. kireCtaSI. (..?)
hollo: 1. ghost. 2. idiot. 1. hayalet. 2. ahmak. (... xwlo's: lame, a person who is unable to walk and/or talk properly)
IsladIr: pachsaddle. semer. (..?)
Isbasdra: 1. playing cards. 2. a game played with playing cards. 1. iskambil kaGIdI. 2. iskambil. (..?)
isbaho: thin rope. ince ip. (spa'ggos)
isbirto: 1. matches. 2. alcohol. 1. kibrit. 2. alkol. (spi'rtov)
isdavroz: cross. haC. (stauro's)
kerata: shoehorn. ayakkabI CekeceGi. (... ke'rato: horn)
lamarina: sheet metal. metal sac. (lamari'va)
lamincana: demijohn. damacana. (..?)
lapsana: a wild, yellow-flowered, eatable plant. sarI CiCekli, yenebilen bir yabani ot. (..?)
lasan: seedling. fide. (..?)
lera: dirt, filth. kir, pasak. (le'ra)
letsa: fat, grease. yaG. (..?)
libazma: fertilizer (artificial). gUbre (yapay). (li'pasma)
liggo: hollow, pit. delik, kUCUk Cukur. (la'kkos)
lingiri: tipcat (a game played by children). Celik-Comak. (..?)
liveri: a tool used by builders for digging and leverage. yapIcIlarIn kazma ve kaldIraC olarak kullandIklarI bir alet. (liBe'ri)
loddo: big, fat (person). bUyUk, SiSman (kiSi). (..?)
lollo: stupid, fool. aptal, deli. (lolo's)
luvana: a type of pea with eatable leaves (French bean). yapraklarI yenebilen bir bezelye tUrU. (lou'Bi)
lux: gas lantern. gazlI ISIldak. (..?)
ma: by the way... (a start for a question). bu arada... (soruya baSlangIC sOzU). (ma')
manamu: poor, miserable!.. (pity word). zavallI, ah yavrum!.. (acIma sOzU). (ma'vvamou)
mandIra: enclosed sheepfold. UstU kapalI aGIl. (ma'vdra)
mangos: furious, raging. azgIn, hiddetli. (maviako's)
manullamu: exclamation used by an astonished person. SaSIrma Unlemi. (mavou'lamou)
marCuana: a kind of yellow-coloured bee. sarI renkli bir tUr arI. (..?)
marmaragi: marble. mermer. (ma'rmaro)
mavrobullo: starling; a white-dotted black bird. sIGIrcIk; beyaz benekli siyah bir kuS. (mauropou'li)
melada: lightly boiled (egg). az haSlanmIS (yumurta). (mela'tov)
mezdeki: gum mastic. sakIz, CamsakIzI, mastika. (masti'xa)
mikSa: a tree whose fruits are used to make birdlime. meyvelerinden Okse yapIlan bir aGaC. (..?)
misdri: trowel. mala. (mustri')
miSaro: small wall lizard (usually indoor). kUCUk duvar kertenkelesi (genelde ev iCinde). (..?)
monobadi: footpath. keCiyolu, patika. (movopa'ti)
mucendra: pilaff made with rice and green lentils. yeSil mercimekli pirinC pilavI. (..?)
murro: idiot, moron. ahmak, geri zekalI. (mourw's)
na: here is, there is!.. iSte, iSte burada!.. (va')
ohdo: 1. field barrier. 2. protuberance. 3. thicket. 1. set, tarla sInIrI. 2.tUmsek. 3.CalIlIk. (o'x0os)
pallura: a wild, short, thorny, bush-like plant with eatable fruits (see "gonnara"). meyvesi (bkz. gonnara)
yenebilen, kIsa boylu, dikenli, CalIya benzer yabani bir aGaC. (..?)
pasdelli: pie (dry) made of honey and sesame. susamlI, ballI bir kuru tatlI. (paste'lli)
patariya: 1. battery. 2. car's accumulator. 1. pil. 2. araba akUsU. (mpatari'a)
penna: pen. tUkenmez kalem. (pe'vva)
perisgan: 1. jar. 2. a kind of soda in the form of powder (mixed with water before drinking). 1. kavanoz.
