denizaksulu wrote:First I am not a lawyer. My partner went through exactly (as far as I see) the same situation. If there are underage children about, who are in the care of the mother, the father (chief earner) has to provide for their upkeep and home.
In this case its too late for a pre-nuptual. If you are a 'legal' person in the UK, I will bow to your opinion/advice. As I said, that was quick advice, I prepared him for the worse scenario, if the law has since changed (or the conditions) then its a blessing for the gentleman involved.
Regads bowing wanted.
Knowing that you posted a worst-case scenario makes much more sense. The case you stated is definitely reasonable as a worst-case.
My only experience with divorce is a friend who married a moron. Both their lawyers made them stay in their house until they sold it because if one left, the other could claim abandonment. I'm just going on a gut feel here and it seems fair that the mortgage should be split between him and his ex. My comments regarding prenups weren't intended for this case.
Either way, I agree with you - providing for the children is the right thing to do. Even better, he could try and fix the things that led to the present situation and try to work things out before seeking more permanent legal arrangements.
Hope you're well...