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electrician needed

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Postby EasyE » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:04 pm

skycop wrote:Firstly I am not the one that put that site together so how would you be helping me out.... why dont you email the site and ask them if they require your assistance, them you can inform them that the sign needs as you say, bringing into the 21st century... Which i might add is pretty arrogant! you might wanna look at yourself cause your not the best advertisment for any business... are you?

:roll: :roll:
Arrogant? I just know a crappy looking website when I see one thats all. It looks as if it was done by a 83 year old drunk on Cider!

I look at myself everyday, and what a handsome man I am :lol:
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Postby skycop » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:08 pm

is that whilst furiously
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Postby EasyE » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:22 pm

skycop wrote:is that whilst furiously

You should know about that, being a cop! :lol:
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Postby skycop » Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:39 am

i'll let you have that
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Re: im a electrician

Postby 123456 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:29 pm

craig wrote:im both an electrician and english i live in limassol
you can call me craig on 967 47 617 regards

For those who are interested in a customer's experience of the above service being offered:

I rang this number with a request for someone to come and quote for the following tasks:

1.Remove four a/c units from a house I was leaving
2.Connect a double phone socket from the main house of the new property I was moving into down to an office on the lower level of the garden.
3.Connect satellite dish on roof of office to main house and to the office underneath by means of two pairs of leads (for Sky+)

What I got was a Slovenian man called Leon and his young assistant who:

1. Ripped out the A/C units so badly that one of them ended up with a cracked fascia but, worse, all four of them were removed incorrectly resulting in them losing ALL the gas in the compressor units so that when I got an actual A/C professional to install them in the new place it cost me 60 quid PER UNIT for the gassing alone.

2. Ran a four wire cable (2 pairs, one of which was wired incorrectly) from the house to the office but neglected to tell me that the interior wiring in the house was a single three wire which meant that the second line (which Cyta had yet to activate) would never actually work when they switched it on.

3. Consistently arrived hours late for the job. Took an unbelievable amount of time to get anything done and, when pulled up on the fact that he was trying to cut corners by connecting the sky cable to an existing cable instead of a proper point to point connection, claimed it didn't matter. Replaced first gashed cable with another thinner cable that, when finally connected to the sky digibox didn't actually work because it was low grade coax. When told that he should have used the proper 75ohm cable he then claimed he would have to charge me another fifty quid on top of the 200 quid he wanted for the job.

Having stated that I was only prepared to pay him 30 quid extra for the replacement cable (don't forget it was his mistake in the first place) just to get the job done, he stormed off in a huff and I was left having to explain to Craig what was going on.

After much nonsense, Craig stated that he would provide the correct satellite cable and as long as I was still willing to pay Leon the extra 30 quid then he would be back the following weekend to complete the job.

Guess what? Leon never came. Craig "claimed" he could not contact him.

Me and my wife spent the next few days buying the cable (it turned out to cost a mere 8 pounds per 100m reel for the proper 75ohm cable), fitting it and correcting all the wiring mistakes in the telephone cable as well as pulling through new four wire cable in the main house (something he should have done only he was obviously hoping to simply get paid and leave before cyta activated the second line)

The mistake I made was that I, rather generously, had paid him 100pounds (half the price of the quote) on the first day (night actually as he turned up three hours late) in good will and would settle the balance when he came to complete the job a few days later.

No wonder he threw a fit when I refused to pay him the rest until he had completed the job properly. Although I wasn't too impressed with the clumsily veiled threats he made as he drove away. Still, my Rottweiler and German Shep are always roaming the grounds in case he chooses to come back.

After realising that I was going to be out of pocket to the tune of 100quid plus 240quid for the A/c gas I telephoned Craig and offered him the right to reply before I proceeded to inform you all of what had happened.

I simply asked for a refund of the 100quid, never mind the 240 his cowboys had cost me with their botched a/c removal.

His response "It's nothing to do with me, I'm not using him any more", "I sell 700,000 pound houses, I don't need a twenty quid cut (it was forty actually craig) of this guy's job, I simply pass the client to him".

etc. etc. etc.

So, considering that Craig claims to not be using Leon's services anymore then he won't mind me describing him to other users.

Leon is an average looking guy, nothing particularly noticeable about him apart from a huge burn scar running down each side of his head and neck.

There you go. You decide if you want to use this service, I am merely reporting my personal experience.
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