Get Real! wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Get Real! wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote:No Turkey wouldnt have to be accountable,yet it is saying sorry and regretting past actions of your anceastors.
Do I understand you correctly? You want Turkey to say sorry for what the Ottomans did to your ancestors. Cant be this easy must be a catch somewhere, do you want half of Turkey??? We gave you 12 points at the last Eurovision song contest isnt that enough???
It was as recent as 1923 that the Ottoman army was abolished and the Turkish republic established so get your facts right and stop assuming that the Ottomans were from the distant past!
Not that it makes a difference to your argument, there was no Ottoman Army after Sevres', when the Ottoman Army was demobilised and disarmed. This in itself caused lots of lawlessness in te 'dissected' Turkish heartland.
More relevant to the issue though is that having lost in WWI the Ottomans needed “restructuring” so the Turkish republic was proclaimed. They were EXACTLY the same people and the only thing being different was their new name.
Kemal Atatürk was the father of the Ottomans BEFORE being called the father of the Turks.
Any notion that modern Turkey is NOT responsible for Ottoman atrocities is UTTER IRRESPONSIBLE RUBBISH!
GR, I am afraid you have a lot to learn about Turkish Nationalism and the disposal of the idea of 'Ottomanism'. Those Military people (Ittihak ve Terraki Partisi Union and Progress Party) (the triumvirate of Enver, Talat and Djemal) responsible for the defeat and the entry of the Ottoman Empire in to the war were hunted down and executed. Your above statement is a bit far fetched. Since you always ask for proof for statements, we are awaiting.
Kemal Ataturk was sentenced to death for rising against the Istanbul goverment (instigated by Churchill and his lot).
As you say, "do your own research", but dont be too selective this time.
Without getting into the details of Turkish internal upheaval of the time because it’s not really necessary to answer the question at hand, do you deny that modern Turkey is responsible for past Ottoman actions?
So you are telling me that Cyprus was captured from the Venetians in 1571 (the year you were... oh yes conveying fine messages ) by the The Republic of Turkey? You would have been awarded a giant koullourika (zero?) if you answered yes to that.