2. suyla karIStIrIlIp iCilen sodalI toz. (peristia'vi)
pilavuna: a kind of pastry containing cheese and dry sultana grapes. bir tUr peynirli ve kuruUzUmlU bOrek. (..?)
pirilli: marbles. misket, bilye. (..?)
pirohu: a dish made with patties. tatar bOreGi. (..?)
piron: fork. Catal. (pnrou'vi)
pisgot: biscuits. biskUvi. (pisko'tto)
pulya: a small, fatty, migratory bird (eaten by some Cypriots). baGkuSu; kUCUk, yaGlI bir gOCmen kuS. (ampeli'poulia)
re: hallo!.. you there!.. sen!.. bee!.. oradaki!.. (Bre')
ruso: blond. sarISIn. (... xruso's, xrusw': gold, to gild)
saggo: jacket, overcoat. ceket, palto. (sa'kkos)
saggulla (sakulli): pouch, bag. poSet, Canta. (sakkou'la, sakkou'li)
saramallagi: scrap, junc, out of use. hurda, iSe yaramaz, eskimiS. (..?)
sarga: besom (a broom made with dry bushes). CalI sUpUrgesi. (sarka')
sbano: beardless. kOse; sakalI CIkmayan kiSi. (spavo's)
sekko: dead-fallen (hunted bird or hare). OlU dUSmUS (avlanmIS kuS veya tavSan). (..?)
sella: saddle (bicycle). sele, oturak (bisiklet). (se'lla)
siga: wasp. eSekarIsI. (sfi'ka)
siga siga: slowly, quietly, calmly. yavaS yavaS, sesizce, sakince. (siga' siga')
siribilla: chicken excrement. tavuk dISkIsI. (..?)
sketto: simple, mere (for coffee, food, etc.). sade (kahve, yiyecek, vb.). (..?)
solina: water pipe. su borusu. (swln'v)
stekka: billiard stick. bilardo sopasI. (..?)
stokko: paste for fixing glass on a window frame. camI pencere CerCevesine tutturmakta kullanIlan macun. (..?)
Siro: a bulldozer-like vehicle with mechanical ladles. mekanik kepCeli, buldozere benzer bir araC. (..?)
Sillo: dog. kOpek. (sku'llos)
tumba: 1. to be overturned. 2. to collide. 1. devrilmek. 2. CarpISmak, tokuSmak. (... tou'mpavov: drum)
valvid: valve (car or bicycle tyre). valf, subap (araba veya bisiklet lastiGi). (balBi's)
verigo: a kind of grape with aromatic, round-shaped, large grains. yuvarlak ve iri taneli, kokulu bir cins
UzUm. (... Beru'koko: apricot; probably a simulation is made because of the shape and largeness of the grapes)
virra: an exclamation against excess waste of something (money, water, etc.). savurgan davranIS karSIsInda sOylenen sOz. (fu'ra)
vitsa: little and thin stick, twig. kUCUk ve ince deGnek, CIrpI. (Bi'tsa)
yerimo: (I couldn't find the meaning but it is not used for bad purposes; as long as I remember, it is a joke word) (..?)
yero: old (man). yaSlI (adam). (ge'rwv)
yiro: tour, to turn round. tur, tur atmak. (gu'rw, gu'ros)
ziligurti: a remark meaning "shut up!". "Ceneni kapa!" anlamInda bir sOz. (..?)
zivaniya: a Cyprus originated hard drink (made with grapes). KIbrIs'a has, UzUmden yapIlan sert bir iCki. (..?)
zuk: a zivaniya-like (see "zivaniya") hard drink of Cyprus. zivaniyaya (bkz. "zivaniya") benzer sert bir KIbrIs iCkisi. (..?)
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:31 am

T_C wrote:Elciklerine saglik! :D :lol:

Ilaveten, diline kuvvet ve de 'keyboard'una uzun omurler. :lol: :lol:

Lovely poem. Anymore coming. These will translate well.
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