denizaksulu wrote:GorillaGal wrote:my mother died of emphesma at 59 years old because she kept smoking.
i had lung surgery 3 years ago, the doctors want to claim was on my prior smoking habits (i smoked for about 15 years total, quit about 17 years ago.)
let me tell you from experience, neither the emphesma mom had, or the lung surgery i had was nice, fun, or cool.
DON'T SMOKE ANYWHERE NEAR ME, I WANT TO LIVE, and i certainly don't want to die of any lung disease.
I second that GG. I lost my mom at 45 yrs of age. A bit too young wouldnt you say. I remember going to the shops as a kid buying her fags. to think that I gave her the tools of her suicide!
thank you for calling it a suicide, because that is always what i thought it was.