Eric dayi wrote:So you GCs think that America is going to leave a country they have been in for such a long time and put up camp in an unfriendly and uncertain country like Iraq or Afghanistan do you?

They are already there.
Eric dayi wrote:Ok, answer these questions?
How long has the USA been in Iraq and Afghanistan?
How close are they to winning the war in either county?
For years and the general consensus is that to withdraw before the job is done will be a failure, destabilising the countries and presenting enormous risks to the USA. It will be a long haul and even if the US makes troop withdrawals, it will not do so without ensuring Iraq's own troops can fill the void. The US will almost certainly not make a complete withdrawal - they will keep their bases there.
Eric dayi wrote:Will they be able to afford the costs of war in both countries and attack Iran as well and for how long can they keep it up?
That depends on the extent of the threat theat Iran presents the USA. There is no greater threat to the USA than Iran's ability to launch nuclear missiles or to sell nuclear supplies to anti-American groups such as terrorist organisations.
Eric dayi wrote:How long before the Kurds have had enough of the USA dictating to them what, where, when and for how much to sell their oil before they turn the guns supplied by the USA on the USA itself?
Well, Kurds have been campaigning for recognition of their ethnic identity, their human rights and a territory under their own jurisdiction. If they get this, then they'll be happy. After 500 years of usurping these rights from the Kurds, Turkey has failed to return them.
Eric dayi wrote:Will the next USA President be a warmonger like GW Bush?
If he is a Democrat then he is likely to be more sympathetic towards abused minorities like the Kurdish civilians and Greek Cypriots.
If he is a Republican, he is more likely to step up the military offensive in the Middle East.
Eric dayi wrote:We all know what happened to the USA in Vietnam, so what's the chances that the same will happen in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran?
There's no comparison. That's why it didnt happen until now. The USA succeeded in the initial military operation which was to dismantle the Iraqi government and military and replace it. Vietnam was all about jungle warfare, today its all about technology.
Eric dayi wrote:Let's not forget that Iraq was an easy target because the Iraqi people were divided but the Iranians aren't.
The German's werent a divided nation in 1944/45 but the USA got involved because of the extent of the threat.
Eric dayi wrote:Do you think that Russia will just stand by and watch the USA get nearer and nearer to it's (Russias) borders?
Maybe not but that doesnt mean the USA will not take action of some kind. Anyway, like I said before, its not only Iran which can open up access to Iraq, there is already Kuwait and there can be also Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (not now but maybe in the future)....
Welcome to the beginning of a nightmare......